The gods and demons did not laugh at themselves, turned and left, his time was up.

Jiang Nian Ming and they killed a few more monsters, and Sugar Candy successfully upgraded by level 1.

Yi Ming bent down to pick up a few gold coins on the ground, and as soon as he put them away, he heard the voice of the gatekeeper NPC in the distance: "It's time, come out quickly!" "

Renewal, your uncle's!"

Jiang Nianning said to a few people: "You guys continue to kill monsters, I just pay the money, and strive to burst two sets of silver moon suits today!"

"Okay! The first set is for the girl, the second set is for me! Sugar Candy raised his sword and began to look for monsters.

Brother Penetrating sighed: "Lady first, I follow." Jiang

Nianming quickly paid the money, and after paying it, he continued to stay and kill monsters, and the speed of dry corpses and ghost refreshes was very fast, and he could do it without going deep.

There is an 11-point lucky bonus, basically every 80~100 monsters killed can explode a silver moon equipment, of course, the dry corpse side will also burst bronze spears, armor, helmets and the like, ghosts can burst bronze staffs, mage robes, one star and two stars, not bad.

Three hours passed quickly, and this time I got two Silver Moon helmets and a Silver Moon gauntlet, and the helmet was given to Sugar Candy and Penetrating Brother, and the handguard was still Sugar Candy.

"This wave is not so good compared to the Silver Moon equipment of the last wave..." said the girl.

"Well, it's not that luck is so good every time, but it's not bad, three pieces of Silver Moon equipment, worth 5,000 gold coins."

"Do you still want to renew?" Sugar Candy asked.

Jiang Nianming looked at the time: "If you are not hungry, you can continue."

Yi Ming and Sugar Candy looked at each other and said in unison: "Don't be hungry, continue!" "

What about Brother Penetration?"


Since the three people have to continue, there is nothing to say, Jiang Nianming in the spirit of not afraid of hardship and fatigue, and then went to the goalkeeper NPC: "Brother, continue for another three hours." "

2000 gold coins." The goalkeeper said expressionlessly.

Jiang Nianming did not immediately give the money, but said with a smile: "Brother, you see that we will continue for another nine hours, can you send an extra hour?" The

NPC brother frowned, did not speak for a long time, just when Jiang Niannian thought that he was going to refuse, but listened to him say: "Yes, continue for another three hours, send you an hour."

"Yes! The old brother is really my confidant. "

Xizizi sent two thousand gold coins, and when I went back, I told the sisters about it, this time I can stay for four hours, and I am lucky to be able to play a set of Silver Moon equipment."

However, when brushing monsters, Jiang Nianming did not forget Qingqing Ziyun, he sent a message to ask how the task was doing, Qingqingziyun returned after five minutes, presumably encountered some trouble: "I led a level 48 silver enhancement boss out, this boss has 1.4 million HP, I can't beat it."

Jiang Nianming asked, "Then did you use the Divine Guard Talisman?"

"Yes, now the situation is better, in two hours, you can kill this boss."

"Uh-huh, then you be careful, don't be careless!"


After talking with Qingqing Zijian, Jiang Nianning continued to kill monsters, since the divine guard talisman given by the princess was used, as long as there was no mistake, it should not be lost, it was so confident, although he didn't know what the use of this divine guard talisman was, but it should be a very NB existence that can turn the tide of the war.

Two hours later, Brother Penetration's level had been raised to 40, and he could turn twice, but he did not return to the city immediately, but continued to kill monsters with him, and two hours of time could not be wasted.

At this time, Qingqing Ziyun also sent a message: "The task is done."

Jiang Nianming was pleasantly surprised: "Okay, then you go back to change jobs first, after the transfer, you will kill a monster for a while, we can't go back for the time being."

"Well, okay!"

Jiang Nianning told Sugar Candy the news of Qingqingzi's successful transfer, in addition to Brother Penetrating was confused, the other two were very happy, and the appearance of a paladin in the team meant that the strength of the team was greatly improved.

