Jiang Nianming asked, "How strong are you now?"

"So low. Jiang Nianning was slightly speechless.

At this time, Sugar Candy explained: "The priest relies more on not the strength of the law, but on spiritual power, the stronger the spiritual power, the higher the treatment, am I right?"

"So, I'm 5 Spirit, 2 Mana, 3 Stamina Plus points." "

Pretty reasonable.

Of course, in fact, after calculating it, Jiu Yuan's current spell shield is not much stronger, and it will be broken casually, or it depends on the middle and late stages.

"Next, let's go and brush the spirit seal fragments?" "

No, we also have to help the gods and demons brush the Sunset Tower, and hurry up and finish it." "


Jiang Nianning contacted the gods and demons and learned that he was waiting in front of the Sunset Tower at this time, moreover, he had been waiting for a long time, and he was a little unhappy.

Jiang Nianning snorted, led people over, and saw the gods and demons guarding the tower.

The swordsman stood on his side like a dog-headed military master like a dog-headed military master, a little behind.

The personnel of the God and Demon Squad is quite complete, a total of nine.

Gun Guardian God and Demon, Swordsman Like a Shadow, Swordsman Forgotten, Mage Blue Silk, Warrior Reclamation, Assassin Death Cut, Priest Linyu, Priest Gray Track, Archer Scarlet.

Among these nine people, Mage Silk, Assassin Death Cut, Priest Lin Yu, and Archer Crimson are all female players, and it seems that the charm of this god and demon is really not bad, attracting a large number of girls to use for her.

Although most of these players have not been in the top ten of the leaderboard, except for the two priests, everyone else is within thirty, and their strength is quite strong.

Jiang Nianming pays special attention to Death Cut and Scarlet, these two names sound like a male player, but they are actually women, among them, Death Cutting Level 47, Scarlet Level 46, look at that equipment, the worst should also be two-star silverware, the best... Well, it should be Samsung silverware, gold or less.

Yi Ming looked at these players and said in a low voice: "I didn't pay much attention to these people last time, how do I think these people will be our great enemies in the future."

Jiang Nianning also felt the same.

However, now everyone is working hard to rush the level, as long as it is not done too much, generally there will not be too much conflict, and when the guild is established, the group will fight for dominance, and at that time, the good show will really be staged.

Now, the fun game hasn't really started yet.

These people under the gods and demons, just looking at the momentum, are very not weak, and each ID is also very fierce.

However, it is really embarrassing that you can't push off the two golden bosses.

"Brother, you come to lead the team, just follow what we said last time, I hope to finish brushing these two bosses today and burst a few more gold weapons." The

god and demon spoke, walked forward, and met Jiang Nianning, and the others followed.

Jiang Nianming said: "There is no need to go to so many people, just find a few elites to go in and brush it as soon as possible." "

Well, how about five people on our side and five people on your side?" Now

the Shenyue team has a total of six people, go to five, and the remaining one, it is not so good-looking.

So, Jiang Nianming smiled and said: "Don't be like this, all six of us go here, there are only so many people in my team, it's not appropriate to leave anyone behind, you say no? Or, you pick four out over there?"

Ruying silently stood up with the wind, and the rest of the people looked at each other, and then the death cut with a blood-colored dagger also stood up, this girl is a thief rod, royal sister type, a leather armor with small brute boots, thin waist and long legs, lips and a touch of scarlet, although the eyes are not so sharp, but give people a feeling of gloom.

This girl... No, this sister, it's not easy.

Following the death cut, the priest Lin Yu also stood up, but Jiang Nianning said: "We have a priest here, one is enough, it's best to have another remote output, the archer is good."

"A priest, are you sure?" the

person who asked this was Ruying Suifeng who didn't quite believe Jiang Nian Ming... No, it should be said that it is, not very confident.

Jiang Nianming said: "Don't worry, come to an output, kill faster, the pastor on our side can fully guarantee the safety of each of your lives." "

This bullish blow makes Jiu Yuan a little embarrassed.

Ruying was skeptical, but didn't say anything more.

"Crimson, come too. The

gods and demons didn't have any moths, they directly shouted scarlet, scarlet nodded, stood up, and the people were complete.

"Let's go to level up first, follow the god of death. "

Obviously, this god of death is not low in the minds of gods and demons.

The god of death is not ink, immediately took people away, and the sunset tower side is led by Jiang Nianning, the gods and demons can only be the second oldest, when he asked how to kill the boss, Jiang Nianming said bluntly: "Just kill casually, two golden bosses, not worth mentioning." "

The sunset feels like he's pretending, and there's evidence.

"Is there any

strategy?" "Strategy?" Jiang Nianming shook his head: "If there is no strategy, it will be killed, the second boss is in mid-air, and the archer is needed to output, if there is a strong summoner on my side, it is enough."

"Well, then do as you say, when the time comes, you will be in front and I will attack from the flank." "The gods and demons are not fools, naturally they will not be in the front row, Jiang Nianning did not refute this, there is no need, two golden bosses, his ambition is no longer here, the star picking tower is not in his eyes, not to mention the Sunset Tower."

Enter the tower, just brush the boss directly, there are still many players in the Sunset Tower, but 95% of the players only dare to brush the mob, do not dare to touch the boss, the remaining 5%, immediately washed by the blood of the sunset giant.

"When the people are dead, let's pick them up immediately."

Jiang Nianming looked at the sunset giant with about 85% of the blood volume and the inconspicuous players at the giant's feet... Alas, these players, their attributes are too low, they are cut twice by the boss and return to the west, and they don't have to fight at all.

Soon, the first wave of players died cleanly, and Jiang Nianning pointed at the star wheel sword in his hand: "In front of Zi Guan, others can fight casually, just take the output." "

Qingqing Ziyun is not nonsense, the sunset gun waves, and takes the lead.

Bang! A

heavy sound, the sunset spear pierced the chest of the sunset giant, taking away 2546 points of his health, very good, the gods and demons behind him and the shadow with the wind were shocked, this output, too terrifying.

But at this moment, the sunset giant shouted, and the Cold Emperor Knife slashed down.

"Be careful!" someone

shouted from behind, but saw Qingqing Ziyun raise her spear to block it overhead, and the cold emperor's knife slashed the heavy barrel, only to shake her back two steps.


"Lean!" Seeing

this amount of damage, the gods and demons were even more surprised, what kind of defensive attribute is this? Why did the sunset giants suddenly not work, it was not like this when they cut them before, a knife a small karami, one by one was killed tragically, I dare not forget it until now.

At this time, seeing the battle information in the team system, he realized that Qingqing Zigen's physical defense was indeed high, but the reason why the blow just now only hit less than a thousand damage was that the block was successful!

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