When the three of them walked into the camp, the system also prompted Jiang Nianming that the mission had been completed, and he had obtained 5,000 experience points and 60 gold coins.

As far as the eye could see, many flags in the camp fell crooked to the ground, as if they had been maliciously cut off, and there were many wounded soldiers lying on the ground, and the soldiers were busy taking care of the wounded.

"What are you?" At this time, a warrior came over and stared at Jiang Nian Ming and Yi Ming and asked.

"I'm here to save your enemy." Jiang Nianning said bluntly.

Hearing this, the warrior was slightly startled, and at this time, the patrolman Roque came over and said to him: "This is an adventurer from the Eternal City, they saved my life before, and they brought back the Spiritual Fruit, only they can save the life of the leader." The

other party obviously knew Roque, and seeing him say so, he quickly led Jiang Nianning to the camp tent to meet Qiu Xing.

The tent opened, Jiang Nianniing walked in, and Yiming and Roque followed him.

At this time, the injured Qiu Xing was bandaging himself, half of his armor was not off, his body was full of blood, and there was a sword that was still dripping blood on the ground next to him, and he roughly knew that he must have experienced a big battle just now.

Jiang Nianming tried to see his attributes.

[Enemy Star] (Silver Level BOSS) (Eternal City Ace Reserve Commander) Level

: 30

Health Points: 9800

Physical Attack: 655~755 Physical

Defense: 460 Magical Defense

: 420

Talent: [Command] Skill: [Thousand Blade Slash] [Split Armor] [Broken Star].

Introduction: The commander of the Eternal City Ace Reserve Army, he is an honest person, has a strong combat talent, and also has a good commanding ability.

It turned out to be a silver boss, but this health point is really too little, the attributes are not very high, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

Judging by the introduction, he is indeed a good person.

"Commander, how are you?"

At this time, Roque greeted him, originally he, an ordinary patrolman, was not qualified and had the opportunity to talk to Qiu Xing on weekdays, but the other party reused him and asked him to find the Spirit Fruit, which showed his trust in him.

"Roarke, you're back, who are these two?"

Jiang Nianning handed over the Spirit Fruit and said, "This is the fruit that treats your injury, seeing that you are injured so badly, let's eat it first." "

Thank you." Qiu Xing did not suspect Jiang Nian Ming anything, he also saw that the fruit was real, after getting it, he took a bite directly, and the injuries on his body did recover somewhat, and when he finished eating the fruit, the whole person's complexion was much better.

"Adventurer, you did a very good job, without you, I don't know when my injury will be better, it's just, there are still many wounded soldiers outside, our doctors and medicines are not enough, do you think you still have extra spiritual fruits?"

Jiang Nianning took out all the remaining four and handed them over, and the haters who took the Spirit Fruit showed joy in their eyes: "Thank you so much, Roque, but I sent these fruits to my seriously injured companions."

"Yes! Command! Roque walked away with four Spirit Fruits.

Qiu Xing, on the other hand, said to Jiang Nianming: "You not only saved me, but also saved my companions, I must repay you well."

"And my sister, the Spirit Fruit was picked by the two of us together." Jiang Nian Ming turned around and looked at Yi Ming.

Qiu Xing nodded: "Please two accept my reward." "


System prompt: Qiu Xing thanked you, you gained 6000 experience points, 200 gold coins, and [Silver Chest] ×1.

"Silver treasure chest..." Jiang Nianming's heart moved, and she quickly checked her package, and there was indeed a silver-white treasure chest inside.

Immediately, he turned back to Yi Ming and asked, "Do you have a silver treasure chest?"

Yi Ming shook her head: "I don't have one, I got a bronze treasure chest, is yours silver?"

Jiang Nianning nodded: "It's a drop, I drop silver." Yi

Ming gave him a blank look, feeling a little unbalanced in his heart.

Don't look at the silver treasure chest first, continue to talk to Qiu Xing, and see if you can get any useful information.

"Commander Qiu, I see that the camp is quite chaotic, is something wrong?"

Qiu Xing's expression became a little solemn when he heard this: "As you can see, the current situation of the ace reserve army is indeed very chaotic, my deputy Lin Miao assassinated me when I was injured, and was repelled by me and all the brothers, and now he has fled to the Wind Stone Canyon, where it is, I don't know for the time being." "

This guy..." "

Our ace reserve army came here to investigate the truth that a cavalry team in the palace disappeared inexplicably, and now there are some results, that cavalry, I am afraid that it was engulfed by the cloud stone ghost wind."

"Yunshi Ghost Wind?"

"That's right, the marble ghost wind is a very terrifying phenomenon in the wind stone canyon, once it appears, it will engulf the surrounding people and things, and no one knows what is inside the cloud stone ghost wind, because the people who were sucked into it never appeared again."

"So, brave adventurers, are you willing to take a risk for the Eternal City and enter the cloudy ghost wind to investigate the situation?"

Jiang Nianming: "..."

Your uncle's.

Didn't this tell me to send me to death?

"Alas! Is there no other way? Seeing

Jiang Nian's face was difficult, Qiu Xing also sighed heavily, he also wanted to use other methods, but unfortunately, he couldn't find it, he could only send powerful people into that cloud stone ghost wind, but even he was not sure that he could come back alive after entering.

Jiang Nianming asked, "Are you sure that cavalry was swept in?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay, then I can only take my sister to take a look."

"Really? It's wonderful, thank you, brave adventurer, and if you return without a success, I will give you a huge reward! "


System prompt: You have accepted the mission [Find the Disappeared Cavalry] (difficulty 660).

Mission content: After the exploration of the Qiu Star, the cavalry team is engulfed by the marble ghost wind in the Wind Stone Canyon, you need to lead the team into the cloud stone ghost wind, and find the relics left by the cavalry, bring it back to the Enemy Star, you will get a rich reward.

Mission time: 48 hours after entering the "Marble Ghost Wind".

Mission limit: 3


System prompt: You trigger the side quest [Kill the Rebel].

Mission content: Lin Miao, the deputy commander of the ace reserve army, is likely to hide in the Wind Stone Canyon, find him, and kill him, and carry his first rank to meet the enemy star, you will get additional rewards.

There is also a side quest....

Jiang Nianning looked at it and thought to herself that Lin Miao should not be hiding in the cloud stone ghost wind, right? This idea was quickly denied by himself, it should be impossible, even the place where Qiu Xing did not dare to set foot easily, how dare his deputy enter it, most of them are still hiding in that canyon.

After receiving the task, Jiang Nianning asked: "Since the Yunshi ghost wind is only a phenomenon of the Wind Stone Canyon, how can we guarantee that after entering, we will definitely encounter it, where and when, can we determine it?"

Qiu Xing said: "After an hour, this phenomenon will appear in the central area of the Wind Stone Canyon, the duration is 48 hours, you must arrive in advance and wait, and ensure that you come out of it within 48 hours, otherwise, you may never come out again." "

You can see from the difficulty of the mission that this mission is indeed risky, so be careful.

One hour, that's two hours... Well, there is still time to go back to the city to prepare props, and it's never too late to come back after everything is accurate and correct.

So, Jiang Nianning said to Qiu Xing: "Don't worry, we will complete the task." "

Well, I'm sure you'll bring me good news, go, brave warriors, the Eternal City is proud of your courage!"

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