“This guy, got stronger?!”

Huang Se looked at the Vulcan who returned to defense with Kuroko, but it was just the beginning of the game, but he had already surprised him continuously.

Although the current Vulcan is still far from being comparable to himself, but it has only been a few days to see obvious progress in the Vulcan, how not to surprise Huangse?

If Huangse knew that the special training arranged by the stone god for the fire god was just ordinary basic skill training, maybe he would directly doubt life.


Yukio Kasamatsu, who took the serve, suddenly hammered Huangse’s head with his fist, and the backwardness of the first goal and Huangse’s stunned spot after being scored made him a little uncontrollable.

“Be serious with me! Watch out for me beating you! ”

“But you’ve already done it…”

Huang Se touched the back of his head and smiled a little mechanically.


Yukio Kasamatsu gave the ball to Huangse early in the backfield and said in a senior-like tone, “Now, go and win the ball back for me!” ”

“No problem!”

Huangse quickly advanced through the half with the ball, facing Koganai’s staring defense, he didn’t slow down his pace in the slightest, with his speed, how could Koganai keep up?

With a fake real shaking, he easily deceived Koganai’s position, and once again accelerated to break through to the inner line, but the two floating Vulcan and Rin Nosuke on the 190 level line had been waiting for a long time.

“Don’t try to score from me again!”

Vulcan clenched his teeth and focused all his attention on the oncoming Huangse, he didn’t want to be distracted by Huangse’s actions like a fool last time.

Huang Se held the ball straight to the basket, and then faced the Vulcan, but jumped directly sideways in the inner circle, and the whole person drifted rapidly in the air.

Mistakenly thought that Huangse was going to forcibly break through the Vulcan who hit the basket, but he didn’t expect Huangse to jump directly, although the distance between the two was not more than one meter, but the Vulcan who reacted slightly slower was equivalent to letting go and let Huangse shoot.


Huangse, who was completely undisturbed by the shooting in a beautiful hollow drop bag, won the first ball that belonged to Kaizune!



Vulcan was a little annoyed, although most of the responsibility for losing the ball lay with Kokanei, who was opposite Huangse, but Vulcan knew very well that Huangse’s personal ability was too much ahead of all of them, and he couldn’t prevent his unpredictable offensive line!

The goal scored by each side seemed to symbolize the full start of the war, and when Hinata Junpei once again took the ball to Kaijo’s half, everyone became extremely active.

Intense physical contact, inseparable close watching, and Kaizune’s entire iron barrel-like defensive intensity made Hinata’s organization not so smooth.

Seeing that he was about to be caught by a double bag, Hinata was still at the top of the three-point arc, but he didn’t look at it and directly looked at the side position and passed straight out.

“This guy made a mistake!”

Yukio Kasamatsu, who is a member of Hinata, knows very well that there are no Makoto players in the direction of Hinata’s pass, and he thinks that Hinata must not be able to withstand the pressure and be forced to strike, so Makoto’s attack will be in vain!

“Speaking of which, what about the guy I’m with me?”

The strange thoughts that suddenly appeared made Yukio Kasamatsu’s brief smug disappear in an instant, because the image transmitted from the blind corner of his vision told him that Hinata Shunpei’s pass was not a mistake.

“How is that guy again?!”

No one noticed when the number 11 appeared in that place again, he appeared like a ghost, just in the position where he could catch Hinata’s seemingly unconscious pass.

“Oops! Why didn’t anyone defend against him?! ”

Yukio Kasamatsu’s heart tightened, he almost forgot that the person opposite Kuroko was himself, and he was participating in the bag of Hinata Shunpei at the moment!

Almost perfect timing of the shot, regardless of the inside and outside of the line, people subconsciously accelerated to start the defense sunspot, but what was even more unexpected was that the basketball didn’t stay in Kuroko’s hands for almost a second!


With a light wave, the skinny No. 11 is like a wall, refracting the basketball that was originally running towards him to the inside faster!

“Not good!”

Huangse saw that his teammates were not following the Vulcan, and Kuroko’s pass had almost fallen into the hands of the completely free Vulcan.

Resolutely abandoning Kokanai, who was in the opposite position of himself, Huangse ran directly towards the position of the Vulcan.

“I only noticed it now, but it’s too late!”

Vulcan had already spotted Huangse, who wanted to come to block, but the basket was only a short step away from him, and after receiving Kuroko’s pass, he put the basketball directly into the basket without the slightest pause.


Vulcan score, 4-2!

Makoto Rin took a 2-point lead again!

“That fiery red-haired guy is not bad!”

Midorima pushed his glasses and said to Momoi May on the side, but Momoi’s expression became a little solemn.

She didn’t expect that in addition to Kuroko and Stone God, Cheng Rin would actually need such a talented player.

Many players almost only need to look at his talent to understand his talent.

And the Vulcan big self, is such a look at the appearance, you can know that he is very strong.


The game continues.

Hai Chang’s possession.

After being scored again by Vulcan, Huangse did not pause, but directly launched a charge.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The basketball roared violently and intensively against the floor, and Huangse left his companion behind him like a wolf, relying on his direction, speed and dizzying dribbling skills to break through one defender after another unhindered, and then straight to the basket!



Huangse scored very violently, swearing his personal strength.

Even if the five of Makoto know that Huangse is the core of Kaito’s attack, even if Makoto’s players use their flesh as a wall to block the basket, no one can prevent Huangse, not even the Vulcan!

This is the gap in individual abilities!


Huangse scored again, and the score equalized again!

And for Huangse, a factor that can almost be counted as force majeure, Makoto still hasn’t changed their style of play, and Kuroko, who is not specially cared for, can always unexpectedly appear in Hinata’s path every pass, as that transit station… Put the ball in the hands of the person with the best chance.

Maybe it’s the God of Fire, maybe it’s Rinnosuke, it’s all the other four of Makoto!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Makoto and Kaizuki went back and forth, almost no ball held for more than fifteen seconds, Makoto no one could stop Huangse, but Kaizuki was also clueless about Kuroko’s strange transfer, and the game in the field became a confrontation between the two sides!

It’s getting faster and faster!

The score is also rising!

The scores of the two teams clenched fiercely, but the pace of the attack became faster and faster, until the end of the first period, except for the two people who were facing each other like Vulcan and Huangse, the speed of the others had slowed down visibly.

Physical fitness, unexpectedly began to be unable to keep up!

This is only the first section!

The ten-minute first quarter of the game was soon only seven seconds left, at which time Hai Chang had a two-point lead and had the ball sincerely!

Everyone is tired and doesn’t want to talk … They also finally understood why coaches put so much emphasis on physical fitness.

These monsters of Haichang are almost like monsters, and it has only been 10 minutes, and Hinata Shunpei is a little tired and doesn’t want to talk.

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