“Come on Luoshan! Come on! ”

“Sister Ling Yang will be hit! Must hit! ”

“Here’s a three-pointer! Come on! ”

The game on the court is still continuing, everyone’s eyes are focused on the ball that Reiyao Shibu is about to shoot, and at the moment when Reiko Shibu shoots, Reiko Aita under the court feels that her heart has been extremely cold!

“And me!”

What is surprising but reasonable is that the Vulcan who jumped up on the side did not hesitate at all, and after jumping up, he directly covered the ball in the hand of the person in front of him!

Looking at Shi Wei Lingyang’s eyes widened instantly, the corners of Vulcan’s mouth were slightly hooked, but there was no intention in his words to pay attention to the person in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang, Mitobe on the side grabbed the ball first, and without any hesitation, he ran with the ball towards the basket behind him, and the format of the court changed again, and the sincerity showed the run-and-bomb tactic in front of the audience below.

Since he had already been intercepted by the stone god for the next attack, Seijuro Akaji naturally had a fire in his heart, and looking at Mitobe who was holding the ball at this time, he naturally turned around and ran in the direction of the person in front of him without any hesitation.

It’s just that his plan has been seen through by the stone god at the beginning, and looking at the people who have already moved, the stone god stepped forward directly without any hesitation.

“I think it’s better for the two of us to have a good fight!” Even though it sounded like a statement to everyone, Seijuro Akaji clearly knew that there was an authority in the tone of the person in front of him that could not be questioned by everyone.

The unhappiness in his heart instantly exploded, looking at the person in front of him, Seijuro Akaji did not immediately compromise, while focusing his gaze on Mitobe, “Then it depends on what you are capable of!” ”

Listening to the words of the person in front of him, Shi Shen only hooked the corners of his mouth with disdain, but did not give up the stalemate with the person in front of him in behavior.

At this time, Mitobe is already the focus of the field, looking at the performance of the people on the field, Reiko Aida did not panic in the slightest, the strength of the person in front of him is naturally known, as long as the person in front of him does not make a mistake, this point is naturally determined in the situation of sincerity and leadership!

Looking at the basket in front of him, Mitobe gritted his teeth slightly, and in the next second, he jumped directly without any hesitation.

Netakeya Nagayoshi, who had already rushed to the basket, jumped directly on the ground without any hesitation, and instantly the figure in front of Mitobe was like a wall.

The scene in front of him made the audience in the audience can’t help but pinch a sweat for Mitobe, but the person in front of him didn’t seem to have any fear, and after a just right jump, Mitobe directly hooked his hand.

“It’s a sincere hooking expert!”

“Awesome! You have to score a goal! ”

“Come on, Rin! Come on! ”

The sincere players in the audience cheered instantly, and the ball in front of them bypassed Nemuya Nagayoshi and fell directly into the basket without any suspense.

“Score again! Come on Mitobe-senpai! The sincere players in the field jumped up directly and cheered, looking around, and the players in Luoshan on the side couldn’t help but wrinkle fiercely.

“Request a pause!”

Looking at the game in front of him, Momoi May’s brows furrowed fiercely, and at this time, he couldn’t tell which side of the team to support.

On the side, Qingfeng Daiki’s brows also frowned, no one knew what he was thinking, and the moment he turned his head to look at the scoreboard, he subconsciously spoke.

“How long is left?”

There are only three minutes left before the end of the third quarter, but the difference between the two teams is still very different, and what makes it even more difficult to think clearly is that the stone god in front of him is still calm.

“Can anyone tell me if that guy is in a hurry!”

The ball is still Naksan on the field, and the successive offensive failures make people doubt the team in front of them, since Reiyo Shibu threw the ball to Seijuro Akaji for the first time, the discussion of the audience in the field still did not stop.

“Will Naksan win?”

“Anyway, I think it’s a bit suspended!”

“I also feel a little, after all, I am facing the stone god!”

Listening to the speculation of the audience in the field, the corners of Reiko Aida’s mouth were slightly hooked, and her eyes were more focused when she looked at the game in front of her.

The aura of the people on the field holding the ball did not diminish at all, and the Vulcan Dai on the side was still gloomy this time and ran towards the direction of the person in front of him again.

“I won’t fall down again this time!”

Looking at the moment the person in front of him finished speaking, his eyes instantly turned scarlet, Akaji Seijuro was slightly stunned, but the movements on his hands did not stop at all.

He is still a familiar ankle terminator, and what is different from before is that although the person in front of him has a hideous expression, his feet are not shaken as he said.

No matter on and off the field, everyone was staring at what was happening in front of them, and the reaction of the Vulcan Daigo in front of him was indeed surprising, and even though Seijuro Akaji did not have any clarity on his face, the impatience in his eyes did not hide anything.

Without any words, at the moment when Vulcan Daigo directly reached out to cut off the ball in his hand, Seijuro Akaji’s eyes flashed with cold, and he sent the ball directly towards the crotch of Vulcan Daigo.

Looking at the movements of the person in front of him, the anger value of the Vulcan Dai I reached its peak almost instantly, but there was no way, and Akaji Seijuro on the field once again passed directly from the Vulcan Daime like a gust of wind.

The atmosphere on the field reached its peak in an instant, watching the person in front of him rushing straight towards him, Shi Shen naturally knew what the person in front of him wanted to do, his brows were slightly frowned, and his mind was constantly playing his own calculations.

The cold aura of the person in front of him was already very different from before, and before he had time to think for half a minute, the person in front of him no longer had any hesitation and rushed directly towards his square with the ball in his hand.

“Something looks like something is wrong!”

Aomine Daiki under the field also seems to have sensed that something is wrong on the field, and Seijuro Akaji in front of him seems to have changed to a different person, and his original expressionless face has been replaced by madness that wants to destroy everything at this time.

Bang, bang, bang, listening to the sound of the ball in Seijuro Akaji’s hand constantly hitting the floor, Riko Aita and the others in the field only felt that their hearts had already been clenched, and every impact in their chest made them clench their fists.

The stone god on the field is not flustered, even if he clearly knows that the person in front of him is different, his eyes are still full of composure, watching Akaji Seijuro directly want to run past him with one step, the stone god does not hesitate to retreat, but the center of gravity of the body remains at the level of not losing control at all.

And in the next second, the reaction of the person in front of him fully confirmed the thoughtfulness of the stone god!

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