"Is there only so much for the Scout Cavalry?"

"It shouldn't be, most of the dark scout cavalry has penetrated this side of the Sunset Plain, but we need to kill these now to do the mission."

"However, these cavalry scouts are really good enough, and they only burst some gold coins, not even potions..."

Let's go, go back to hand over the task, first transfer the job successfully, turn back and have the opportunity to kill hundreds more, kill more, naturally explode the equipment. "

Take out the scroll back to the city, crush it, and go straight home."

Jiang Nian Ming and Qing Qing Zi Guan ran directly to the Princess Garden, and after finding Ning Tong, Qing Qing Zi Guan threw the head of the scout cavalry to the ground.

After Ning Tong saw it, she raised her snow-white wrist, and there was an additional blazing flame on her hand, and then she flicked her palm, and the flame fell, quickly devouring the ugly head.

Come to an end.

"You guys did a good job, the first stage of the mission is completed, the next stage is the second stage, you need to go to the Mountain of Trials to be tested, it should be noted that this mission can only be carried out by a maximum of two people at the same time."

"Understood, but, Her Royal Highness... Can you reveal what the test of the mountain of trials is?

Ning Tong said: "The paladin is not only powerful in strength, but also able to use healing magic, you killed those scout cavalry before, proving your strength, this time naturally you need to obtain magic proof, after going to the mountain of trials, kill 500 phantom wizards, and collect 100 magic medallions, the mission will be completed."

"Okay, don't worry, princess, I'll go back quickly!"

Qing Qingzi assured.

"Well, go for it!"


Out of the palace, Jiang Nianming said to the sister: "This mission can only go with two people, one of you two, accompany Zi Guan together."

Qing Qingzi was stunned: "Aren't you going?"

"Uh..." "

You go anyway." Sugar Candy pulled Yi Ming: "This is your highest defense, and you know the healing technique, if you don't go, the possibility of completing the task is not great." "


The two left, and Jiang Nianming could only follow Qingqing Ziyun to the Mountain of Trials to kill the phantom wizard.

The mountain of trials is divided into three stages, the first section is about level 30 monsters, most of them are physics departments, there are few law systems, and there are no phantom wizard wizards, after observing for a while, Jiang Nian Ming took Qingqing Zi Guan to continue to go deeper, until the middle section.

The level of monsters here has been greatly improved, from 30 to 40, there are also phantom wizards, the attributes are not high, the fire magic can only hit Jiang Nian Ming about 100 HP, the spell attack is not high, the blood is also small, and it is easy to kill.

However, after killing more than a dozen, Jiang Nianning found the problem, these guys did not seem to burst the Gong Lord's magic medal!

"How about we take a closer look?" Qingqing Ziguan proposed.

Jiang Nianming nodded: "It seems that you have to go deep into the back stage." "

The mountain of trials, in the later stage, the monsters here have all become phantom wizards, the level is between 42~45, the amount of blood is pitiful, only 3800~4000, Jiang Nianning is basically three swords a piece, if you hit critically, it is possible to slash one by one, after all, the physical defense of these wizards is not high.


A fireball smashed on Jiang Nianming's body, only 266 HP was dropped, this is in the state of opening the brave fearless, the damage brought to him by the other party is not high, after all, with the blessing of spirit seals and equipment, he is the protection of fire magic and ice magic is high for thieves, but for the sake of safety, Jiang Nianming will lead up to five monsters at a time, no more can not kill, hurried, completely unnecessary.

Qingqing Ziyun didn't help much during the whole process, her physical defense looked past, and the magic defense was too low to withstand a few hits.

In the end, Jiang Nianning drove the brave fearlessly to kill, and after killing more than five hundred phantom wizards, he also collected a hundred magic medallions by the way.

Qingqing Zijian's level has increased to 36, and Jiang Nianning has also risen by 1 level, and he is getting closer and closer to level 40.

