[Vanguard Sword] (

★ Silver)

Physical Attack: 235~260 Strength: +6 Stamina: +6

Additional: [Vanguard Slash] Players charge with their sword in the first place, and they can trigger it once if they take 1200 damage, causing 250% high damage to enemies within range.

Level required: 22

Classes required: Swordsman, Warrior...

This pioneer sword attribute is still good, but compared to the rebel sword, the attack power is worse, and the additional dual attributes are also 1 point less, but the additional skill is very strong, 250% range damage, can play a vital role in team battles, vanguard power, very powerful! This sword

occupies the second place in the equipment rankings, second only to the rebel sword.

Jiang Nianning does not plan to change the weapon, but also uses a combat knife, so this sword is to be sold, to whom to sell, Jiang Nianning already has someone to choose in her heart.

"Hey, sisters, do you want a new weapon?" Jiang Nianning sent the attribute map of the Vanguard Sword to Sugarcoat, and Sugarcoat quickly replied this time: "Oh, I've been paying attention to the equipment rankings

, this sword is ranked second, but it turned out to be made by you, the high-position hidden profession is really very strong!" "Mo modest, you are also a high-position hidden profession, but I'm just a little luckier than you, how about it, this sword is kept for you?"

Well, keep it for me, then when can you give it to me?" Jiang

Nianming replied: "Then it is estimated that it will take another three or two days, I am doing a task, and I can't be sure when I will go back."

"Okay then, you can keep the sword first, but if I fight better, I won't buy yours."

"Uh-huh, it should, then hang up first, I'm going to continue the task."

"Okay, let's go. After

chatting and closing the communication, Jiang Nianming felt in her heart that this sister was easier to get along with than the floating goose sinking fish, well, it seemed to be very free, there was something to say, there was nothing scheming.

Floating goose sunken fish... There are too many ghost ideas.

Jiang Nianming continued to talk to Lin Yin: "Commander, my mission has been completed, do you want to consider going back with me?" Lin Yin

shook his head: "You just cleaned up some advance troops, there are still many dark creatures in Ice Pulse Town, I hope you can help me and destroy them all!"

After Jiang Nianming clicked Agree, the task content came out.

Mission content: There are a large number of dark creatures in Ice Vein Town, please go and kill at least 1,000 dark creatures and come back, the more you kill, the more rewards Lin Yin will give you.



as Jiang Nianning was about to leave, Lin Yin called out to him and said: "There is still a task to be given to you, in the room at the easternmost end of Ice Vein Town, there must be a relic left by Lin Lin, I want to ask you to find it and bring it back to me." "

Ding! System

prompt: Do you accept the task [Find the relics left by Linlin] (task difficulty 650)?

Still click to accept, but Jiang Nianming feels very strange, Lin Yin's mouth Linlin should be the person who helped him at the beginning, but such an important item, he should find it himself, after all, he was not assigned here for a day or two, what he wanted to do, should have done it long ago.

As if seeing Jiang Nianming's doubts, Lin Yin said: "In fact, I am now a half-waste person, as early as two months ago, dark creatures occupied the entire Ice Vein Town, and there were monsters in every corner of the town, I could only try my best to clean up, but in a cleaning operation, I was attacked by a demon monster and was gouged out half of my heart."

Lin Yin lowered his head and pointed to his heart, where there were several claw-shaped scars.

Jiang Nianning's heart was terrified when she heard this, she was gouged out half of her heart, but she could still survive, who is this Lin

Yin? Lin Yin said: "I can survive, relying on the cold and harsh environment here, if I leave here, I can't adapt to the survival of the outside world at all, which will accelerate my death."

"Of course, I won't live long if I stay here, and my time is running out."

As Lin Yin spoke, blood had been left at the corners of his mouth, and his face had turned a lot paler: "I am very touched that you can come here, go ahead and do your task!"


Jiang Nianming knows that the former leader of the kamikaze knights does not want to see him embarrassed, so let's go, go to Ice Pulse Town, complete the task he wants to complete, clean up dark creatures, and find relics!

The first thing that appeared in front of Jiang Nianming was an ice zombie, this monster is very slow, but the attack power is as high as 590 points, the defense power is also 350+, the attribute is quite high, Jiang Nianming went up to slash and only beat 640 HP, which is still the damage under the 2 times the attack bonus of the evil one, not high, the level of the ice zombie is 31, and the HP is already as high as 5000 points, which is not easy to handle.

If there is flame magic here, it can play a big role, but unfortunately Jiang Nianning is not a mage, not proficient in fire magic, can only use a knife to cut.

Attract three monster kills at a time, and after 200 attacks, you can trigger a Kill Blade effect, dealing 140% of the attack damage to the group of enemies.

An hour... For two hours, Jiang Nianming felt that he had integrated into the entire town, he moved his steps, his eyes looked around, and he killed any monsters, whether they were high-level or low-level, and disposed of them uniformly.

After another half an hour, Yiming sent him a message: "Go, brother, dry rice!" Jiang

Nianming smiled: "Okay, I'll kill the last monster and get off the line." "

Hmm!" In

order to eat early, Jiang Nianning shot more quickly, killing a level 32 dark ice bear in front of him with three strokes and five divisions, and bursting a cold gauntlet.

【Ice Pulse Gauntlet】(★ Silver) Physical

Defense: +180 Magic Defense:+180

Power: +6

Additional: Reduces Ice Magic Damage by 50 Requires

Level: 22

Classes Required: Warrior, Swordsman, Spearguard...


It turned out to be silverware, and luck belonged.

Jiang Nian Ming did not say a word directly replaced, the attribute greatly improved a wave, now the physical defense is more than 600 points, directly invincible, the ice vein town can walk sideways, at present he saw the highest attack power in the ice vein town is the large ice bear he just killed, the attack power is 660 points, now if you fight again, basically the other party can not break the defense, absolutely can not hit 100 damage, don't forget that the Luna veil also reduces the amount of damage by 15%.

A glance at the equipment list, now the top eleven have a total of eight silverware, three of which are here, Meizizi, when the task is completed, go back, just selling equipment is a big wave of income!

Bronzes are still very popular now, a one-star bronze gauntlet sells for four or five hundred gold small meaning, two-star is small six hundred, three stars is seven hundred and eight hundred.

Don't want to be so much, eat first, turn back and continue to brush monsters, finish this task, it's almost time to leave this island!

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