As the number of thunder giants killed increased, the number of lightning strike wood in Jiang Nianming's package also increased, and after a few hours, more than two thousand lightning strike wood had been collected.

After you have enough things, go back to the city directly, and then buy rice paper and draw runes.

After successfully drawing two hundred thunder talismans, Jiang Nianning also became a level 4 talisman master, and then drew 20 level 3 thunder talismans, this time luckily, when trying to draw a level 4 thunder talisman, it was successful at once.

A level 1 Thunder Talisman can deal 500 fixed damage, and the amount of damage at level 2 is increased to 900, and a level 3 Thunder Talisman is more powerful, increasing its power to a fixed 1450 points.

By level 4, the power of the Thunder Talisman has changed, from single damage to group damage, randomly dealing 1000 fixed damage on three targets, while there is a 10% chance of generating an additional 200 splash damage, and the power is not weak.

Of course, if you are attacking a single enemy, it is better to use a level 3 thunder talisman.

These thunder talismans, Jiang Nian Ming does not plan to sell, keep them for his own use, and the effect of killing the boss is good.

However, now Jiang Nianming did not pay attention to the level 50 boss, he still had a few palace spirit seals that he hadn't obtained, so he still had to do the task first.

Go to Princess Ning Tong and take on the third task.

The previous mission was the ruins town, and this time it should be able to go deeper.

"Your Royal Highness, I'm going to take on the next task. Jiang Nianning spoke.

"Well, it's also time, your next destination is the Lair of Doom, which is a monster's lair located in the north of the ruins town, the specific situation, I am not very clear, you try to go to the town to inquire clearly before acting."

"If the task is not assigned on my side, you can talk to the residents of the ruins town, you can receive the task at random, and follow the corresponding steps." "

Ding! System

prompt: Do you want to accept the task [Lair of Doom] (difficulty 950)?"

Jiang Nianming chose to accept, and then said to Ning Tong: "Don't worry, princess, I will complete the task."

"Well, I'll send you over. Then

, with a wave of his hand, light poured into Jiang Nianming's body, and entered the ruins map for the third time.

Location, ruins town.

"Hey, big brother, you're finally here!" As soon as Jiang Nianming landed, the girl from the ruins town came up to greet him, this girl Jiang Nianming naturally remembered, the last time he came here and saved her life.

However, this NPC has not yet had a name.

Jiang Nianming was the first to talk to her: "Well, I'm going to the nest of Doom this time, do you know the situation there?" "

Ah, the Lair of Evil?!" Hearing Jiang Nianming's words, the girl's face suddenly changed, and her eyes were full of fear: "Big brother, what are you going to do there?

Rest assured, I am not afraid of danger, I came here this time to find out the situation of that lair, and if I can, maybe to solve the crisis there. The

girl shook her head repeatedly: "Big brother, you don't know how terrifying the Dark Nest is, there are a large number of Demon Moon monsters gathered there, once you get close, you will be attacked by countless monsters, and they will tear you to pieces."

Jiang Nianming frowned, "Demon Moon Monster?"

The girl said: "I heard the village chief say before that there is a demon moon in the lair of doom, and the monster should go up in response to the demon moon, and under the influence of the demon moon, there is a very powerful destructive force.

"So... I should explore it even more. Jiang Nianming said.

Seeing that she could not be persuaded, the girl said to him, "If the big brother wants to enter the lair of adversity, you can talk to the high priest."


Well, the High Priest is in the house at the back, he left town a month ago and only returned yesterday, and he knows a lot about the Lair of Doom."

"Okay, I'll go talk to him."

Jiang Nianming walked to the last house in town, went up and knocked on the door, and a slightly hoarse voice came from inside: "Come in."

Jiang Nianming pushed open the door and walked in, and saw a man in a silver moon robe with his back to him, and the man's name floated on his head, High Priest Ye Feng.

Ye Feng turned around, and a pair of purple pupils stared at Jiang Nianming: "You are an adventurer from the Eternal City, right?" "

That's right, High Priest Ye, it was the princess who asked me to investigate the situation of the Lair of Doom.

Ye Feng pondered for a moment and said, "A month ago, I noticed a change in the cave, so I went out to look for a way to crack it, but I didn't expect that when I came back, the town had become like this... Alas!"

he sighed deeply, feeling a little remorseful in his heart.

Then, he continued: "In the past few days, the Demon Moon's Lair is also unstable, the power of the Demon Moon is leaking out, if it is not stopped in time, I am afraid it will bring greater disasters to the town, under the influence of the Demon Moon, the monsters around the Nest of Doom have also begun to become violent... There are some monsters that are coming towards the town, I want to ask you, kill some monsters affected by the Demon Moon, try to delay their entry into the town, can you do it?

Jiang Nianning immediately made a choice.

"Remember, don't rush into the lair, just kill the monsters around. The High Priest gave a final reminder.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm not going to mess around.

"Well, go ahead.

Jiang Nianming left the town, pulled up the map, found the location of the nest of the anvil, and set off.

The eerie aura spread all around, and there were some monsters with teeth and claws dancing around, staring at him fiercely.

"For the peace of the town, I will hack you to death first. Jiang

Nianming swung his sword up, and a group of mobs were cut down, and there was no ability to resist at all, after all, the surrounding monsters were not very strong.

As he got closer and closer to the lair of doom, he could clearly feel the improvement of the monster's strength, and stopped a thousand meters away from the surpass, at this time, he found that the brain doors of those monsters were printed with a round of purple half-moon signs.

[Soldier of Doom] (Ordinary Monster)

Level: 48

Health Points: 5500 Physical Attack: 1320~1400

Physical Defense: 900

Magic Defense: 850

Talent: [Power of the Magic Moon] Physical Attack + 80 Points

Introduction: The monster that came out of the lair of Doom is affected by the power of the Demon Moon and has a strong destructive power.

Now there is only such a monster, the Soldier of Doom, wearing purple and black armor, holding a scimitar in his hand, a face covered by a helmet, can't see what it looks like, 1400 points of attack power, so that Jiang Nianming has to take it seriously, and under the influence of the power of the magic moon, the attack power of these soldiers has improved, and if they are not careful, they will be hacked to death by random knives.

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