Although the equipment is good, it is a pity that it does not belong to Jiang Nian Ning, which is very hurtful, but fortunately there are some materials for refining talismans, and it is a small to make up for it.

"Let's go, go back. Crushing

the scroll, everyone came to the outside of the Sunset Tower.

The floating goose sinking fish and the troubled generals are not here, but the gods and demons are leading a small team of players, as if they are waiting for something.

"Solved?" Seeing

Jiang Nianming and them come out, the gods and demons directly stepped forward and asked, Jiang Nianming nodded: "It's solved." With

envy in his eyes, he tried several times and failed, but he didn't expect that as soon as the Shenyue team made a move, the two bosses would be taken down immediately.

However, after 48 hours, the boss will be refreshed, that is, the explosion rate will decrease, and there may not be so many gold weapons that may not be exploded, and the first kill is quite important, but the gods and demons know that they can't get the first kill, and they can also take a second kill.

He did not hesitate to ask: "Brother, what do you have to say about killing

the boss?" Jiang Nianming said: "It's very simple, as long as the strength of your team members is hard enough, and then when the sunset giant has 30% HP, the second boss will appear, it is best to send more archers or powerful summoners, the boss is in mid-air, not easy to kill, of course, you can also ask the Bright Moon team to help, the floating goose sunken fish must be very experienced." The

god and demon muttered: "That little lady is not good to talk to, and her attitude is very bad."

"Haha, that's because people don't want to cooperate with you. "

Isn't the implication that I can't look at you?

Not so level.

At this time, Yi Ming spoke: "Actually, we can also cooperate."

The god and demon immediately looked at her: "What do you say?" The

girl rubbed her index finger with her thumb: "This." "

It's easy to get things done with money.

"How much you need, you guys offer. The gods and demons said.

The girl looked at Jiang Nianning.

He really didn't think about this, but Jiang Nianming was a smart person, and just thought for a moment: "A piece of gold plus 20,000 gold coins." "

Depend, it's ruthless!"

the god and demon and the little friend behind him were shocked.

At this time, a swordsman with an ID called Ruying Suifeng said something in the ear of the god and demon, the god and demon nodded secretly, and after a while, said to Jiang Nianming: "It's too expensive, we can discuss it again, you know, there are not many gold tools at this stage."

Jiang Nianning said: "You can now open the equipment leaderboard and compare the ID to see." The

gods and demons wondered.

Then, when I opened the equipment rankings and looked at them, I was immediately shocked, and suddenly there were several more gold items on the list, comparing IDs... "

Two bosses exploded four gold weapons, even if it is not the first kill, the explosion rate is reduced, at least two pieces can be burst, I want one, it's really not much."

"Of course, if you want to burst three gold weapons at once, it's not impossible, just give me the last blow of the boss, I have a high lucky value and have the ability to increase the burst rate." Hearing

this, the gods and demons were even more surprised.

"Skills to increase burst rate?"

"Well, I won't show you this, anyway, if you believe me, give me the boss final blow, if you don't believe me, then come normally."

"How can you come normally?"

Jiang Nianning said, "Of course, whoever grabbed it counted whom." "

The gods and demons' scalp is numb.

In this way, they are just going through the motions, the real protagonist is still the Shenyue team, of course, this is the original, relying on these people under the gods and demons will not work, they have tried many times before.

At this time, the swordsman came out with the wind and said: "What if the boss doesn't burst out

the golden weapon?" The girl asked rhetorically: "Do you think it's possible? If you kill five and six kills, it is possible not to burst the golden weapon, but the first kill and the second kill, it is impossible not to explode one piece, right?"

Jiang Nianning said: "If only one piece is exploded, I can also retreat to the second place, you can just pay some more gold coins or extra rewards, our Shenyue team is a reasonable team." "

Like a shadow following the wind:"..." Looking

at several people are fierce and evil, it doesn't look like they can be reasonable.

