Going back to find Lin Kun, Jiang Nianming handed him all the things he collected, only to see Lin Kun's face full of joy, and said again and again: "That's it, that's it, with them I can heal my leg injury, thank you so much, warrior, you are simply my lifesaver!"

Then, Lin Kun accepted the item, waved his big hand, and gave Jiang Nianning a large number of rewards, 150,000 experience points, a thousand gold coins, this time it was equipped again, but it was just a three-star silverware, much worse than the last time, but it doesn't matter, it is relatively rare for the task to be equipped continuously.

When Lin Kun healed his injuries and was able to stand up and walk, he looked at the desert in front of him, but his face became more solemn, as if he had something on his mind.

Jiang Nianming felt that there must be a task in the follow-up, related to the Jade Lion City in his mouth.

So, he continued to go up and talk to Lin Kun.

Sure enough, Lin Kun said: "Jade Lion City has been destroyed, but I still want to go back and take a look again, although the city is small, there are a large number of golden essences hidden in the treasure house, and those golden essences must be preserved!"

Subsequently, Jiang Nianning learned from his mouth that the so-called golden essence crystal is actually a treasure that strengthens weapons and equipment, and the abyss monster attacks the Jade Lion City in order to get these things, but the place where the golden essence is hidden is extremely secret, even if the Jade Lion City is destroyed, those guys may not be able to find it.

And this time, Lin Kun planned to go to Jade Lion City with Jiang Nianning, otherwise it wouldn't work... Jiang Nianming did not find the location of Jade Lion City on the big map.

On the way, Jiang Nianming said to the floating goose sunken fish, he is still doing the task, and he can't go back for the time being, so if he trades, he must use the method of buying in the mall, that is, the same as the last time, Jiang Nianming first put the abyss longbow on the shelf, and then let the floating goose sinker fish buy it himself, and charge some handling fees in the middle, in order to be able to buy the abyss longbow earlier, the floating goose sunken fish naturally does not care about this handling fee, and after the two combined, they quickly completed the transaction.

Subsequently, Jiang Nianning continued to kill monsters in front, and with Lin Kun's guidance, reached Jade Lion City at the fastest speed.

Jade Lion City is extremely remote, it is actually in the underground of the desert, if it is not for Lin Kun to lead the way, Jiang Nianming alone will be really difficult to find.

Looking at the majestic city that was almost on the verge of collapse in front of him, Jiang Nianning thought how strong this abyss monster should be, if nothing else, there must be a boss, perhaps, it has reached the purple gold level, can you get the order to build a gang, it is here.

Lin Kun pointed to the broken gate of Jade Lion City, his face was full of anger, sadly lamented, a city was destroyed like this.

Lin Kun said: "Take me into the city, I know where the treasure house is, I will take you to find the golden essence crystal, and then bring it back to the Eternal City!" "Good!" Jiang Nianning said, ready to take Lin Kun into the city


However, just as the two stepped into the city gate, a pitch-black figure quickly swept out, and the short blade in his hand cut through Jiang Nianming's neck, sensing the danger in advance, Jiang Nianming immediately raised his sword to resist, wanting to shake the other party away, but unexpectedly the figure was faster, and he couldn't do it, and he had already opened the distance with him.

Just when Jiang Nianning was about to make a move, the figure suddenly stopped and said to Jiang Nianning: "No need to fight, own people."

Jiang Nianming fixed his eyes, good fellow, really his own person, only to see the person on the other side, with a line of green handwriting floating on his head, the palace assassin tiger jealousy.

It's friendly NPCs!

The current NPCs are really wild, and it is interesting that they will take the initiative to sneak up on players.

Huji looked at Jiang Nianming, then at Lin Kun, and immediately said: "This is not the place to talk, go outside."

Then, strode out of the gate, Jiang Nianming also followed out, the last one was Lin Kun, after all three people went out, Jiang Nianming asked: "You are the palace assassin of the Eternal City, how did you come to this kind of place?" At this time, Jiang Nianming

had already detected the attributes of the tiger taboo.

[Palace Assassin Tiger Taboo] (Eternal City)

Level: 62

Health Points: 8500 Physical Attack: 5000~5500 Physical

Defense: 3180 Magical Defense: 3200

Talent: [Deadly Assassination] When on the verge of death, it will deliver a killing blow to the enemy, and the power is amazing.

Skill: [Stealth] [Backstab] [Blood]

Introduction: The assassin of the Eternal City seems to have been entrusted by someone to come to Jade Lion City to investigate the situation....

Tiger Ji turned the short blade in his hand, a cold light flashed in his eyes, murderous, Jiang Nian Ming even suspected that this product still wanted to start, but he really didn't make a move, just said: "Earlier, my king sensed that the aura of the dark clan was approaching Jade Lion City, so he sent me to investigate, but I didn't expect the other party to do it so quickly, and when it came, Jade Lion City had been destroyed, but I couldn't just go back empty-handed..."

Jiang Nianning understood, he also came to hunt for treasures, to see if there were any remaining usable things in this jade lion city that had been destroyed, as for whether he knew about the golden essence, it was unknown.

Immediately, Jiang Nianning said to Lin Kun: "This is a master of the Eternal City, and with him, maybe we have a better chance of success." At

this time, Lin Kun also told Tiger Ji the secret of the Golden Essence Crystal, and after listening to it, Tiger Ji said that he would first kill the guy who destroyed Jade Lion City, and then go to find the Golden Essence Crystal.

And he alone, obviously not the opponent of that guy, so he can only wander nearby, dare not go deep, Jiang Nianning's arrival is to let him see hope.

And Jiang Nianming naturally opened the team linkage mode with Tiger Ji, and this level 62 palace assassin also provided him with good attributes.

Physical attack +110 points, critical strike chance +11%, critical effect +20%, armor breaking effect +200 points, very strong

! Ding

! System prompt: Please go deep into the main city and clean up 5,000 abyss monsters

! The system automatically opens the mission, this time a total of 5,000 monsters, not less, then, Jiang Nianming walked into the Jade Lion City and opened the killing ring!

The abyss monsters in Jade Lion City are stronger than those outside, but they are not much stronger, and after improving their attributes, it is not difficult to kill, it is nothing more than a large amount and some time.

An hour, two hours....

In the blink of an eye, six hours passed, and the monster was almost swept away.


System prompt: You have completed the task of cleaning up 5,000 abyss monsters, gained 250,000 experience points, and obtained 2,500 gold coins!

The reward is very good, Jiang Nianming successfully rose to level 56, the next is to kill the BOSS, look at the time, it is already 5:30 p.m., Jiang Nianming is also a little hungry, offline, NPC stays in place, after going offline, he found that there was no movement in the girl and the sugar sugar house, I think I was still playing games, and I didn't bother, I made some food, after finishing things, go online and continue to fight, tonight, be sure to kill this big boss of Jade Lion City!

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