In fact, the happiest is Jiang Nianming, with the paladin, there is no need for him to carry monsters in front all the time.

In the excitement, the speed of everyone killing monsters was faster.

And the second person in the team to rise to level 40 is Yi Ming, which is an hour and a half after Brother Penetrate rose to level 40.

Ginger lemon and sugar sugar are still a little worse.

In the next half hour, a few people killed monsters casually, and there were a lot of equipment that exploded before and after.

When the time came, Jiang Nianning no longer renewed, killed for a day, and was tired to death.

Just walked to the door of the burial mausoleum, he suddenly felt an incomparably dark aura covering from behind, turned his head and looked, the entire sky of the burial mausoleum became extremely gloomy, in the distance, a large area of gray mist floated over, a large number of mausoleums were covered by fog, and the atmosphere became more gloomy.

Jiang Nianming looked at it for a while and then went out, and the NPC guarding the door kindly reminded: "Fortunately, you came out early, and then later, covered by that fog, you all have to die."

Yi Ming was surprised: "Could it be that monsters will be strengthened?" The

goalkeeper nodded: "Yes, but it's not just that." Sugar

Candy asked: "There will be a boss?" The

goalkeeper looked at the fog that covered it, his face was unusually solemn, and although he didn't say anything more, he said everything.

When night falls, this area will become extremely scary, and bosses that have never been encountered will also appear.

Jiang Nianming hugged his fist at him: "Brother, let's slip away first, you take care!" "

Take out the scroll back to the city, crush it, bye bye, see you next time."

After you go back, count your income first.

The third wave shot out the silver moon gun, and now the one Yiming is holding in his hand is, in addition, there is a silver moon bow, which is also a two-star silver weapon, in the hand of the penetrating brother, he also played a cuirass and a handguard, the cuirass gave sugar candy, the gauntlet gave the penetrating brother, Jiang Nianming originally planned to give the penetrating brother 200 gold coins as a reward for today's shot, but he didn't ask for it, according to his own words, today is already a big profit.

"I'll go to the second turn first, you guys take care."

"Well, go for it!"

Sending away Brother Penetrating, Yiming said, "I will also go to the second turn."

Jiang Nianning stopped her: "It's late, let's go offline and rest, I'm starving to death, it's never too late to turn around tomorrow." "

Yi Ming thinks about it, anyway, there is no reward, today and tomorrow are not much different.

"What about Sister Zi Geng?"

"I've already called her coming."

30 seconds later, Qingqing Ziyun appeared, at this time, although she was still holding a shield in heavy armor, she didn't look a little bulky like before, but had a holy and light feeling, and even Jiang Nianming felt a little elegant, which was obviously a change brought about by the paladin profession, not an ordinary warrior, nor a barbaric berserker like a troubled general.

"Good equipment." Jiang Nianming saw the armor, helmet, and sword in Qingqingzi's body, and knew that she had got a lot of good equipment after killing the boss.

Qing Qingzi said: "Fortunately, the armor is a three-star silver weapon, and the sword and helmet are two-star, so-so. Sugar

Candy was envious: "This can still be considered average, invincible at this stage, well... Just looked at the equipment rankings, the Flowing Cloud Sword, the Flowing Cloud Helmet, and the Star Pattern Armor are all yours, right? "

Hmm! Sugar candy good eyesight! "

Silverware... As for the hidden ID?

Qing Qingzi smiled and said, "I'm afraid that others will rob me."

"Haha! Now the two-star three-star silver is indeed quite domineering, but I am more concerned about the attribute growth of the paladin..."

Qing Qingzi said: "Very strong, especially the natural health increase, 68 points per level.

"Lean! 68 points, so fierce? Then don't you have 4,000 blood volume now?

Now that Qingqing Ziguan's level has reached 39, she nodded: "I am 5 physical strength 5 strength plus points, paladin 1 physical strength plus points equal to 6.3 health points, now the total health is more than 3800 points, plus other attributes, combined, it is a little more than 4000." "


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