Jiang Nianning took the lead in striking, the spear stirred, and attacked two high-level fangs miners at the same time, each blow took away about 60 of the other's HP, obviously these guys were much harder than the previous miners.

And when the knife of the high-level fangs miner fell on Jiang Nianning's shoulder, a damage value of 27 points made Jiang Nianming painful, the attack power of this monster itself is more than a hundred, but the talent blade adds an additional 25 attack power, so it can greatly break Jiang Nianming's defense, and the damage reduction of the Luna Yar provides Jiang Nianning with a small amount of help.

Jiang Nianning stepped and tried to dodge the opponent's attack, only level 9, he has not learned any skills, he can only attack with one shot, fortunately, the attack power is not low, as long as it is slowly consumed.

The health of the high-level fangs miner is too high, more than a thousand points, almost eighteen attacks, and if you attract two monsters at the same time, the killing speed will be slower.

However, Jiang Nianning knew that even if he only led one, the other would definitely take the initiative to kill him, after all, the realm of this mine was not open.

After some fighting, Jiang Nianning finally killed the high-level mine on the left, this guy gave Jiang Nianming 308 experience points, if there is no 10% bonus, a single basic experience point is also 280, which is very impressive, and Jiang Nianming even noticed a flooded skill book that fell on the ground!

That should be... The only skill of the advanced miner is slashed, right?

However, until death, the miner did not use this skill, just when Jiang Nianning thought so, the knife in the hand of the high-level fangs miner on the right flashed red, and then he shouted, his arm stirred, like a blessing of divine power, and suddenly cut off Jiang Nianning's head.

Jiang Nianming was startled, and hurriedly dodged sideways, his head was not cut, but this knife fell on his shoulder.



It doesn't seem to be good!

Jiang Nianming's backhand was a shot in the opponent's chest, and then a set of consecutive stabs, directly killing this guy who had already broken blood.

Picking up gold coins is naturally not a problem, and the most important thing is the skill book.

Although he has not reached level 10 yet, he seems to have been on the same page as a skill book recently, plus this one is two.

[Blade Slash] (Level B): Unleash skills that deal 135% damage to enemies with physical attacks, and can be learned at level 10.

Need a profession: swordsmen, warriors, moon messengers

are still level 10 skills to learn, but Jiang Nianning does not plan to learn this thing, 135% physical attack damage, he can't look at it, at least 150%, moreover, the weapons he often uses are guns, not swords and axes and the like, there is no gun guard in the class, indicating that this skill is not suitable for long guns, and it is useless to learn it.

After going to the main city, sell it to other players, I believe that someone will like it.

The price of a skill book is not low, although this skill book is only B-level.

Jiang Nianning was already pondering in her heart.

Keep going.

The monsters that appeared earlier are all enhancement levels, level 10, and the attributes are the same as the high-level fangs miners that appeared before, although they are slow to kill, but they do provide a lot of experience points.

And Jiang Nianming, who has 11 lucky points, is really lucky, killing these high-level fangs miners did not burst out any equipment, but they burst out a book of the same skill, two skill books in hand, and made a big profit.

6:15 p.m.

Jiang Nianming finally reached the end of the mine, and his HP was still 48% left.

At this time, his level had reached 79% of level 9, and he was just a little bit away from being upgraded.

Level 10 should be a watershed.

Jiang Nianming looked at the shining black iron treasure chest at the end of the mine cave, and knew that it was probably filled with the space rough stone he needed to find.

Under normal circumstances, there must be monsters guarding treasure chests.

Jiang Nianning did not dare to be careless, first looked up at it, and found no monsters, and the monsters around him were also cleaned up by him.


Are there really no monsters guarding here?

Jiang Nianming didn't quite believe it.

He still doesn't think it's that simple.

However, the treasure chest is in front, and he can't help but open it, so he walked directly up, came to the front of the black iron treasure chest, and touched the treasure chest.

System tip: Without the key, the treasure chest cannot be opened, and if it is forcibly opened, it is likely to cause some damage to the treasure inside.

If you can't open it, just pick it up.

Jiang Nianming left with the treasure chest.

But at the moment he took the treasure chest, the entire mine began to tremble, Jiang Nianning found that something was wrong, and immediately ran out, but the speed was still too slow, the magnitude of the tremble of this mine was getting bigger and bigger, and stones kept falling on it.


A fist-sized stone smashed on Jiang Nianming's shoulder, directly killing him with 35 HP points.

Bang bang!

Stones of different sizes kept falling on him.




Jiang Nian Ming was miserable.

Ritte, this is hairy?

Lao Tzu took the treasure chest, this mine is about to collapse?

He ran all the way, and finally saw the light outside the cave entrance, and soon, he was about to reach the exit.

Keep running wild.

The stone kept falling, and his HP was getting less and less, leaving only 150 points.

But fortunately, he finally came to the entrance of the cave.

Just as he was about to step out, the ground shattered with a bang, and a large hole suddenly appeared, as if he was deliberately waiting for Jiang Nianming, stepping on the air, Jiang Nianming fell down at that time.


Another thump.


Pig-killing screams came from inside the mine.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

A number of -100 appeared on Jiang Nianming's head, and he did not die.

There is still a measly 50 HP left.

Jiang Nianning didn't dare to be careless, and if anything else would appear later, he quickly took out the super blood bottle and drank it.






Drinking a total of four times, and leaving the last one in case of emergency, looking at the blood bottle that had bottomed out, Jiang Nian Ming also had a flesh pain.

He looked up and found himself off the ground... In particular, I can't see how high it is, who is so lacking in virtue, digging such a pit and shelving his mentality here?

What to do?

There is no ladder here, his bouncing power is not very strong, he must not be able to jump up, can he climb up a little bit?

Jiang Nianming wanted to cry without tears.

What an open sex game, so open, I never expected it!

What he didn't expect was that at this moment, a golden slime jumped in front of this deep pit, curiously looking at the space below, but this pit was too deep, and it couldn't see what was underneath.

Then, with the heart of a curious baby, it jumped from above at once....

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