Doubting life, these four words may be the best interpretation of the hearts of the Jeongbang players, who came in a mood and walked back to the dressing room in disgrace.

Makoto was naturally in a diametrically opposite state, even if it was only a half-time, but on each of their faces seemed to be filled with the joy that they had already won.


Everyone returned to the dressing room and could no longer contain their joy, “We won!” ”

Shi Shen just bowed his head gently, “There will be no personnel adjustments in the second half, and the five of you will play the whole field for me!” ”


Shi Shen’s decision obviously surprised everyone, not that they swelled, but with their current state and strength, Zhengbang would not have any chance to turn over at all, so the fourth quarter would most likely produce a long garbage time.

Ishigami seems to want them to start even if they wait until garbage time, although it feels good to win, but they still need to save some strength to play in the afternoon.

“Coach, there’s no need for this, right?”

As soon as Hinata’s words fell, he saw the eyes of the stone god glaring over, and immediately shut up.

“I have my arrangement, you just need to carry it out!”

Shi Shen said resolutely, “Didn’t you say that you wanted to get back last year’s venue that day? The chance to win 100 points is now! ”

The Vulcan was shocked, he didn’t expect that the stone god actually heard his last words that day, it was originally just a joke made by the Vulcan to drum morale, but he didn’t expect that the stone god actually wanted them to do that!

That’s a hundred!

“Maybe Jeongbang will make adjustments in the second half, such as tactical arrangements and so on, but-”

Shi Shen sneered, “In the face of absolute strength, no tactics are useful!” You were taught by me, but the tactics are not qualified to defeat you! ”

Hinata Shunping’s expression suddenly became serious, they knew that the stone god was not joking, he really wanted them to win a hundred points!

In other words, this is no longer as simple as a game, it is also the task assigned to them by the stone god, which is related to the face of the stone god!

If the coaches have no face, they don’t know what they will experience after the game, but one thing is for sure, they will be very miserable!

“Did you hear you clearly?”


“Very good!”

Shi Shen beckoned to the people of the second team, “The second team will not have to play in this game, you give the five of them a fifteen-minute massage, don’t let their muscles relax, your attack will be more aggressive in the second half!” ”

“Coach, how do you want to arrange playing Xiude in the evening?”

Riko Aida also couldn’t guess Ishigami’s thoughts, in her opinion, it was actually not worth it for Ishigami to let a team go all out like this, but Riko Aida was more willing to believe that Ishigami might see farther than herself, so she just stood quietly to the side and listened when Ishigami arranged.

“I haven’t thought about it yet.”

Ishigami’s answer made Reiko Aida almost unable to stand.

Just kidding, it must be a joke!

“By the way, Reiko, I need you to go and see the game on Hidetoku’s side.”

After Shi Shen finished speaking, he leaned in front of a wardrobe, closed his eyes, and fell into a fake sleep.


The 20-minute intermission is a long time for the audience, and even the cheerleading dances seem boring to them now.

One by one, looking in the direction of entry, looking forward to it!

Finally, when I saw a figure appear in the player tunnel, the whole audience boiled again, and there was a feeling of a thousand calls coming out!

“Sincerely! Sincerely! ”

The venue of the basketball association, the public arena, and the spectators who originally had little preference, at halftime it seemed to become the home of a large-scale event!

Immersed in the enthusiasm of the audience, the Hyuga Five were thrilled, which they had never treated before outside the campus, which made people feel intoxicated and made people want to live up to this enthusiasm!

Behind the glorious appearance of the Cheng Rin players is a whole team of gloomy Jeongbang players, it seems that Jeongbang’s coach did not give personnel adjustments, and it was still their starting five who came on the field.

The ball was still in Jeongbang’s hands, and when the bell rang as the game continued, Jeongbang began to attack!

“Okay spectators, let’s get back to the game! However, what is surprising is that the coaches on both sides tacitly did not make personnel adjustments, which… Hehe, it seems that the head coach of Jeongbang is still full of confidence in his love generals! Whether the King’s Academy can change the tide in the second half is something that will keep us watching! ”

The embarrassing laughter in the middle of the commentary almost completely did not hide the disapproval of Zhengbang from an objective point, and had already questioned Coach Zhengbang.

In fact, the commentary does not seem to be wrong.

Perhaps the players of Jeongbang just enjoyed the coach’s endless reprimands during the long 20-minute intermission, and did not seem to have made any effective handling in terms of tactics and confrontation.

And the five people of Cheng Rin, after understanding the task of the stone god, have changed from five wolves to five tigers, and they show frightening aggression as soon as they start!

“Tetsuya Kuroko was the first to stand up! Impeccable steals! I think the referee of this match can already get off work, because the superb skills of these five players are not at all possible for fouls! ”

“Robust! Zhengbang needs to stabilize his footing! That’s right! The ball is given to the top pillar Iwamura Tsutomu, WOW! A spikeboard big hat from Makoto center Rin Rinnosuke! ”

“Makoto is already unstoppable! What exactly Coach Jeongbang is thinking, it is really unfathomable, have they already given up! ”

“Unbelievable! The game has been carried out until now, but Makoto’s five crazy attacking guys don’t seem to feel tired at all! Their time seems to have stood still at its peak! But the five of Zhengbang obviously have less and less time to control the ball, but they seem to be tired! ”

“Thirty points! Jeongbang… Ahem! Jeongbang looks extremely slim about turning over! ”

“The third quarter is over! Today is definitely a day that can go down in IH history, and there is no match that has only been extended to more than 40 points in the third quarter! 85-38! Makoto has already entered the regional finals ahead of schedule! Forty points difference, maybe the entire fourth quarter will turn into garbage time! ”

“Jeongbang, give up! Dear audiences! Jeongbang replaced all five of their starters… Wait a minute! What the?! In the last quarter of the game, Makoto’s starters were all on the court! What is the plan of this sincere young coach?! Are they going to continue their crazy attack! ”

“The score is still expanding! Sorry, my math is not very good, is there an enthusiastic audience who can help me calculate what the difference is now? ”

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