“What’s going on with you? What about your dominance? ”

Takeuchi looked heartbroken, “You said that I had to play before I allowed you to play, but so far you have actually been given the lead by Makoto!” According to you, their coach is not on the field yet! Be serious with me, Huangse! ”

Huangse’s face was a little ugly, unable to refute Takeuchi’s reprimand, he also did not expect that Makoto’s team could do so well.

“I didn’t expect Kuroko to be able to run in so well with a new team, and the team that looked a little unbearable a few days ago could do this level under the needle of Xiaoheiko!”

Huangse was a little depressed, “If that guy plays again…”

Kuroko’s progress also exceeded Huangse’s expectations, he didn’t intend to do this, but now he had to convey his knowledge of Kuroko to Kasamatsu Yukio.

“Listen to me!”

Huangse put down the drink bottle and stood in front of his teammates, “That little Kuroko of Makoto No. 11 who is easy for you all to ignore, he is the real offensive commander of Makoto!” ”

“Misdirection! Sight inducing, this guy did this on purpose! ”

Huangse’s voice became very calm, looked at each incredible teammate, and said loudly: “You all find that you can easily ignore him, and what he does is to use the reduction of his sense of existence to guide your attention to his teammates other than him, and thus make a single point pick, and then pass the pass that you mistakenly thought was a mistake into the hands of your teammates!” ”


“Can it still be like this?”

“This kid…”

Hai Chang’s teammates were all a little stunned.

“However, his guidance technique has a fatal flaw!”

Huang Se suddenly grinned, his eyes flashing with strange seriousness, “When he is active on the field and frequently uses single-point picks, his weak sense of presence will become stronger and stronger, as long as he is a little careful, he can no longer deceive the defense like a shadow!” ”

Upon hearing Huang Se say this, everyone nodded subconsciously.

If that’s the case, it’s easy to do.

“Once Kuroko could only serve as a sixth-man substitute, that’s the biggest reason, and-”

Huang Se paused, he recalled the first shot in the opening, and then said, “Although as an offensive commander, Kuroko does not have the ability to shoot, which means that the ball passed to him must all be passed again, so what you have to do next, all you have to do is to keep an eye on one!” Captain, please keep an eye on Kuroko next! ”

“That’s decent.”

Takeuchi pouted, Huang Se’s words were basically equivalent to arranging their next game tactics for himself, “Let these brats see the real strength of the big team!” ”


“I really didn’t expect it, Huangse actually lagged behind.” Midorima pushed his glasses, slightly surprised, “This team is a little interesting.” ”


Qingfeng clasped his hands behind him and pillowed his head, looking unimpressed, “It’s that guy is too weak, but A-Zhe was able to dribble smoothly… That guy is also working on it! ”

“You’re still paying close attention to Kuroko!”

Midorima glanced at Qingfeng, but his gaze stopped on the Vulcan in the distance, “That red-haired No. 10, it seems that the talent is good, and the entire Makoto Rin team has some potential.” ”


Qingfeng glanced at the Vulcan and quickly looked away, “It’s too weak.” ”

“Why is Ah Da getting less and less interested?” Momoi was very strange when he saw Aomine’s lazy look, “Ah Da was very excited before the game started!” ”

“That guy, he’s not on the field yet!”

Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the stone god who was holding the tactical board for comparison, and slowly closed his eyes, “The protagonist is not on the stage, what is the warm-up performance before a performance?” ”

The two-minute break was fast approaching, and as players from both sides entered the court, the referee blew the whistle for the start of the second quarter!

“That guy, not playing yet?!”

Qingfeng opened his eyes suddenly, but was disappointed that he didn’t see the figure he wanted to see on the field, and couldn’t help but clench his fists.

Hai Chang did not change, Makoto Rin also did not make personnel adjustments, according to the jump ball at the beginning of the game, the ball of the first goal went to Hai Chang!

But what Makoto Rin didn’t expect was that Huangse, who attacked with the ball again, did not launch that lightning breakthrough, but directly jumped from outside the three-point line!

“That guy!”

Hinata was shocked when she saw this scene, “How is the shooting posture exactly the same as me?!” ”

The basketball is still flying in the air, but Haichang’s people have already turned back to defense with Huangse, who has landed, and they can’t even see the result of shooting!

“Are these guys so confident!”


Three points are caught, and the score is reversed!


“As soon as you come up, do you fill the rhythm of the attack again?”

Shunpei Hinata once again held the ball and advanced into the half, as always wanting to pass the ball to Kuroko, but he was surprised to find that Kuroko had not yet got rid of Kasamatsu’s defense!

Makoto’s pace slowed down, Hinata couldn’t make a breakthrough, and in the face of the close defense of the opposition, he also couldn’t shoot directly.

“Hai Chang’s defense has become stronger!”

“Is it really going to be told by the coach?”

Thinking about how to break the situation, Hinata only felt that a figure flashed around him, and the basketball that was protected by his side was actually snatched!

“Back to defense!”

Hinata saw Huangse’s wind-like figure, he didn’t notice Huangse, who had already quietly approached him, and he couldn’t blame himself for losing the ball, and directly shouted out.

Makoto’s reaction speed was very fast, and everyone directly threw off their opponents almost immediately, and all five of them rushed towards their own half!

Although Huangse’s speed is extremely fast, but the running with the ball is not as good as running without the ball, when Huangse stepped into the Makoto three-point line, Koganai and Hinata had all occupied the basket, and there was a Vulcan who followed his oppressive defense on his side!

Retreating, shaking, pulling, Huangse almost effortlessly threw off the Vulcan’s defense, but in this way, his fast attack rhythm was also interrupted by himself!

Losing his vigor, Huangse slowed down, carefully protected the basketball, and did not directly make a second breakthrough.

This slight pause also caused all the remaining players to catch up, and Huangse looked at the three Vulcan who were gradually approaching him, showing a kind of wrapped queue, and there were hurried footsteps behind him.

“Joint defense, want to clip me?”

Huang Se glanced behind him with his afterlight, and suddenly accelerated!

At the same time, the three Vulcan also moved closer to Huangse!

“I see how you are abrupt!”

The Vulcan looked at his three-man defense line like an iron wall, and behind Huangse, there was Rin Nosuke who blocked the retreat, and Huangse’s attack was impossible to complete in his opinion!

Huangse, who was caught by four, finally stopped moving near the free throw line, and with airtight physical contact, he chose to be strong instead!

At the moment of jumping, everyone did not expect that the basketball he held high above his head was thrown behind his back!

“It’s a pass!”

Vulcan was shocked, and he realized that they were all deceived.


Huangse alone attracted four people on the inside, but the basketball fell into the hands of Kasamatsu who had been waiting outside the three-point line for a long time!

Jumping, shooting, and unguarded, Kasamatsu has absolutely plenty of time to adjust.



As soon as the second quarter began, Hai Chang gave Cheng Rin a dismount!

Two three-pointers, announcing Huangse’s counterattack.

“Sure enough… You can’t take every generation of miracles lightly! ”

Shi Shen sighed and looked at Midorima and Qingfeng who were sitting on the side, but found that these two guys seemed to have been staring at themselves tightly!


These two guys, don’t watch the game, why watch me?!

Shi Shen was a little depressed….

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