"How about it, if you think about it clearly, you can contact me, and kill after 48 hours." The

god and demon immediately said: "Don't think about it, in 48 hours, come here to meet, and the request will be yours."

"Cheerful man, then we'll go first."

"Hmm. After

talking, several people took out the Return to the City scroll, and after a few seconds, returned to the Eternal City.

Go repair the equipment first.

Fighting with the golden boss, although you can win, the loss is not small, the most obvious is the wear and tear of equipment, which is too big.

A few people went to the repair shop together, and the total cost of equipment repair was as high as 3300 gold coins, which was really head-winning.

"Didi!" As

soon as she came out of the store, Jiang Nianning received a message, and when she opened it, it came from the floating goose sunken fish.


Jiang Nianming replied, "When the sunset giant died, you and your subordinates snatched a lot of good things, right?"

"At least one gold weapon, there is a gold weapon owner with an ID hidden on the equipment list, it must be your Bright Moon squad."


No evidence, just a piece of gold, not worth hiding." Jiang Nianming said.

The floating goose sunken fish simply did not pretend: "Although what you said is very correct, our Bright Moon Squad is different from your Shenyue Squad, and we don't have a hidden profession."

"No hurry, sooner or later. Jiang Nianming's attitude was very perfunctory.

The floating goose sinking fish said again: "Actually, looking for you this time is a bit of a trivial matter."

Jiang Nianming probably already knew what was going on.

"Want to buy equipment?" Floating

Goose Shenyu nodded: "Yes, our summoner Yinmeng, I like the beast taming spirit whip of the summoner Xiyue under your hand, doesn't she have a new weapon now, so sell us the whip."

Jiang Nianning said: "Yes, you bid." "

Let's take a look at the equipment attributes first."

Jiang Nianning said to Xi Yue, and quickly sent the attribute map guide.

"The quality of the weapons I have in my hands is of first-class quality, you can rest assured. "

After reading the attributes of the beast taming spirit whip, the floating goose sinking fish has not replied to the message for a long time, I think it is looking for Yin Meng to see, Jiang Nian Ming also specially checked, the weapon used by Yin Meng is a three-star silver weapon, and the gold ware is far worse, not to mention the top one-star gold weapon such as the beast taming spirit whip, she must buy it, and is definitely willing to spend a lot of money.

"You make an offer. After a long time, the floating goose Shenyu replied to the message, Jiang Nianming had already marked the price in his heart, and immediately replied after seeing this information: "Friendship price, 150,000 gold coins." "

Go to death, why don't you grab it, 150,000 gold coins, are you crazy or am I crazy?" Jiang Nianming said: "The situation is different, if it were changed to before, how dare I ask you for 150,000, mainly because now the exchange rate of gold coins for cash is lower, falling to 1:0.8, 150,000 gold coins are only 120,000

cash, it's really not expensive." Jiang

Nianming said very truthfully, the decline in the exchange rate is a hard injury, which is adjusted by the game official at any time according to the progress of the game, now it is easier for players to hit gold coins, the number of gold coins is increasing, and the exchange rate must be controlled.

The floating goose sunken fish obviously knew this problem, and she could only say helplessly: "Okay, 150,000 is 150,000, you send a position, I will come immediately."

Jiang Nianning sent her a positioning.

Then wait where you are.

At this time, Qing Qingzi said: "I have the Sunset Gun, and I can't use this Cold Emperor Knife, or I can sell it."

Jiang Nianming couldn't laugh or cry.

"It was originally for you to sell, you contributed a lot to killing the boss, and you didn't get anything practical, this is to compensate you, you can keep the money from the sale."

"Or, you give the knife to Sugar Candy, and she should be able to use it." "

Light Ranger, it's not a big problem to hold a knife.

Sugar Candy shook his head: "No, I prefer to use a long sword, if there is a golden long sword that can be given to me."

"Wait a minute!" "

The sword is a golden weapon, and only this one is currently in Jiang Nianming's hand."

Yi Ming said: "Brother, if I were you, I would give away this gold vessel in my hand, and make the sister shudder." "


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