The thumb of the dominant right hand pressed on the print, the box emitted a blue light, and after three seconds, the lid on it receded to the sides, and a blue energy spar like a crystal pendant could be seen, which was more beautiful than the official picture on the Internet.

After reaching out and taking out the game spar, Jiang Nianning touched a small knife smoothly, gritted his teeth, cut his palm, and dripped a drop of blood into it.


A dazzling light emitted from the game spar, and then you could see that the drop of blood had merged into the center of the spar and was spreading inside the spar.

Jiang Nianming put down the knife, picked up the tissue paper and carefully wiped the wound, and then stared at the glowing spar, as if an idea came into his mind.

"Activation is complete, there are 14 hours, 33 minutes and 19 seconds left before the game starts, please wait patiently."

Haven't started yet....

Well, sleep first and refresh your spirits.

Put away the game spar and write a note on the table.

It reads: Go shopping at the supermarket at noon and stock up. Instant noodles, bread, potato chips, cola, sprite are all OK, the whole thousand dollars, let people send over.

This is written for Jiang Yiming.

When it's over, go back to your room and sleep.


At seven o'clock the next morning, Jiang Nianning was woken up by a loud shout: "Brother! Elder brother! My sister-in-law is gone, and the phone can't get through!

Jiang Nianming's head was groggy, and after hearing this, he reached out and rubbed his temples: "If you can't get through, forget it, let her go, don't affect my rest."

"She left this for you." Jiang Yiming slapped a piece of paper on the old brother's brain.

Jiang Nianning took a general look.

Anyway, he was roughly able to guess what the above was.

Unsurprisingly, it's still the same old way.

For example: I know how you look down on my profession, how you have long wanted to break up with me... Hey, sure enough, this is the set, apparently she was not completely drunk yesterday, and some words were still heard, such as his breakup.

Jiang Nianming directly threw the paper aside: "So be it, let her go, anyway, it's already broken up, it doesn't matter to me, by the way, go to the front supermarket and buy what I want, thank you." "

Oh, go right away, you sleep."

Jiang Yiming went shopping, and Jiang Nian Ming continued to sleep.

When it was more than one o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Nian Ming got up to wash, and then ate a meal, symbolically called Lin Luxi, did not get through, the expected things, he was not entangled, after all, he had long wanted to break up, and he just left.

Jiang Yiming can also see something from the usual relationship between the two, although Lin Luxi has a good relationship with her, but there does not seem to be much love for Jiang Nianning, Jiang Nianning has taken care of her for so many years, she still can't be moved, in a word, the two people are not suitable.

"Brother, you went to play a game, so why should I?"

Jiang Nianniing was full, put down her chopsticks, looked at her and said, "You? Take care of me for a few days of living and living, and when I get enough money, I will give you the game spar, when the time comes, our brothers and sisters will join forces, and the world is invincible!

Jiang Yiming said: "Otherwise, give me the game spar, let me come first, I can operate better than you."

Of course, Jiang Nianning was not happy: "The game spar has bound me, you can only wait for the next one, not the old brother is selfish, it's really no way, the next wave, it is estimated that it won't wait too long, didn't the official say, a gold coin for 10 pieces of cash, the money of the game spar can be played soon, I promise, within a week, how?"

"However, the gold coin exchange system will not be open for a week." Jiang Yiming was a little unhappy.

"Well, so I said a week, rest assured!"

"Okay." Jiang Yiming was also helpless.

Then, the brothers and sisters discussed about the profession again, Jiang Nian Ming said that he wanted to play swordsman, recommended Yi Ming to play mage or priest, so that he could better cooperate with him, or it was a summoner, but the summoner should not have any particularly powerful summoning beasts in the early stage, this profession is destined to rise in the middle and late stages, if you don't have the mentality of bearing the burden of humiliation, try not to play.

Jiang Nian Ming understands Jiang Yi Ming, endure humiliation and bear the weight, does not exist, don't look at the tender look, it looks harmless to humans and animals, there are enemies are repaid on the same day, fierce very much.

