After killing the three enhanced bats, there are no monsters in this cave, Jiang Nianming picked up the gold coins on the ground, and accidentally found a ball of shining light, when approaching, you can smell a faint stench, this is the bat of the bat, right?

System Tip: You got Bat Essence × 3!

Without much thought, he threw it directly into the package, and after probing in the cave, he found nothing, turned away, and went to look elsewhere.

Just like this repeatedly explored in the cave, Jiang Nianming killed a large number of enhanced monsters, and soon collected enough 200 bat essences, look at the experience of this level, it is already 86%, and it is not far from the upgrade, looking back, there are dozens of cleaned bat caves, but the boss has not yet been found.

At this time, Jiang Nianming had come to the halfway point of the mountain, where he had also discovered the largest cave so far.

If nothing else, this is it.

As soon as Jiang Nianming walked in, he saw a man covered in blood rushing towards this side, which really startled him.

This man suddenly threw himself at Jiang Nianming's feet, and his mouth was screaming: "Save me! Save me!" When Jiang Nianming

was strange, a super large blood-red bat pounced straight from the opposite side, I lean! Is this the boss to kill?

The bat claws were very sharp, cutting through Jiang Nianming's neck like a sharp knife, and at the same time, leaving toxins, Jiang Nianming was not polite, and opened two openings on its body, taking away more than 2600 blood volume.

System prompt: You have been violently attacked by the evil BatKing, your health has dropped by 756 points, you have been poisoned, and your health has dropped by 25 points....

This evil poisonous bat king was also fierce, not only did not retreat after being cut by Jiang Nianming twice, but he became more irritable, flapped his wings and rushed towards Jiang Nianning, and at the same time opened his mouth, revealing green and red teeth, his tongue stretched out, spitting out a mouthful of cyan mucus, which suddenly fell on Jiang Nianning's face.


prompt: You were attacked by the venom of the evil bat king, your health dropped by 532 points, your toxins deepened, and your health dropped by 45 points

! Jiang Nianning's face is now abnormal in color, turning blue, the toxin devours his blood volume little by little, or double toxin, the kind that is useless to drink the antidote

! Miracle light plus blood!

Then, explore this guy's attributes.

[Evil Poison Bat King] (Silver Elite BOSS)

Level: 57

Health Points: 3550000

Physical Attack: 2150~2320 Physical

Defense: 1980

Magical Defense: 2000

Talent: [Crazy Venom] Evil Poison Bat King can superimpose toxin effects, up to five layers, and after stacking five layers, it produces a venom explosion effect, causing high damage to enemies.

Skill: [Drinking Blood]

Introduction: A powerful bat hidden in a cave in the Wind Mountain, it is said that it has sucked the blood of many people who come and go up the mountain, it tries to occupy the entire mountain, and then march elsewhere!

Although this guy is only a silver elite boss, his attributes are actually not lower than gold, but his HP is not very high.

Jiang Nianming's sword can cut 1200+ HP, can greatly break the defense, and it is not difficult to win, as long as you pay attention to adding blood.

Jiang Nianming glanced back at the person behind him who was kicked by him, at this moment he shivered and got up from the ground: "Little brother, you must destroy this guy, you must not let it go down the mountain and cause disaster!" Jiang

Nianming glanced at the few words floating on his head.


is an NPC, but the name is not displayed for the time being, looking at his outfit, it should be a hunter, Jiang Nianming wondered how this guy came to this place alone... Didn't he also want to hit this big bat's idea, but he didn't fight it, and he was beaten into this bear?

However, killing the bat king is also what he has to do, and it's over

! Light thorn, assassination demon sword continuous attack, open the brave fearless and cold moon shield, the wild attack is over, the sword is bloody





Jiang Nianning is also uncomfortable, this bat king rarely releases skills, more is general attack and poison, Jiang Nianning is now hit by four layers of poison, not only the face has turned green, even the armor is fucking green

! When the second layer of poison, only 45 points of blood are missing per second, the third layer of poison is 70 points less blood per second, and when it comes to the fourth layer of poison, it jumps directly to 100 points in one second, the key is that I don't know how long it lasts, anyway, every second is losing blood

! Poof!

Another mouthful of venom fell on the body.

Jiang Nianming suddenly felt that his body was very heavy, and the whole person could not move, paralyzed in place, dropping 150 points of blood in a second, and he couldn't return blood during the period, which was fatal!

However, 3 seconds later, Jiang Nianming's chest suddenly exploded, and five layers of venom were stacked, forming an explosion.

On Jiang Nianming's head, a large four-digit figure appeared.


! Then, no more poison!

After the explosion, the toxin automatically dissolved, but this damage is really terrifying.

If someone else came, eighty percent would already be gone.

After the poison exploded once, Jiang Nian Ming can only use the miracle light to add blood, and then continue to attack, fortunately, the blood of this evil poison bat king is not very high, after a while, it gradually does not work, during the period used to drink blood, drinking blood is not a blood sucking skill, but the evil poison bat king reached out to scratch his body, and then drink his own blood, so that his own attack and the power of the toxin greatly improved, the second poison explosion, more violent than the first, caused 5,000 damage, which was caused by the blessing of drinking blood.

Jiang Nianming cursed and cursed in his mouth, but his hands kept stopping, the evil poison bat king who used the blood-drinking skill actually had to pay a price, and its own health volume would drop by 2,000 points, which was a life-changing method.

Victory was in sight, and Jiang Nianming didn't go offline to eat, until after three o'clock in the afternoon, after the wind fantasy, a sword pierced the boss's heart.

System tip: You killed the Evil Batmaster (Silver-level elite boss), gained 66,588 experience points, and gained 45 skill points.


level has been successfully increased to 49.


A big hit.

444 gold coins, 1208 silver coins, and a few copper coins, in addition to three or five pieces of equipment, as well as a book of intermediate fighting skills, a skill book, and some bat essence.

The skill book is very good, it is the blood drinking skill used by the boss.

[Blood Drinking] (AA-level skill): Use a weapon to cut your own skin, flow blood, and drink blood to increase attack power and skill effects.

[Blood Drinking] (AA Level Skill): Lv0......... Reduces HP by 1,000 points, increases attack power and skill effects by 5%, lasts 10 seconds, and cannot regain blood during this period. It takes 20 skill points to get to Lv1.

Jiang Nianning had 65 skill points before, and he had obtained a lot just now, and the book of intermediate fighting skills was also used for himself, so it was not a problem to increase the level of the blood drinking skill.

Directly add points, drink blood Lv0 becomes Lv1, reduce the amount of health by 2000 points, increase the attack power and skill effect by 10%, the duration is still 10 seconds, from Lv1 to Lv2 requires 40 skill points, Jiang Nian Ming continues to add points, the skill level becomes Lv2, the effect also changes from 10% to 15%, but the loss to itself also changes from 2000 to 3000 points, this skill, really scary, although the effect is quite good.

The skill points needed from Lv2 to Lv3 became 80, Jiang Nianniing looked at the remaining 65 skill points, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, a little worse, if only there were more.


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