Before Jiang Nianming left the city, she went to the prop shop and bought 10 sets of red potions and 10 sets of blue potions, just in case.

Then head to the Forest of Flame.

The Forest of Flame is the closest map to the Eternal City, the level of monsters here is not high, the level of Night Song is already 18, and the monsters here cannot meet his experience needs.

Thinking about this clearly, Jiang Nianming knew that this transaction was definitely not simple.

Still, you have to go.

Soon, in the Flame Forest, he saw the black robe, holding ... Man with a common law staff.

Night and night songs.

This person is skinny, as if he has been sucked dry of essence, and sure enough, like his ID, if nothing else, he is "singing night and night".

At this time, Jiang Nianming turned her head and looked left and right, based on her experience and intuition of selling fried noodles for many years and being driven all the way by the city management.

There is murder here....

Sure enough, it was to ambush Lao Tzu.

Ye Ye Sheng Ge also noticed Jiang Nian Ning, waved his staff, burned the two little monsters in front, and walked towards Jiang Nian Ning.

"Brother, what about the staff, take it out and see first."

Jiang Nianming slowly swallowed the summoning staff out, but his mouth said: "Old brother, you are almost level 20, and you are still killing monsters in their early level 10 here." Ye

Ye Sheng Ge smiled casually: "It's easy to kill." "

Hmm... That's really easy to kill. "

What about the staff?" Ye Ye Sheng asked.

"Here, brother, have you brought enough money?" Jiang Nianniing took out the bronze staff, and Ye Ye Shengge's eyes suddenly lit up: "Haha!" Money, Lao Tzu never pays for equipment, brothers, him!

As soon as the words fell, a cold wind swept through the big trees on the left and right, and two assassins jumped down from the tree one left and one right, and the daggers in their hands emitted a blinding cold light.

Jiang Nian Ming immediately put away the ice staff, retreated, the hunting gun waved, and immediately tore the assassin who jumped down on the right, this guy was only 13 level, and he was hit and directly dropped 314 HP points.

This amazing attack power made the three of them extremely terrified, and the assassin's attack on the left, Jiang Nianning did not intend to dodge, he wanted to see how much blood the other party could knock him out.

The dagger landed on his chest and did not penetrate his armor, only leaving a little spark on it.

Then, a -13 number appeared on his head.

"Lean! Lao Tzu is 6 power plus points, damn it, hair?! Jiang

Nianming shot backhanded, taking away his 999 health points, and the Ascending Moon Spear attacked the past, leaving a blood-red mark on his chest.


The two attacks instantly killed in seconds, directly sending him back to the spring water to be reborn, Jiang Nianning did not have a red name, the other party's first hand, he just passively counterattacked.

"Brother Sheng, the situation is not good, this guy is too hard, and the output is also fierce!" The remaining assassin turned around and quickly evacuated to Ye Ye Shengge's side.

"Of course hard, this guy is a hidden profession."

At this time, Jiang Nianning has already been on the list, in the fifth place of the ranking, the profession is not hidden, moreover, Ye Shengge added his friends, the profession cannot be hidden.

Jiang Nianming snorted and smiled: "Crooked melon cracked dates, also want to grab equipment?"

"Don't be proud, the player's spell defense is not high at this stage, the assassin can't deal with you, but I can!"

With a wave of the Night Song Staff waved, the big fireball of the Level 10 Society flew towards Jiang Nian Ning.

Jiang Nianning didn't dodge or dodge, letting the fireball hit him, he wanted to see how capable this second-ranked mage was.

The fireball swept straight and smashed into him, and after the explosion, Jiang Nianning was affected... 95 damage.

To say that this damage is actually not low.

But Ye Ye Sheng Ge is not satisfied, because he is 8 magic plus points, the main thing is an output, although now he is only holding a black iron tool, but normally speaking, at least he has to hit about 120 damage.

Obviously, he looked up to himself.

Jiang Nian Ming directly used the miracle light, the light floated on his body, and the amount of blood instantly returned.

"Your spell damage is not good, and the magic staff in your hand is not very good, right?" Jiang Nianning said on his lips, stepped out, and instantly rushed to two meters in front of him, and the hunting gun attacked, shooting a blood flower on his chest.

The mage's defense itself is lower than that of the assassin, but Ye Ye Shengge's defense is good, and the damage of this blow did not break 300, but it really scared him.

The mage's natural blood increase per level is 45 points, and level 18 is 810 health points, plus the original 100 health points, equipment additions, plus points, etc., in fact, it adds up to more than 1000 blood volume, which is simply not enough to see in front of Jiang Nianning.

Gun of the Rising Moon!


Ye Sheng Ge was shocked, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

"I grass! How fierce! Lao Tzu also has to get a hidden profession.

"Brother Sheng! This guy is a lunar messenger, not yet an ordinary hidden profession ... It is a high-position hidden profession, and the attribute plus point is afraid of fierce death! The assassin next to him said.

"Do you remind me! Lao Tzu knows! As soon as

the words of the night song fell, the cold light around him flashed, Jiang Nianning shot again, fortunately, the target was not him, but the assassin on the side, two shots fell, one of the lucky crit, directly taken away!

Ye Ye Sheng Ge continued to retreat to open the distance, and kept sucking blood bottles.

"MD, people shouting less!"

He thought to himself.

Jiang Nian Ming approached him and continuously shot the Rising Moon and Shen Yue Spears!

The moonlight floated, and the severe pain almost tore him apart, and more than eight hundred blood volumes were gone, but he didn't die, and Jiang Nianning didn't continue to strike.

"What do you want to do?" Watching Jiang Nianming approach step by step, Ye Ye Shengge's heart was hairy.

Jiang Nianming smiled and said, "Don't you want to do anything, don't you want to buy this bronze staff of mine, I'll sell it to you."

"What?!" Ye Ye Sheng Ge thought that he had misheard: "Sell it to me? Are you sure?

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Yes, it is sold to you, the price is fair, 2,000 gold coins." "

Ye Ye Sheng Ge almost vomited a mouthful of old blood!

At this stage, 2000 gold coins, one star bronze?

Why don't you go and grab it?

"Hurry up and buy it!" Jiang Nianming showed a fierce look, don't you want to buy, now sell it to you, the price is also said, you just pay for it.

"Lean! 2000 gold coins, do you sb me? I don't buy it! "Ye Ye Sheng Ge also has a temper, being forced to do this kind of 2B behavior, he will never do it.

"If you don't buy it, you have to buy it! I'm not consulting you!

"You're buying and selling!"

"That's right, I'm just buying and selling, hurry up and give money!"

Jiang Niannian was like a rogue.

Ye Ye Sheng Ge thought that he was nb enough, but he didn't expect that there was a more nb existence than him.

This style of doing things is no different from that of special robbers!

He was a hundred reluctant in his heart, but Jiang Nianning threatened: "If you don't buy it, I will send you back to the city!"

Ye Ye Sheng Ge didn't want to think about it: "Don't buy it, you kill me, don't you drop level 1, and you will practice back in two hours!" "

Tough, very tough.

Jiang Nianming said: "If you don't buy it, I will kill you now, and then go to the city gate to block you, see you and kill you once!" "

Night and night song: "Nima's, block Laozi!" Have the ability to block and try, afraid that you will not succeed?! Jiang

Nianning had a headache, it seems that he can't force him to buy it, people have a mortal attitude, what can you do?

"Let's go back to the city!" Jiang Nianming waved his hand, and the spear penetrated Ye Ye Shengge's chest, this guy knew that he had no hope, so the residual blood did not use the blood bottle, and it was rotten to die.

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