Finally, finalize the play of gun guard.

Spear in hand, woman hero.

"Hey, maybe I'm lucky and I can get a hidden profession at the beginning, that holy spearman, it's pretty good."

I have to say that Jiang Yiming thinks a little too much, the national server is said to be the first wave of online players are up to 600 million, there are only a few hidden professions, even if it is not the only one, the probability of obtaining it will definitely not exceed 0.000001%....

Well, the previous zeros may be added indefinitely.

Therefore, Jiang Nianming never thought that he could get a hidden profession, and ordinary swordsmen would get it, and playing with a state of mind.

At 5:50 p.m., Jiang Nianming was already lying comfortably on the bed, because it was almost autumn, the weather was slightly cooler, the air conditioner did not need to be turned on for the time being, save some electricity, the game spar was hung on the neck, and when the time came, enter the game directly.

Jiang Yiming moved a small bench and sat on the edge of the bed, dragging his slightly immature chin with both hands, and staring at Jiang Nianning with slender peach blossom eyes, to be precise, staring at the game spar curiously.

In five minutes, she asked no less than twenty times: "Brother! What a feeling! "

What feeling, this hasn't entered yet, what can you feel!"

Jiang Nianming could only respond to her: "I don't feel it yet."

"Oh, then wait a minute."

"By the way, this is my own lucky bracelet, if you wear it, maybe with luck you can trigger the hidden class!"

Jiang Yiming took out a bracelet, regardless of Jiang Nianning's objections, and directly put it on his left wrist, I didn't think that she still had this craft, and I usually didn't find it.

Six o'clock in the evening.

The game spar reacted, and there was an azure light around it, but there was a bloody red light inside that shot out at lightning speed, rushing into Jiang Nianming's eyebrows, and then, the red light spread to the sides, covering his eyes like a film.

Subconsciously close your eyes, and your body and mind gradually sink into another world.

"Brother... How do you feel? "

Brother... Elder brother!

"Hey! Elder brother! No

matter what Jiang Yiming called, Jiang Nian Ming couldn't hear it.

At this time, he has come to the game world.

This is a prairie, the sun is shining, cattle and sheep walk slowly, and some of them look up curiously, as if curious about this young man who suddenly appeared.

"Please confirm your ID." The sound of a system prompt came.

Well, I thought about it before I came in.

"One hand of God."

"Sorry, the ID has been preempted."

"Haha! Grass! I knew that such a nickname of the middle two must have been snatched away by some middle two patient, so Lao Tzu would not give this kind of name!

"ID, Bai Qingxiang!"

"ID: [Bai Yi Qingxiang] confirmed."

"Dear player, please select your class, the choice of class will affect the system's allocation of the novice village you visit."

Jiang Nianning probably understood the meaning of this sentence, that is, what profession he chose, he would go to the novice village that was prescribed in advance by that profession.

Of course, players have no formal occupation before level 10, and unified are unemployed vagrants.

It can only be said that this distribution method does not have any real meaning, but only profoundly embodies the lofty concept of "things are gathered in groups, and people are divided in groups"....

What profession you choose, what kind of changes will occur in yourself.

For example, if you choose a swordsman, a figure holding a long sword will appear in front.

Choose a gun guard, and a figure with a long gun will appear.

Anyway, they are all designed according to the one-to-one body ratio, and the appearance is not bad.

I have already thought about it before, so I will choose a swordsman such as, if, if it does not trigger the hidden class.


"The professional swordsman has been confirmed, and the novice village you are about to be born in is... [Swordsman's Village North], since you have confirmed your class, after entering the main city, you can no longer choose a professional mentor other than a swordsman."


That's it, it's over?

It's about to be born.

However, Jiang Nianniing waited for two minutes, and there was no response, and just when he thought that the system was broken, a new prompt came.


System prompt: The system detects that your lucky value is extremely high and has the opportunity to experience the hidden class [Luna Messenger], do you confirm the experience?

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