"This phantom wizard's explosive rate is slightly higher."

Jiang Nianming looked at the extra equipment in the package, although they are all bronzes, they can also be sold for a lot of money, the middle players at this stage are only using two-star or three-star bronzes, and there are still a few who have silverware.

Open the equipment ranking and take a look, among the first one hundred and fifty pieces of equipment, there are only ninety-nine pieces of silverware, and the back is all bronze, and even the three-star ones are few, and the two-star is most.

After going back to hand over the task and handing over a hundred magic medals to the princess, the second stage of the transfer is completed, and then the final [Glory Moment].

Ning Tong looked at Qingqing Ziyun very gratifyingly: "It's really good that you can get to this step, but it's not so easy to complete the last step, no one can help you with this task, you can only rely on yourself." Qing

Qingzi and Jiang Nian Ming looked at each other.

The princess meant that Jiang Nianming could no longer participate in this task.

"It's okay, I'm sure you can do it alone." Jiang Nianning had a lot of confidence in her, although he didn't know where this confidence came from, and now even Qing Qingzi had no bottom in his heart.

After all, if she had left the first two tasks to do on her own, she would have failed long ago.

Ning Tong asked Qing Qingzi again at this time: "Do you know the Dark Fortress?"

Qing Qingzi nodded: "You know, that's already considered the front line, can it be that the prince let me go deep into the enemy's position alone to kill the enemy?"

Ning Tong snorted: "Yes, the glorious moment of the paladin is nothing more than killing the leader of the dark legion, I need you to rush to the dark fortress now, at least kill one general who guards the fortress, can you do it?" "

Qingqingzi people are stupid, how can this be done?

However, Jiang Nianming smacked her shoulder, whether she could do it or not, she had to agree first.

Qingqing Ziyun agreed, agreed to the princess's request, and accepted the task of killing the enemy general.

"Go, I'll wait for your triumphant return."

Qingqing Ziyun and Jiang Nianning left, all the way Qingqing Ziyun was dejected, going to the dark fortress to kill the leader of the enemy army, she really had no confidence at all.

Jiang Nianming reminded: "First buy the potion, see if there are treasures such as talismans, also buy some, keep it for self-defense, I can send you over, and then you can find a general of the dark fortress at random, kill it and it's over, just look for the kind of low-level one, it may not have to be a boss, maybe the strengthening monster, elite monster can also I can help you from the side, even if I can't form a team, I can always fight monsters." Qing

Qingzi said: "No, the task prompt must be completed by one person independently, and when fighting the Dark Fortress General, no one else can participate, otherwise you will not do the count."

"Lean! So ruthless! "

Jiang Nian Ming was shocked, the monster of the dark fortress, start at level 45, level 50 and level 55 are not surprising, in case a golden boss pops up, it is enough to destroy a thousand-person group in the stage, and also play a yarn?

No wonder Qingqing Ziyun cried and lost his face, this time he really ran into big trouble.

"What to do? In case the mission fails, everything will be..."

Before Qing Qingzi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Nianming, only to see him take out a talisman from the package and hand it over: "This is a divine guard talisman, if you are really unlucky and encounter an enemy boss, you can escape, you can escape, turn back and kill again, if you encounter someone who feels that you can kill, if you can't beat it, use this talisman to ensure that you can win!" Qing

Qingzi still believed in Jiang Nian Ning, and she took the Divine Guard Talisman and was full of gratitude to him.

"Thank you, when I successfully transfer jobs, I will definitely serve the team!"

"You're welcome, go quickly, I won't follow you, wait for your good news!"

"Hmm! Then I'm leaving! Qing

Qingzi is gone, and Jiang Nianming's face behind him is also a lot more solemn, saying that it is false not to worry, but there is nothing to worry about, the task is too restrictive, but this can also be seen that the nb of the Paladin profession, the attributes after the transfer, the probability will not disappoint.

"God forbid, the transition was successful."


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