Jiang Nianming's slightly fierce tone immediately shocked several NPCs, and the leader paused for a while before saying: "Roth is in the deep mountain forest house, you go out, just go forward, but don't say that I told you, otherwise..." Jiang Nianming

raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, brother, this time we went to cut off Lot's head, so that he can no longer do evil, you are here waiting for our good news." "


! System prompt: Your team actively triggers the mission [Kill Archmage Lot] (difficulty 680)!

This difficulty is not large, I think Lot is an ordinary gold-level BOSS, at most it is an enhanced level, and it cannot reach the elite level, otherwise the difficulty will definitely rise.

The elite can kill, and the strengthened nature is not in the eyes.

"Go, take the head of the Roth dog. "

Jiang Niannian led the team to set off, with the assistance of the priest, as long as the blue amount is enough, it is normal to kill monsters without injury.

In the forest, several dark crossbows shot over, Jiang Nianning raised the star wheel sword to resist, but only separated two arrows, one arrow hit his right arm, grinning in pain, fortunately the amount of blood dropped was not much, more than eight hundred.

Looking in the direction where the crossbow arrows came from, I could see several black wild monkeys hiding in the trees, staring at them with laughter, each holding a short crossbow in his hand, the arrow was loaded, and fired again.

This time, Jiang Nianning was defensive and easily dodged.

View monkey properties.

[Spiritual Vein Black Monkey] (Normal Monster)

Level: 59

Health Points: 7800 Physical Attack: 3469~3789 Physical

Defense: 2020

Magical Defense: 2125

Skills: [Enhanced Crossbow]


Level 59 monkey monster, there is nothing to say, after close to the slash on the line, this monkey with a crossbow is the same as the human archer profession, once it is close, there is basically no ability to resist, of course, the human archer profession can actually be equipped with assassins with short swords, daggers and other weapons, the power is only 75% of the original weapon attack, the general archer is of course with a bow, even if it is close, it is to open the distance and then fight, rarely use short swords, daggers and other weapons, unless it is a last resort!

A carnage begins, and the monkeys in the way are swept away in just ten minutes, and each monkey gives more than 3800 experience points, especially the lowest level Jiu Kite, which has gained the most experience points.

Jiang Nianming saw that her level had changed again, and she had jumped from 35 to 36, and it had only been half an hour.

The lower the level, the faster the upgrade.

When you catch up, you naturally slow down.

After completing this task, you should be able to reach level 40 and turn twice, originally Jiang Nianning felt that it would take at least two days to rise to level 40, but now it seems that it is not needed, a few hours is enough.

After the monkey kills, through the forest, you can see a stream in the distance, there is a bridge on the stream, the bridge is not far from a wooden house, surrounded by forests, birds singing and flowers, the environment is exceptionally good, this is a deep mountain and old forest, it is simply a good place for retirement, and monkeys watch the gate, bodyguards and thieves

! Huh!

A crossbow arrow with a cold light shot head-on, rubbing fire on Jiang Nianming's armor, strengthening the crossbow, can break thousands of damage, it is really not low.

The monkey's range is also a bit far.

Jiang Nianning pointed with a long sword: "Kill the monkeys first!" These monkeys

are very annoying, shooting arrows indiscriminately, they should be the pets of the archmage Lot, just like Jiang Nianming said, they take care of the nursing home.

Everyone brushed and rushed up, and soon the monkeys were swept away, Jiang Nianming was not polite, a sword split the door of the house, and then saw the oncoming huge thunder beam!


! The blood bar fell to the bottom at once, frightened him and quickly retreated, first came a miracle light, but did not use it, and then ate the blood bottle, and there was a priest's sister plus blood behind, Rao is so, Jiang Nian Ming still has palpitations, what is this thing, when the first thunder magic will be critical!

That's right, spell crit, in general, the critical strike rate of mages and priests is very low, the chance of mage magic critical hits is less than half of that of the melee system, without special equipment bonuses, priests are the same, priest healing techniques trigger critical hits, that is, triple plus blood, the same reason.

Just when Jiang Nianning retreated and added blood, several people stared at the purple-robed archmage in front of him, and the name floating on his head was, Archmage Lot!

[Archmage Lot] (Gold Enhanced BOSS)

Level: 60

Health: 4500000

Magic Attack: 3360~3880 Physical Defense: 2890 Magic



Talent: [Magic Explosion] Increases the magic critical strike rate skill by 20%

: [Red Flame Flow] [Thunderstorm] [Dark Snow] [Magic Shield]

Introduction: The Great Wizard Lot is the overlord of the Spirit Vein Valley, he has an extremely powerful talent for magic cultivation, obsessed with magic cultivation, and even does not hesitate to experiment with human lives, if he is not killed, he will definitely fall into the evil path, at that time, maybe a valley territory can not satisfy him.


Sure enough, it is a strengthened golden BOSS, the general mage BOSS health is not high, therefore, Lot's health is only 4,500,000, but I have to say that his magic damage is still high for thieves, and Jiang Nianming saw a familiar skill, black snow, the puppet wizard of the Sunset Tower before will also do this trick! Compared to the puppet wizard

, this guy in front of him is obviously more tricky, after all, the level is high, level 55 and level 60, that is far worse.

"A few of you guys who don't know if you are dead or alive, you dare to break into my cultivation place, I see that you are trying to plot against me, next, the flames... It will devour all of you

!" "Red Flame Flow!" Roth was really not polite at all, only to see the purple-black staff in his hand shook to the ground, and suddenly the top of the staff emitted a blazing stream of light, and the flames condensed, burning towards everyone like a river, it was a group magic attack

! Bang!

Where the Red Flame Flow

passed, Jiang Nian Ming and Qing Qingzi Guan, who were standing in front, were hit.



Qingqingzi's top shield was in front, and the red flame stream could not continue to burn, and the attack on the people behind ended there.

At this time, a figure suddenly passed, turned to the back of the archmage, and gave him a sword

!-6033! crit

! Sugar Candy shot, followed by five consecutive swords, two of which were crits




There is no damage broken by 2100, but this attack is not low.

Yi Ming also killed from the side, the halberd swung and swept on Roth, the attack power was very fierce, and he screamed!

Lot's HP has dropped by hundreds of thousands

in less than a minute! Seeing the boss being beaten into this miserable appearance, the priest's sister Jiu Yuan was very excited to see it, and her heart was very excited, too fast, at this speed, in less than an hour, you can kill a strengthened golden BOSS, which is impossible to do if it is put in other teams.

Of course, now she can only be considered a bastard.

Lot, this archmage is still a little powerful, after all, there is 20% of the extra crit talent, a magic falls, once the crit falls, it is easy to send people away, fortunately, this time the girl is lucky, did not hang, hung up is Xiyue, her sunset sky eagle is too fierce, just a few seconds hit Roth tens of thousands of damage, coupled with the attack of other summoned beasts, of course attracted the hatred of the boss, so unfortunately was hit by a critical thunder, there is no place to die!

! Unfortunately, now Jiu Yuan has not learned to resurrect magic, can only drop the level, this is not a matter of cooperation, is the other party's attack power is too fierce, can not be blocked at all, the so-called life and death, wealth in the sky, is such a reason.

Of course, Roth did not run rampant for too long, such a high-intensity siege he absolutely could not bear, insisted on forty fifty or sixty minutes, released a magic shield with 5,000 shields, basically had no ability to resist, and after a few minutes, the amount of blood was in the end, Sugar Candy swung a sword, pierced his heart, and Roth raised his head to the sky and shouted, and his life whimpered!

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