"Boss, they have already been discovered, and they are heading out of the city." The assassin hidden in the crowd sent a message to the troubled generals.

"Got it." The troubled general replied.


At this time, Jiang Nianming and Yiming have already left the gate of the Eternal City, and have now left the safe area, for the assassins who are hiding in the crowd and secretly observing them, in addition to being more guarded, there is not much scruples, if the number of opponents is not large, they will definitely not be able to eat them, for the attributes of the high hidden profession, Jiang Nianning still has absolute confidence.

Even a berserker had to bow his head absolutely in front of the Lunar God Envoy.

On the equipment rankings, the weapon of the troubled generals is the three-star black iron splitting mountain axe, ranking seventeenth, which is not high.

Of course, among all kinds of weapons, the power of the axe is the largest, the same is a three-star black iron weapon, the maximum attack power of gun weapons may reach 60.70 points, and axes can reach 65.75 points or even close to 80 points, can axe weapons compete with only heavy halberds, but for now, halberd weapons... It didn't appear on the leaderboard, no one typed it at all.

Outside the city, Jiang Nianming was ready to be attacked, that is, thirty meters away from the city gate, he felt the sudden coolness behind him, undoubtedly the assassin's backstabbing skill, but the target shifted instantly the moment he approached him, and the real target of the other party was Yiming.

As a dagger entered his body, Jiang Yiming was in pain, and a number -74 appeared on his head, and after the attack, the assassin also appeared, and his name had turned red.

Yi Ming turned around and stabbed with a backhand shot, the rapid reaction and speed of the shot caught the assassin a little off guard, and before the raised dagger could select the target, a huge flaw was revealed in the chest, and this shot hit it.


"Grass! What kind of gun guard is this?! The

assassin was taken aback, his level is 15, Yi Ming is only level 13, under normal circumstances, there is no problem in suppressing Yi Ming, but this shot made him cry instantly, the output is not at all at one level, he himself is 6 power plus points, this is not pushed back, the other party must be at least 8 power plus points, but he couldn't imagine at all, there are 10 power plus points of gun guard, and the air gun in Yi Ming's hand, the attack power provided is also high thief.

Although the attack distance of the gun guard is farther than that of the sword, it is still necessary to pay attention to its own double defense, and Yi Ming's physical defense equipment is much better than him, although it is 2 levels lower, but it is not difficult to counter-suppress.

The assassin had already appeared, and Jiang Nianming naturally wouldn't be dry and couldn't make a move, but Yiming waved at him and said, "No, I can solve it myself!"

Jiang Nianming glanced back: "You solve a hair!" People are coming a lot!

Jiang Yiming then found that not far in front of them, at least forty players came, led by two people, one was Ye Ye Sheng Ge who had been beaten by Jiang Nianming before, and the other was a berserker chaotic general with a big axe.

"Dare to mess with my brother, I told you to go around without eating today!"

The troubled general waved the axe in his hand, full of recklessness: "Brothers, him!" A

large piece of Wuyang rushed towards Jiang Nian Ming.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Jiang Nianming quickly shouted at Yiming: "Quick!" Run to the city! "

Where to go!" That level 15 assassin held a dagger in his hand, and with a tilt of his steps, the dagger was torn like a gust of wind, and it was full of edge!

This is a skill learned by a mentor when you turn to a level 10 assassin, attack and kill!

Increase the attack speed in 0.3 seconds and attack the enemy fiercely, high-end players can even hit five or even six knives a second in this short period of a few tenths of a second, but looking at the level of this assassin, it is at most three knives.


The fire was staggered, the dagger missed the spear, and rushed to kill with an almost crazy blow, the first knife and the second knife were separated by Yiming, and the third knife was approached by the other party, and fell on her right shoulder accurately, but the damage was only a pitiful 56 points, although this skill is fast, but the attack power is much smaller than the actual one.

The spear swung, Jiang Nianning shot, while shaking away the assassin, raised his hand to grab Jiang Yiming's hand and ran to the city, the assassin still wanted to pursue, his feet swept like a raw wind, jumped up, held the dagger and pounced, but was stabbed through the chest by Jiang Nianming with a horse gun, the hand was forced, the assassin was thrown out like garbage, and the blood volume dropped sharply, but it did not cause death.

By the time the troubled generals came to kill them, the two had already run to the city gate.

Jiang Nianning couldn't help but shout to the night song that was about to rush over: "Brother, are you a pig?" You want to ambush Lao Tzu and wait until you are far away from the city gate before you start, I have fled back here, how can you take me?

Ye Ye Shengge's face was very embarrassed, in fact, he proposed to the troubled generals to ambush some people on both sides of the past, and put two more assassins in the city, but the troubled generals felt that it was enough to arrange it so casually, there was no need to pay too much attention to it, now it seems that his idea is not quite right, although the other party is also a hidden profession, but it seems to be a little meticulous, and there is no intention to confront him at all.

At this time, Ye Ye Sheng said: "Brother, it's all a misunderstanding, you come out first, we have something to say."

Jiang Nianning: "Do you think I look like SB?" "

Why don't you bring so many people over and tell me that you have something to say and something to discuss, and this is not such a way to discuss."

The troubled general spoke at this time: "You killed your brother once, let him drop level 1, and I have to repay this hatred."

Jiang Nianming asked rhetorically: "Your brother wants to prostitute my equipment in vain, and he was killed by me, and if he wants to take revenge, it is also me who takes revenge, right?" The

troubled general was very "Then I don't care, either you come out and let me hack you to death, or let these brothers hack you to death."

"Choose one yourself."

Jiang Niannian gave him a middle finger: "I despise you." "

“cnm! Arrogant! Death to Lao Tzu! "

Next to the troubled general, an archer named Lianlian Kan Zhang took an arrow and gave Jiang Nianning a shot.

Jiang Nianming raised his hand and flicked the spear and shook it away before it fell: "The arrow is not empty, very handsome." Lian

Lian immediately spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and almost fell to the ground.

Yi Ming said: "How about we kill it directly?" "

Peace is precious." Jiang Nianning said.


At this time, the general of the troubled world raised the big axe and asked: "Bai Yi Qingxiang, what do you want?" "

Jiang Niannian is very speechless, you mother with an axe and a large number of people blocking Lao Tzu's road, and in turn asked me how I wanted, the pot is not carried like this.

"Make way, I'm going to level up, it's not good for everyone to do this for you, that's my suggestion." Jiang Nianning said.

The troubled general snorted: "Just let you go like this, then won't my brother die very faceless?"

Jiang Nianming looked at the many spectators gathered around, and he felt that this troubled general's brain was somewhat problematic.

"Originally, not many people knew about your brother's death, and if you made such a fuss, everyone knew that he was killed by me, wouldn't it be even more faceless?"

On the side, Jiang Yiming said in a low voice: "The troubled general is really a tiger. "

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