Jiang Nian Ming got the Book of Fighting Skills and used it immediately, after adding 10 skill points, now there are 45 points, spending 40 points to upgrade the light spur to level 3, the damage is increased from 200% to 210%, and the blue consumption is reduced to 70 points, comfortable.

Looking at the skill points that only 5 remained, Jiang Nianning thought about waiting for the monsters here to refresh and then make a wave, and maybe he could get two books of fighting skills.

For now, I still think about how to sell what I hit.

Contact Icing first.

"Hey, what's going on?" The other party answered it simply.

Jiang Nianming said: "Make a deal, I sent you two guides, you are not interested."

After a while, a voice came from over there: "Not bad, I want the swordsman bracelet and the sword of the sword, you can make a price first, it is cheaper."

"Okay, if you want to, wait for me at the north gate, I'm rushing over there, we can discuss it when we get there."



After hanging up the call, Jiang Niannian began to discuss with Yiming.

"Swordsman bracelet two-star bronze jewelry, it's okay to sell 1500 gold coins, right?" Yi Ming said.

"You're so dark, I look at 1200 and it's about the same..."

"I think normal people will definitely not buy it!"

"It's okay, the woman will definitely haggle, the price is 1200, and when she cuts to 1000, it should be very different."

"Well, that's it, what about the Thunder Sword?"


"Rub! Dogs don't buy! "


Eternal City, North Gate.

When the brother and sister arrived here, the sugar coating had already arrived, and she came over holding the sword, and she asked, "Is the thing still there?"

"Of course it's there, the attribute has already shown you, that swordsman bracelet sells for 1200 gold coins, and the sword of thunder is 2000, you consider it."

Sugar-coated eyes were strange: "Are you sure?"

Jiang Nianming's heart trembled, daring to feel that this was too high a price, and the boss was very dissatisfied.

"Then, or the swordsman bracelet 1100, the thunder sword 1800..."

Sugarcoat shook his head: "No, although the bracelet is a rare item, but the attribute is placed there, it can't be sold at such a high price, at most 600 gold coins, the thunder sword is okay, I can get out to 1200, after all, it is a two-star bronze, the replacement is very fast, besides, the sword in my hand is also good, you can look at the equipment list, the thirteenth ranked spinning sword."

Jiang Nianming quickly gave Yiming a look and motioned for her to say two words.

Use women against women.

Of course, Yi Ming is grasping the advantages of the Thunder Sword, and the biggest advantage of this sword is the additional range of thunder damage, but Sugarcoat does not think so, admittedly, the Thunder Sword has a high probability of triggering high burst damage, and it is a piece kill, but the trigger probability is too low, 0.2%, infinitely close to 0, and what is the difference between not being triggered?

In the end, the two refuted and priced it to 1550 gold coins, which was originally priced at 1500, but Yi Li was angry and added another 50.

Forget it, tired, so be it.

"Plus that swordsman bracelet, a total of 2150 gold coins, make up a whole number, 2000 gold coins." Sugar-coated smiled very sweetly, but Jiang Nianning didn't eat this set: "I tell you, don't go too far." "

Tease you, come on, deal."


System prompt: You handed over the Swordsman Bracelet and the Samurai Sword.

System prompt: You received 2150 coins.

"Loss." Jiang Nianming said on his lips, but he didn't think so in his heart, after all, these two things came too simple, and they didn't kill any bosses, just a strengthening monster, it can only be said that it is luck, the average person can't get 2,000 gold coins by killing 10 and 20 enhancement monsters.

"By the way, where did this swordsman bracelet of yours burst from, can you give a small reminder?"

"Don't tell you, find it yourself, if you still want it, I can call you, 600 a piece, or else?"

Sugarcoat waved his index finger: "No!"

"Then forget it, next time you need to call me..." After

sending away the icing, the brothers and sisters also went offline to eat, and today is another harvest day.

Jiang Nianning immediately exchanged 80% of the gold coins obtained into cash, and as time progresses, the gold coin exchange rate will definitely be greatly discounted.

"By the way, brother, I use a blazing gun, and the hunting gun is no longer needed, so let's sell it when I turn back."

"Yes, but you have to hurry up to level 18, otherwise you won't be able to equip it."

"Hmm! Tonight can be upgraded to level 18, I recommend to brush the small map next to the Maple Cloud Woodland, the monster level is slightly lower, the efficiency of our monster brushing can be raised, and then wait for the monsters in the Maple Cloud Woodland to refresh, let's brush another wave! "

This plan is feasible, Jiang Nianming has also observed the map next to the Fengyun woodland before, the monster level is between 23~25, the attribute is definitely lower than the monsters in the woodland, and it is easy to kill."

After deciding, the two went online in this direction.

On the east side of the maple woodland, there is no map marked with names.

When the two arrived, it was already 6:35 p.m. and they started killing.

Jiang Nian Ming is now level 19, Yi Ming is level 17, according to speculation, if you stay up, it is no surprise that both of them can rise to level 20 tonight.

At this time, some small stone people appeared in front of them.

Most of these stone people have a level of 23, and their attack power and action power are not high, but their defense is slightly stronger.

Jiang Niannian carried an axe and slashed indiscriminately.






A stone man loses 70% of his HP in a wave, after all, it is a level 23 monster, and his HP is still less than that of a level 28 swordsman.

On the other side, Yi Ming also wielded the hunting gun to attack, this time she attracted three stone people in a wave, and the bulky bodies of these stone people doomed them to be only played, and it was difficult to touch from beginning to end.

Forty minutes later, most of the surrounding stone people were cleared up, and Yiming's level finally rose to 18, replaced with a blazing gun with a stronger attack, the maximum attack power directly soared by 60 points, and then put all 10 points on the strength, and the attack power was another wave of big improvement, at this time, her maximum attack power was not much worse than Jiang Nian Ning.


A gun stabbed an oncoming level 24 stone man, on the blazing gun, sparks rippled, a critical hit, 1194's critical attack damage made Jiang Nianming couldn't help but marvel, worthy of 10 strength plus point gun guard, as long as it is equipped with a good weapon, the output is fierce, this shot down the stone man basically 50% of the blood is gone.

Yi Ming smiled proudly at Jiang Nianming: "How about it, do you want to consider 10 strength plus points, your strength growth will definitely be higher than mine, if you add points with all your strength, the damage will be directly invincible!"

"It can be considered." Jiang Nianning said.

However, as soon as the words fell, the stone man smashed a punch on the distracted Yiming.


Yi Ming's slender body was directly smashed out, the blood bar plummeted, directly lost a quarter, rubbed her sore shoulders, she whimpered twice: "It hurts!" "

Jiang Nianming went up to the three-board axe, mercilessly killing this ruthless stone man.


After getting experience points, Jiang Nianning also upgraded.

"All strength plus points... It seems that I still have to think about it. "

Without physical strength, defense and health are too low, unless the operation is invincible, it is easy to kill.

Therefore, he still chooses 55 plus points.

Yi Ming: "Men, you can't help but be confident!" "

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