Seeing his companion being killed in front of his eyes, Hong Yan's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, Jiang Nianming also turned around at this time, not far away, three evil dark wizards were sneering.

"Die!" Jiang Nianming was also angry, he died an elf, and his reward was about to be reduced.

Hong Yan also opened her bow and took an arrow, and a flame spirit arrow hit the chest of the dark wizard on the right, only taking away less than 400 HP points, and her magic attack was too low.

Fortunately, Jiang Nian Ming mended the knife fast enough, and the hatred was all attracted by him, the elves hid behind, and the dark wizard attacked him alone, so that more elves could survive.

When the penultimate dark wizard was killed, Jiang Nianming's level was also successfully increased to 54, and the amount of health blue was automatically filled, and after the addition was completed, he turned around, took out the Return to the City scroll and handed it to the two elves who were still alive, asking them to return to the Eternal City first.

"Now is not the time to be sad, we must hurry, or more of our companions will be killed."

Hong Yan looked sad, stopped in mid-air and did not want to leave, after hearing Jiang Nianming's words, she slowly came back to her senses: "Well, I know, go north, there should be our companions there."

Jiang Nianming followed her instructions and went all the way north, and after killing some monsters, she successfully rescued the three elves.

The level of Red Flame has also been increased to 40.

Subsequently, Jiang Nianning wandered around the Flowing Firefly Forest, constantly killing monsters and saving elves, of course, there were accidents during the period, and he could only watch those weak and helpless elves being killed.

After rescuing more than fifty elves, Jiang Nianming had already arrived at the heart of the Flowing Firefly Forest.

"Do you know about Liuyun?" asked Jiang Nianming, who had been looking for Liuying and wanted to give Ellie's hairpin to her, but after walking for so long, he couldn't find it.

"Lord Liuying..." When Hong Yan heard this name, his face suddenly changed: "You know Lord Liuying?"

Jiang Nianming thought that the identity of this Liuying was not low, and thought about it, after all, this forest was named after her.

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Yes, a friend asked me to find her, do you know where she is?" Hong

Yan said: "Lord Liuying is the guardian spirit of this forest, after these dark and dirty monsters attacked in, they were blocked by Lord Liuying for a while, but... After all, they were too powerful, and Lord Ryu Hotaru could not resist it in the end, so he sacrificed... Sacrificed.

Jiang Nian Ming was stunned: "Sacrifice? Dead?"

Hong Yan lowered his head, his face sad, it seemed that he was not lying.

At this moment, an old elf flew over from the forest: "Lord Liuying is still alive..."

Jiang Nianning and Hong Yan looked together along the source of the voice.

"Elder!" shouted Hong Yan, and the old elf flew towards her.

The old elf has no name and only four words on his head: elf elder.

Jiang Nianning talked to him: "Elder, Liuying is still alive, so where is she now?"

In the soul house, before the dark family attacked in, Liuying Da already had a hunch, before she fought the enemy, she sealed a wisp of soul into the soul altar of the soul house just in case, and then something happened, Lord Liuyu died, fortunately there was still a trace of soul, relying on this soul, there is still hope of recovery, the most important thing now is to bring out the soul altar containing her soul first. "

The vanguard of the dark race has already headed towards the House of Souls.

Jiang Nianning: "Point in the direction, we will go now."

"Come with me. The elf elder said, leading the way in front, there were few monsters around, and only when he was about to approach the soul house, he could see a large number of dark monsters suddenly appearing.

"Well, why are there so many people?" The elf elder was a little surprised when he saw the hundreds of monsters, after all, the number of monsters before was far more than now.

"Let's get in first. Jiang Nianning opened the way in front, the Star Wheel Sword swung, and one by one the dark demon soldiers were killed.

In front of the House of Souls.

Jiang Nianning looked around and found that there were indeed no monsters, so he reached out and pushed open the door and walked in, and the elf elder and Hong Yan also entered.

In the soul room, purple light flickered, and a blazing aura emanated.

Jiang Nianming stared at the row of small altars in front of the wall at the end, which should be the soul altar mentioned by the elf elder.

Counting carefully, the number of soul altars is a total of twenty-six, which represents the existence of twenty-six souls.

The elf elder stepped forward and sensed it, then pointed to the altar on the far right and said, "This is it."

Jiang Nianming quickly stepped forward and picked up the altar.

System prompt: You have collected the altar of souls.

It's time to leave.

But at this time, the elf elder said: "The other soul altars also contain the souls of the elven warriors, these warriors made great contributions to our clan during their lifetime, and I hope you can take them all away." Jiang

Nian Ming thought, taking away a soul altar should be regarded as saving one more elf, anyway, take everything that is convenient.

Then, he put away the altars of souls one by one.

When the last altar of souls enters the package.

System prompt: You have collected all the altars of souls, attracting the attack of the dark ones, and they will desperately take your life and take the altar of souls.

System prompt: You have triggered the mission [Guardian Soul Altar].

Mission content: The dark clan will attack the Soul House under the leadership of the warrior Arrea, lasting 2 hours, if you can survive within 2 hours, then congratulations, the mission is completed, you can take the soul altar to ask the princess for an extremely rich reward.

Note: For every 15% decrease in your HP, a Soul Altar will automatically burst, and when the HP is about to reach 0, you die, and all the Soul Altars will burst, declaring the mission failed.



! There is also this kind of thing!

Jiang Nianning's heart was shocked.

Then, he took out the Back to City scroll, which, unfortunately, had lost its luster and he could not leave until the mission was completed.

"The Dark One is going to attack the House of Souls, be careful, and when they recede, we will return to the Eternal City." Jiang Nian Ming said to the elf elder and Hong Yan.

"Well, the soul altar must not fall into their hands!" Outside

the soul house, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Jiang Nianming opened the door and walked out, and was greeted by hundreds of dark demon soldiers, whose level was higher than those before, having reached level 60, and their attributes were slightly strengthened.

"The wisdom of these dark demon soldiers should not be high, let's guard the door of the soul house and let them die one by one." Jiang

Nian Ming formulated a strategy, he guarded the door alone, and the elf elder and Hong Yan used ranged attacks on the left and right sides.

The long sword fell, separated by Jiang Nianming's star wheel sword, a sword pierced into the opponent's heart, instantly took away 2952 points of health, backhand two swords, click, directly sent away!

Over time, the number of demon soldiers has not decreased, but has increased, and there are some archers hidden in the shadows to shoot from a long distance, making people defenseless, but fortunately, Jiang Nianning's defense is strong enough, and he uses the miracle light to add blood, so that the blood volume can barely be maintained below 85%.

Half an hour.

An hour.

An hour and a half.


I don't know how many monsters were killed, Jiang Nianming's level was increased to 55, and Hong Yan behind him also rose to level 43, and the upgrade speed was very fast.

In the last half hour, a female warrior with a dark longbow will appear, not to mention, the figure of this female warrior of the dark clan is very graceful, but the blood-red eyes are full of killing intent, which makes people feel cold.

[Vanguard Warrior Arrea] (Gold Elite Boss)

Level: 65

Health: 145000000 Physical Attack: 5480~6620 Physical

Defense: 3355

Magic Defense: 3680

Talent: [Multi-shot] Triggering multiple shots every three attacks, this attack will fire between three and six arrows at the same time, each dealing 85% damage bonus to physical attacks.

Skill: [Armor Piercing Arrow] [Soul Suppression Arrow] [Burial Soul Arrow]

Battle General Aura: After release, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under your command will be increased to a certain extent.

Introduction: The vanguard of the dark race, a well-known female warrior, has extraordinary shooting talent, and the opponents she targets usually die miserably.

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