“This is the goal?”

“It’s too fast! And it’s still a three-pointer! ”

“Makoto doesn’t have to be so powerful, does it?”

The crowd of discussions from the audience rushed to the field, the corners of Shi Shen’s mouth slightly hooked, and the proficiency of the actions and the accuracy of the shots of the people in front of him played normally, at least they did not live up to the special training.

And Momoi May on the side of his expression naturally looked in his eyes, although this smile was extremely charming, Momoi May still wanted to let Kirito win the game.

“The outside defense moves to keep up, and the enthusiasm for the attack is mobilized!” Listening to the voice in the field, Imayoshi Shoichi smiled contemptuously, such worries were naturally superfluous in his opinion, even if there was no Aomine Daiki, in the case of Ishigami not playing, as Aomine Daiki said, it was only a matter of time before they were solved.

And next, it’s time for Tonghuang to perform!

A glance contact, Susa Yoshinori on the side nodded slightly, and the moment he walked to the referee’s side to receive the ball, he threw it directly in the direction of Shoichi Imayoshi.

“I’m sorry, I saw this ball!” Izuki-jun, who had been paying attention to Shoichi Imayoshi, couldn’t help but pounce directly in the direction of the person in front of him, since the stone god wanted to see the effect of the special training, then his performance was naturally not too bad.

A dark wind behind him hit in his direction, and Imayoshi Shoichi’s brows instantly frowned, and he didn’t have time to reach out and take the ball, and after a stride, he actually directly pointed the racket in the direction of Kosuke Wakamatsu on the side.

“Abominable! Not even close! Looking at the calm smile that still had on the corner of Imayoshi Shoichi’s mouth, Yi Yuejun was naturally unwilling, but the game on the field did not allow him any extra time to think about it.

The figure running directly with the ball towards the basket behind him instantly attracted the attention of the audience under the field, and Momoi May even clenched his fists to look at Kosuke Wakamatsu in front of him, under the basket, the Vulcan Dame had no expression on his face, but his eyes were also burning with fighting spirit.


The last ball collided with the ground, watching the person in front of him approach the basket and directly kick the ground, the audience under the court inevitably exclaimed, and everyone’s eyes were focused on the basket.

The Vulcan Dai I naturally will not let the person in front of me succeed so easily, a same jump made the atmosphere on the field tense again, Wakamatsu Kosuke’s eyes flashed a cunning, looking at the figure in front of him, the original dunk was changed into a hook by himself in an instant.

Looking at the ball that perfectly missed the trajectory of his cap, the Vulcan clenched his teeth tightly, and the audience under the field always thought that it must be Tonghuang who scored next, but the stone god under the field was silent.

At least in his own cognition, the person in front of him is not incompetent to this extent!

As if in response to Ishigami’s thoughts instantly, in the face of the ball shot by Kosuke Wakamatsu, the Vulcan Daigo turned directly in a surprising movement under everyone’s gaze, and his left hand pushed the ball in front of him directly towards the direction of the rebound.

“I’ll go, that’s okay?”

“It’s unbelievable!”

“This way of thinking is amazing!”


With a dull sound, the basketball that was abruptly changed its trajectory directly hit the rebound and bounced farther away, surprised by the ball in front of him, but had to admit that the Vulcan big me on the court has no less air supremacy than anyone in the era of miracles.

The sincere team is definitely not to be underestimated!

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