Jiang Yiming looked up at him, and then smiled slyly: "You understand contrast."

Jiang Nianming swore that she didn't understand.

"Ahem, is there anything else besides this thing?"

"Nothing else is gone, but after the transfer, there is a talent called gunsmithing specialty, which increases the power of shooting by 10%."

This talent directly distinguishes the warrior from the gun guard, although the fighter can also be equipped with a long gun, but there is no 10% specialization effect, and there is a gap between the power of the long gun and the gun guard.

According to the talent of the gun guard, it can also be inferred that the talent of the swordsman is definitely a sword specialty, and the power of equipping sword weapons is increased by 10%.

"I want to learn the skills first, brother, give some gold coins, I am a thief now, and I will pay you back when I earn money."

"Okay, how much?" Jiang Nianming asked.

"Uh... It seems that you can learn three skills, one skill 100~200 gold coins, in this way, you give me 600 gold coins.

Jiang Nianning immediately traded six hundred gold coins for her.

Lingling to learn skills.

Then come back to Jiang Nian Ming to see.

"Three skills in total."

"What level?" Jiang Nianming asked.

"Two C-level and one B-grade."

"The C-level skills are the Blazing Spear and Ice Condensation Gun, that is, the Flame and Ice Attribute Attack, which is 1.2 times more powerful than a normal attack... It can only be said that so-so, as for that B-level skill... Penetrate the gun and launch an attack that ignores 15% of the enemy's physical defenses.

Jiang Nianming commented: "Very good." Yi

Ming felt very ordinary, and the three skills cost a total of 400 gold coins, which was distressing.

"Let's go, go out and do task leveling, the next goal is level 20."

Jiang Nian Ming is now level 17, and Yi Ming is only level 10.

"I think it's better to find some equipment first, I'm too bad now."

Walking out of the professional guild, Yiming looked down at his clothes and felt weak.

In the [Divine Realm], the basic equipment includes weapons, crowns, armor (robes), cloaks, hand guards, leg guards, combat boots, rings, of course, and a heart protection goggles, and possibly bracelets and the like, the face is not clear, others... It's not too clear either.

Anyway, most players can play the previous ones at present, starting from the protective goggles are rare items, rings should also be considered rare items, rare.

"It's okay to pan for equipment, I still have a few hundred gold coins in my hand, it should be enough to get a simple set, that is... You're really going to add 10 power points, which is reckless.

Jiang Nianning suggested: "Or, consider it again, or add more depending on the situation?"

Jiang Yiming shook his head and said: "If there is speed, I may increase the speed, but this game mainly tests the ability to react, there is no need to add it, so our main focus is reckless characters." "

Okay." Jiang Nian Ming was helpless.

Coming to the big square, people come and go, crowds of people.

I have to say that the number of players who come to the Eternal City is indeed large, of course, this is only part of what you see, and more players are killing monsters and leveling up on the outside map to do tasks.

Find a stall owner who is a level 15 gun guard with two long guns in front of him and some miscellaneous equipment.

"What are the attributes of these two guns?" Jiang Nianming asked the stall owner.

The other party quickly pointed to the spear on the left that seemed to be cast in marble, and said: "This gun is called the white stone gun, a star black iron tool, attack power 14 ~ 19, the one on the right is stronger, three-star black iron, air gun, very light, suitable for female players, the maximum attack power is also 64 points, level 12 can be used."

"Just want this air gun, what price?" Say the lowest price. Jiang Nianming said bluntly.

The vendor smiled and said, "400 gold coins is not a price."

"Don't fool Lao Tzu, I also sold Samsung black iron, and I will give you 200 at most." Jiang Nianning said.

"350 is not a price."



"280, no more."

"290." The vendor said helplessly.


"Okay, 270 is 270."

Yi Ming looked stunned: "..." "

This hair crown." Jiang Nian Ming pointed out.

"One star black iron, 55 gold coins."


"This iron gauntlet."

"One-star black iron, 60..." "30

, that shin guard next to it, and that pair of combat boots."

"Leggin guards 65, combat boots 70, all one-star black iron."

"Buy more, spare a price, two add up to 50." Jiang Nianning said.

"Lean! You kid is ruthless, okay! Altogether...... 380 gold. "

Give money, take the equipment, and then give Yi Ming, except for the air gun, everything else can be installed on the spot, and the attributes are much higher under one set, which makes Yi Ming feel more secure, of course, what she prefers is excitement."

Continue to brush the Necromancer Cave, there is still one more task uncompleted.

Monsters from level 18 to level 20 in the cave can also give Yi Ming a lot of experience points.

The journey of brushing monsters is boring, Yi Ming basically didn't make a move, now the level is too low, and the attributes are also low, although there are equipment bonuses, but those monsters in the Necromancy Cave with high spell damage thief give Yi Ming a headache.

On the contrary, Jiang Nian Ming was very easy to kill.

One obvious gap is that when a large fireball falls on Jiang Nianming, the damage is 52 points, but when it falls on Yiming, it is 288 points.

Yiming stuck out her tongue: "Forget it, I'd better stand on the side and watch the battle." "

The dirty work is handed over to Jiang Nianming.

This brush is for hours.

Jiang Yiming's level has successfully reached 13, and her attack power is now abnormally high with 10 points of strength.

But correspondingly, the amount of health and physical defense is ugly, and it must be blessed with equipment.

Raising the spear to stab the last monster to death, cleaning up the scene, picking up more than two dozen copper coins on the ground, Jiang Niannian filled the blood with the light of miracles.

"Going down from this teleportation array, the mission location is behind, be careful."

"How difficult is the task?" Jiang Yiming asked.


"That should be fine, the difficulty of 240 must not be a boss, don't be afraid." Jiang Yiming walked to the teleportation array with confidence, teleported, entered the space, Jiang Nian Ming also followed, the space is as dark as ever, but as Jiang Yiming said, there is no boss here, but where the despair rose was killed before, a shallow pit appeared, this pit is not large, there is a dark light inside, like something is there.

The two took a closer look, there was a gray bead in the pit, and when Jiang Nianming came for the first time, he was sure that there was nothing here, and it was a new appearance after taking the task.

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and nodded slightly, and then Jiang Niannian walked up and prepared to pick up the beads out of the pit.

At this moment, the bead suddenly flickered, and unexpectedly opened an eye, which really startled Jiang Nianning.

"Lean! It's really scary!

Jiang Yiming looked solemn, raised his hand and stabbed at the bead.


The beads glowed with light, and the dark fog turned into a curtain against the tip of the gun, making it impossible to advance any further.

Jiang Yiming attacked hard, but still couldn't pierce the block.

"No need to work in vain, you can't attack me, I'm not here to entangle with you, just to send you a message, my clan's dark army has been assembled, and it will attack your city and all realms at any time, and no one can stop our progress!"

After speaking, with a bang, the gray bead exploded on its own.

Yi Ming put down the spear, shook his head and said, "What a bad line.

Jiang Nianning: "The task is completed, go back to the errand!" "

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