“It’s Aomi Daiki!”

“Is Tonghuang finally coming?”

“There should always be pressure in Xiangbei now!”

The audience in the field talked one after another, and the people in front of them walked towards the field with disdain, and the “waste” in their mouths made all the players of Tonghuang just dare to be angry and dare not speak.

“Qingfeng, please you when you play!” Imayoshi Shoichi’s tone was slightly heavy, and it was naturally dishonorable to ask for an ace in this situation.

The sincere players looked at each other, except for the Vulcan Daime who was excited, the rest of the players were full of nervousness, Kuroko Tetsuya’s brows were even more tightly frowned, and the moment he touched the eyes that Qingfeng Daiki threw over, Kuroko Tetsu couldn’t help but clench his fists.

“A-Zhe, I can finally come face to face with you.”

Listening to Aomine Daiki’s voice, the eyes of Makoto and the rest of the people looked in the direction of Kuroko Tetsuya, and before Kuroko could respond, the Vulcan Daiki already spoke angrily.

“Ah! Qingfeng! Your opponent is me! Looking at the state of the Vulcan Daigo who was almost violent, Qingfeng Daiki just smiled contemptuously.

The game on the court began again, the ball belonged to Tonghuang, the moment the basketball returned to Qingfeng Daiki’s hand, the atmosphere on the court almost instantly froze, everyone’s eyes were focused on the ball in Qingfeng Daiki’s hand, and the stone god on the court was even more interested in watching the game on the court.

“Vulcan-kun, be careful, he…” Kuroko’s words were not finished, and the Vulcan Daiki on the side interrupted impatiently, looking at Qingfeng Daiki with a look of longing in his eyes.

“It looks like the pitch is going to be handed over to them for the time being.”

The stone god under the field hooked the corners of his mouth, although he knew in his heart that the Vulcan was still difficult to catch up with Shangqingfeng Daiki with my strength, he was still full of curiosity about the confrontation between the next two people.

Coinciding with the stone god’s thoughts, almost everyone’s eyes were focused on the two people in front of them.

Just feeling the momentum of the slaughter unleashed by Qingfeng Dahui, the Vulcan Dahui was excited for no reason, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was completely burning.

As the ball in Qingfeng Daiki’s hand fell directly, Vulcan Daigo’s subconscious body arched slightly, the center of gravity was imperceptibly lowered, and the foot was full of strength to prevent the sudden attack of the person in front of him.

Even if he was fully prepared, in the next second, the Vulcan Dame could easily realize that even if he made so many preparations, it was only in vain to stop the person in front of him.

It’s just a blink of an eye, watching the person in front of me suddenly sprint with the ball, the reaction that Vulcan Dame can show is just widening his eyes, even if the figure of the person in front of him is clearly depicted in his mind, the body is also unable to make any reaction.

There was an uproar in the field, only the figure of Aomomine Daiki constantly sprinting with the ball was left on the field, and even the Vulcan Daigo couldn’t catch up with the people, and the rest of the people naturally had no way to stop it.

In just a few seconds, the person in front of you has already dunked and scored!

“It’s 10:2, that’s fast!”

“Isn’t Makoto still ahead?”

“No, Tonghuang will catch up.”

The whispered comments of the audience continued to reach the ears of the people on the field, and the face of the Vulcan was not the slightest bit depressed, and the fighting spirit in my eyes burned even more.

“Daiki Aomine, I will definitely defeat you!”

Instant scoring naturally boosted the morale of the Kirito emperor on the field, looking at the cheering up of the team in front of him, Reiko Aita under the field couldn’t help but be slightly anxious, since he had seen the strength of Daiki Aomine, it was naturally impossible not to worry.

On the other hand, the stone god on the side still seems to be a nobody, it seems that the game in front of him has nothing to do with him, watching Qingfeng Daiki return directly to the field with an expressionless face, the corners of the stone god’s mouth are slightly hooked.

Just let you have to scream first, I just hope that you won’t cry later!

The ball belonged to Rin, hesitating slightly, looking at the tiger-eyed Aomomine Daiki, Izukijun gritted his teeth and threw the ball directly in the direction of the Vulcan Daigo, who had already prepared.

The game on the field has become a personal show of Daiki Aomomine vs. Vulcan Daigo, and it is Vulcan Daiki who holds the ball at the moment, looking at the smile on the corner of his mouth in front of him, Daiki Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his feet kept approaching his direction.

“Come on, Aomine! See how well you defend! ”

Listening to the surging tone of the Vulcan Daigo, Qingfeng Daiki snorted coldly, “You are also worthy.” ”

The moment the words fell, watching the person in front of him directly with the ball towards the basket behind him, Daiki Aomomine stepped forward without any hesitation.

The always fiery Vulcan Daigo ball style is also very wild, with a cloud of anger, looking at the person in front of him just rushing forward, Qingfeng Daihui’s brows frowned slightly, I have to admit that the person in front of him does have a strength that ordinary people can’t match.

“Is that all?”

Looking at the person who was constantly following his own rhythm in front of him shouting at him like a roar, the Vulcan Dame instantly clenched his teeth, whether it was under his feet or on his hands, the strength almost multiplied.

Bang bang, the sound of the ball colliding with the ground became more and more urgent, and the hearts of the audience in the audience jumped to the throat, and Daiki Aobi was also gradually excited, and his eyes were filled with the desire to completely crush the person in front of him.


A violent sound, watching the person in front of him take a large step back and directly turn around and run past Qingfeng Daiki, the audience in the audience couldn’t help but scream, was Qingfeng Daiki just like this?

Before he could react, there was another figure next to the Vulcan Daiji, looking at the figure of Qingfeng Daiki who was on par with him, Vulcan Daigo gritted his teeth, still couldn’t shake him off?

The figure of you chasing me on the field hangs everyone’s curiosity to the extreme, no one is straight what will happen next, whether it is Tonghuang or Cheng Rin, everyone’s eyes are focused on these two figures.

Even if there is an indescribable sense of oppression around him, looking at the basket close at hand, the Vulcan Dame naturally jumps off the ground without any hesitation before crossing the free throw line.


At the same time, the figure of Daiki Aomine, who was following him, pushed the atmosphere on the field to a climax, and for a while everyone’s eyes were focused on the ball in front of them, and no one knew what would happen.

“Want to shoot? Stop dreaming! ”

Aomine Daiki’s deep voice was like a sharp sword straight into the heart of the Vulcan Daigo, looking at the basket in front of him, although he knew that all his actions were desperate, at this moment, he did not have any hesitation to gather all his strength in his hand.

“Vulcan Kun!”

Everyone’s eyes widened, watching the basketball shot, and Reiko Aida only felt that her heart beat half a beat slower.

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