"I said, no one can snatch a river crab from me!"

Late at night, there was a shout in the night market that had just quieted down, and the short-shirted boy squatting on the ground with his mobile phone in his hands seemed to be greatly stimulated and jumped up, he grabbed the river crab, but knocked over the small fried noodle stall on the side, and the story began here.

Don't get me wrong, the teenager is not the protagonist, the owner of the fried noodle stall who was knocked over is.

The young and promising stall owner named Jiang Nianming, who was only 24 years old and in charge of one stall, looked at the pots and pans that were knocked upside down, stunned for a moment, and shouted: "Lean! Ruthless! The last bowl of noodles tonight is gone, six bucks, kid! Lose money soon!

"No money!" The young man ran with his legs, six dollars, he really did not have it, he did not give it, the main thing is a quality.

Jiang Nianming looked at the boy who ran faster than a rabbit, the corners of his mouth twitched, chase, that's a whole six dollars, think about it, forget it, don't chase, anyway, the last day is out of the stall, pack up and prepare to leave, tomorrow will not come.

If life QJ you, don't be sad, don't cry, because Jiang Nian Ming is also the one who was QJ.

Roughly closed the stall, the guy who ate on his back, Jiang Nianming said goodbye to this place that made him happy for two years, went out of the night market, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and dialed the phone casually: "Hey, girl, did you get the money?" "

Nope." Over there, came the slightly embarrassed voice of the girl Jiang Yiming, money is not good.

"Well, as soon as the rent is paid tomorrow, the game spar will only be enough for me alone, you have to wait."

Jiang Yiming: "..." "

Hang up first, wait for me to go back."

"Sister-in-law Luxi hasn't come back yet." After Jiang Yiming spoke, Jiang Nian Ming snorted: "I know, I'll pick it up right away."

"Then be careful."

There are too many things at hand, Jiang Nianming feels that he will have to die of exhaustion if he runs with these things, after all, he is not a six-pack abs, and it seems that he has to use the old way.

Five minutes later, Jiang Nianning got a broken three-wheeler that moved everywhere except for the wheels, or the kind of pedals, pots and pans were piled on it, and the old man on the side gestured with both hands, and said with a smile: "Friendship price, three pieces, lost three thousand!" Doing business is about a benevolence!

"Don't worry, you can't lose it." Jiang Nianming was too lazy to beep with him more, and pedaled three wheels towards Lu Xi.

Moonlight bar, doorway.

Jiang Nianming stopped on the side of the road, got off three rounds, and was about to enter the bar, when she saw a young woman in a white coat trembling out from the door of the bar, she was Lin Luxi, and before she got close, Jiang Nianming smelled the uncomfortable nose drink.

After a little thought in her heart, Jiang Nianming walked over, came to Lin Luxi, looked up and down, saw her face red and hot, and then asked: "How much wine did you accompany today?"

Lin Luxi was drunk, grabbed Jiang Nianning's collar with both hands, and the whole person lay on his chest, and said in a daze: "Not much, not much..." Jiang

Nianming gently exhaled, his face gradually became solemn, and then slowly relaxed, until he was expressionless, and then slowly said the words he wanted to say for a long time: "Luxi, let's break up!"

"You... What did you say? I didn't hear clearly... Hehe. Lin Luxi held his small fist and hit Jiang Nianning's chest, but there was no strength, and after two or three strokes, there was no movement at all, only the sound of gentle breathing, it seemed that he was drunk.

Jiang Nianming looked down at her, this girl who was a head lower than him was his girlfriend for three years, only one year younger than him, but her life experience was much richer than him.

Seeing that she was already asleep, Jiang Nianming didn't say anything more, hugged her with both hands for three rounds, and then pedaled home.

Jiang Nianning brothers and sisters have been away from home to Linhai City for three years, these three years are really miserable, in line with the idea of never working, Jiang Nianning rented a two-bedroom house in Linhai City, with a monthly rent of 3,500, water and electricity are counted separately.

My younger sister Jiang Yiming writes with a brush, and she makes money on this on weekdays, but this year, she can't make a few bucks with this thing, so she often gives people games to train.

When you are away from home, you have a craft, and you can always mix and eat.

For example, Jiang Nian Ming...

The three rounds stopped, called the girl again, came out to pack up their things, and sent Lin Luxi to the house by the way.

The three wheels crunched, Jiang Nian Ming was not light, muttering in his mouth that if he wanted to get his own car, it must be electric, two wheels are also OK, and he can usually go out for a ride.

Things are put away, Jiang Nianming returned the car, don't look at this thing broken, lose it can lose a large amount of money, with his current financial resources, it is impossible to lose, after all, tomorrow to order the game spar.


Late at night, 3 a.m.

Jiang Nianniing arrived home, sitting on the sofa with a butt, Jiang Yiming came holding a warm water cup: "Moisten your throat first."

Jiang Nianming took the cup, drank a large sip directly, and then asked, "How much money do you have in the card?"

Jiang Yiming said, "There are still four thousand two hundred and twenty-two."

"I still have fifteen thousand dollars on my side." Jiang Nian Ming pondered, this is not enough, a game spar is 9,900 yuan, two will have 19,008, their brothers and sisters add up to 19,222, and then remove tomorrow's rent, future eating and drinking... It's not enough at all, I can only buy one first.

Jiang Yiming said: "Or, find your sister-in-law to borrow some?" "

Don't." Jiang Nianming immediately vetoed: "I already plan to break up with her, and I will tell her tomorrow when she wakes up." "

Huh? This...... Isn't that right?

"Nothing bad."

"Why did you break up?"


Jiang Yiming feels that her brother is a scumbag, and she also has ready-made evidence.

"Go to sleep too."

"Oh, good night dude."

Sending Jiang Yiming away, Jiang Nian Ming grabbed the colorful game poster on the table.

The name of the game is [God World], the national service branch "Shenyi" is currently the most powerful game industry company in China, the game of the god world is said to be built by Shenyi Company at a cost of hundreds of billions for eight years, the degree of virtual is infinitely tends to 100%, entering the game, is equivalent to entering the second real world.

However, Jiang Nianming does not think that this game has been fully completed, and there will definitely be various optimization updates in the future, and with the change of version, the story of the game will be more exciting.

Of course, what attracted him the most was not the game story, but the ability to get money from the game, and the exchange of gold coins for real coins was a major selling point in the early stage of the god world.

And this selling point is also vividly reflected in the large characters of the first two lines of the promotional poster.

"Young man, do you want to lie down?"

"Not in the world, [in the Divine Realm]!"

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