After going offline, Jiang Nianming took the sugar candy and went out to eat with the girl, and Qingqing Zijian could not go out and move around due to physiological reasons, so Jiang Nianning brought the rice back to her to eat.

At night, Jiang Nianning was not online, I killed two bosses today, I was really a little tired, I had a good night's rest, and I continued to work tomorrow.

And compared to the specialized martial arts, now he is more concerned about the construction of the gang order, this thing has not been exploded by any player until now, the first guild has not yet been established, mainly the purple gold BOSS is not so easy to find, if you can find it, call some manpower, it is definitely not difficult to kill.

And these days, players will undoubtedly focus on specialized weapons, after all, there are only ten specialized weapons, and the competition is too big.

Of course, there will definitely be some smart people, taking advantage of the time when everyone is focusing on specialized weapons, to specifically find purple-gold level bosses to kill, if the first gang building order can be burst, it is not one or even a few special weapons can compare.


Early the next morning, after cooking, Jiang Nianming went online, Sugar Candy and Yi Ming were late, and when they went online, they immediately returned to the Eternal City.

"Brush the copy of the gun guard today, there must be no more mistakes!" "Today is the most looking forward to the girl, yesterday brushed the swordsman copy, although it was not successful, but also gained, and today to brush the copy of her profession, if successful, it would be great.

Jiang Nianming: "Compared to brushing the special weapon, I hope to fight out the gang order earlier, or else, you go to brush, how about I go to the purple gold BOSS?"

Sweeping away yesterday's decline, sugar candy is full of confidence, Jiang Nianming does not have to worry when he sees this, after a few words, he went to the equipment repair shop, and sent a message to Jiu Yuan and early summer on the way, asking them to find sugar candy convergence, there is one more priest, and the success rate is higher.

In the equipment repair shop, Jiang Nianning tried to repair the red rose heart goggles, but the answer was that it could not be repaired, this equipment has come to an end, completed its mission, wait for the next one! In

addition to this one, everything else can be repaired, a set of nine hundred and ninety-nine gold coins, too pit people, not repaired and not good, attribute decline is not a joke, whether it is PK or killing the boss, it is very unfavorable.

After the equipment was repaired, Jiang Nianning added a little confidence and started a new journey, the map he is currently in contact with, at most, can only encounter the golden BOSS, the golden elite monster, the chance of breaking the gang order is very small, you must develop a new map and kill the purple and gold BOSS.

Soon, Jiang Nianming locked a map in the west of the Eternal City, which was far away, had not been there, and there was no place name, so it was a good place.

Riding his horse and heading out of the city, he was not harassed by the mysterious guy wandering at the city gate.

An hour later, he arrived at the new map.

Ding! System

prompt: You have entered the Jade Lion City realm.


around, there are no cities, but some deserts, and there are no ruined cities in the desert, but some damaged tents and other things can be seen in the distance.

Jiang Nianming walked in, within five minutes, did not encounter any monsters, closer to those damaged tents, a small number of level 62 monster jade bone swordsmen began to appear around, these monsters are ordinary monsters, the attributes are also very general, it is not difficult to kill, after three times five divided by two to die, Jiang Nianniing approached this place that looked like a temporary residence.

"Ahem..." Behind

a broken wooden pillar, there was an old man's coughing sound, Jiang Nianming dismounted, followed the sound to find out, and found an old man with a bucket hat sitting on the ground, a large black and red blood stain on his right leg pants, and a pool of blood condensed on the ground, the whole person looked weak, as if time was running out.

This is an NPC, and it's not the kind of NPC, he has a name on his head: Lin Kun .

Jiang Nianning went up and straightened his crooked cloak that covered his face, and then asked: "Old man, why do you stay in this kind of place alone, have you encountered any difficulties, if there is anything you need my help, just open your mouth!"

Jiang Nianming swore and said, the old man named Lin Kun immediately grabbed his arm with both hands, his eyes widened with excitement, as if he saw a savior, he trembled and said: "No... Didn't think... I can even see the warriors from the Eternal City here, I am Lin Kun, the steward of the city lord of the Jade Lion City, the Jade Lion City suffered a catastrophe, I led the team to fight to the death and fled here, everyone died in battle, I was left alone, and I was also hit hard, those guys will attack soon, at that time, I will definitely die, I hope you can help me and kill those monsters.

Jiang Nianming: "The monster you said, is it a jade bone swordsman?" "

No!" Lin Kun shook his head, and then pointed to the front: "No, it's not a swordsman, it's an archer, an abyss archer, they are dark entourage, you go and clean them up!"

Mission content: The Abyss Archer has caused a threat to Lin Kun's life, please sweep out

800 Abyss Archer, and then come back to receive the reward! 800 monsters, little meaning!

Jiang Nianming immediately took the task, and then calmed Lin Kun's emotions, and took the sword to find the Abyss Archer.

According to the direction pointed by Lin Kun, sure enough, the traces of five monsters were quickly discovered, these five abyss archers are ordinary monsters, level 64, the amount of blood is only more than 9,000, three swords and one, kill quickly, but the attack power of these archers broke three thousand six, but it should not be underestimated, after opening the brave fearlessness, they were still able to knock out Jiang Nianming's blood volume of more than 1500, Jiang Nianning attracted five monsters at a time, a few pieces were easily hacked to death, and then concocted as the law, and spent some effort to clean up the 800 abyss archers。

The experience point has also increased from 6% to 32%, which is not less.

Moreover, the explosive rate of these monsters is not low, although they are only some bronzes, but it is better than nothing, and they can be sold for a few dollars.

Going back to find Lin Kun, Jiang Nianning spoke: "Now you can rest assured, those Abyss archers have been cleaned up by me, and they will not come to you for trouble again."

Lin Kun thanked Dade and gave Jiang Nian Ming some rewards.

System prompt: You completed the mission [Clear the Abyss Archer], gained 88,000 experience points, obtained 400 gold coins, and obtained the equipment [Abyss Longbow].

The experience points and gold coins given are not much, but fortunately, the equipment is out, and it is not surprising that it is definitely a gold weapon, at least it must be a two-star.

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