The version is going to be optimized, the subsequent update will open mounts and pets, the optimization time is two days, in fact, it is not short, Jiang Nianming did not hesitate too much, immediately chose to go offline, and finally can have a good rest.

"Brother... Old brother..." Jiang Nianming just opened his eyes, he heard the voice of the girl outside, got up and looked, Yiming pushed the door and looked at him, although the sugar candy did not show his head, but the sleeve of his arm was exposed, just next to it, Jiang Nianning got up, took off the bracelet, and smiled: "Version update, we just have time to rest, go to wash first, and go out for a big meal later."



The time came to nine o'clock in the evening, the three of them were sitting on the side of the road eating barbecue, this is what Jiang Nianning called a "big meal", but everyone ate happily, the summer wind is not so cool, but the cold beer is refreshing, the girl's amount of alcohol will not be bad, but what Jiang Nianning did not expect is that even sugar candy is also very good at drinking, looking at the crooked wine bottles on the table and on the ground, Jiang Nianning couldn't help but praise: "Two, good amount of wine!"

Sugar Candy's face was slightly red, and he raised his hand to pat Jiang Nianning's shoulder, not thinking that this time he would pat him under the table.


Yi Ming and Sugar Candy glanced at each other, and quickly got up to help people, while Jiang Nian Ming got up by himself and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little strong." "

I... I didn't use any force. Sugar Candy was slightly embarrassed.

Yi Ming: "Brother, you drank too much." Jiang

Nianming: "I

didn't, continue..." Yi Ming and Sugar Candy were very helpless, originally planned to discuss and discuss things in the game, but now it seems that they can't, just went to nibble on lamb kebabs, and didn't study the game too much.

It's okay, it's time.

At half past eleven in the evening, Jiang Nianming was already drunk and unconscious, but the girl took a taxi to send him back.

When she woke up the next day, Jiang Nianming couldn't remember anything about what happened last night.


only drinking some porridge for breakfast, Yiming blinked her eyes and asked: "What's the matter?" Jiang

Nianming looked at her: "It's nothing, it's great, let's talk about the game, have you completed your task?"

"How awesome?"

Sugar Candy and the girl were particularly curious.

Jiang Niannian said mysteriously: "Guess." "

Samsung goldware. The girl was the first to speak.

Jiang Nianming cut it: "The three-star gold ware is not awesome." Sugar

Candy was surprised: "Beyond the Samsung gold ware, the purple gold ware that should not be... Oh no, it should be gold specialty.

Jiang Nian Ming shook his head repeatedly: "No, purple gold ware."

"I don't believe it.

"I don't believe it either..."

Jiang Nianning was suddenly embarrassed.

One by one, I don't believe it.

Don't believe it.

"Ahem... Tell me about the optimization of that version of the game, what do you think?

"When the optimization is complete, I will first capture a powerful pet

!" "I want mounts, war horses!" Yi Ming said, the gun guard got on the horse, and the combat power soared!

Jiang Nianming felt that it should be Qingqingzi.

Sure enough, as expected, a slightly familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, although it was not very clear, but it was not bad, it was Qingqingzi.

In less than a minute, he hung up the phone, and Sugar Candy said: "Zi Guan just called, there is news about optimization, the new version is called [Troubled World], and you can now log on to the official website of the God Realm to inquire." Yi

Ming immediately moved the computer and put it on the table, so that everyone could see it, directly searched the official website of the Divine Realm, and after logging in, saw the new version of the news.

[Divine Realm] was optimized for the first time, and the [Troubled World] version was launched.

[1] Background: The vision of heaven and earth, the great movement of the world, the arrival of mysterious forces, and the gradual chaos of this world.

Outside the five main cities, the figure of that person appeared, who he was, where he came from, where he was going, what kind of fate was he carrying?

Troubled times have begun, folks, and OK....

[2] Optimization content

(1) Equipment system optimization: Under the old version, the concept of "equipment appraisal" did not appear, then the new version will introduce this concept and implement it, and some of the exposed equipment needs to go to the store for appraisal. Unidentified equipment not only has reduced attributes, but also cannot be equipped, and after the identification of equipment, all attributes will be greatly improved, which can directly improve the strength of players.

(2) Hunger system optimization: Under the old version, there is also the reflection of hunger, players in the state of hunger, occasionally appear physical exhaustion, but some will not show, mainly because the hunger system has not been fully developed, is still in the trial stage, after the version optimization, hunger will be more obvious, the system will be online later.

(3) Red name system optimization: Under the old version, the murder red name could only be cleansed by brushing monsters, and after the version optimization, two channels were added to wash the red name. One is the Holy Spirit Tower, and the other is to pay a fine, please experience it online.

【3】Update content

(1) The mount and pet system is turned on, the mount and pet store are online synchronously, and the five copies of pet and mount are opened.

(2) The spirit seal system is updated, players can swipe the copy system up to 10 times per day, and kill the boss to have a chance to drop spirit seal fragments or complete spirit seals.

(3) The special military copy is turned on, and the exclusive story background of the special weapon is turned on, and players are invited to enter the game to experience it by themselves.

(4) Sin City opens, which will bring players a better experience.

(5) The wanted order is opened, and killing the wanted person will be rewarded with a high reward.

(6) When the background music system is turned on, entering certain maps or encountering powerful monsters and bosses will sound the exclusive background music specially produced by the game company, allowing players to get a deeper experience.

The content of this optimization and update is here, thank you for watching, and look forward to all players being able to actively speak in the comment area to bring more inspiration to the official, thank you again, Momoda....


Jiang Nianming: "Two, what are your ideas?"

"The girl is still as crisp and neat as ever.

"I'm looking forward to it, in troubled times, I will come first." Sugar Candy said.

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Well, that's it, by the way, sugar candy, do you want to move to our studio, so that it will be convenient to communicate in the future, and now she should not have to go to work." Sugar

Candy thought for a while and said, "I'll call her and ask if she wants to move, if she can move here, so that our place will be more lively."

"Uh-huh!" "

Anyway, the room is bigger and more, Jiang Nianming doesn't have to worry about the rent, and after a while, he even wants to buy this house directly, open the mobile phone to check the balance, well, more than three million and nine million, close to four million, a little money, but buying a house here is much worse, continue to work hard!

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