From "old brother" to "surnamed Jiang", Jiang Nianming knew that something big was going to happen, and sure enough, women would be inexplicably jealous.

Jiang Nianming directly pretended to be stupid: "Ha?

"Oooh. Icing moved away.

Yi Ming also stood aside.

"Two-star bronze, six hundred gold coins a piece.

"Brother, now the two-star bronze ware is only sold for five hundred, and the three-star is only sold for six hundred, you are expensive." "A player reminds.

Jiang Nianming shouted: "Two-star bronze five hundred gold coins, three-star bronze six hundred gold coins, don't miss it when you pass by, come and see if you don't buy it..." Soon

there was a large group of players around, some looking at beautiful women, some asking about equipment, anyway, things are not worried about selling.

After cleaning up in a few minutes, Jiang Nianning had a large amount of money in her hand.

"Silverware! Silverware! One-star silverware armor, archer's exclusive cloak, attributes are here, let's take a look!"

Even silver is sold, this guy is crazy. "

Jiang Nian Ming is crazy, and everyone is crazy.

The price of the two pieces of silver soared in the scramble.

Originally, a total of two pieces were sold together for five thousand gold coins, but it turned out

to be pulled to seven thousand two, damn it, crazy! Fortunately, it was not sold to Starlight, and the goods of four thousand five wanted to take two pieces, well... Not very good, in the future, there will be equipment or sold here, there are still many rich people, let everyone rob, the price will rise high, just like this time, one-star silverware sold the price of two-star silver!"

Jiang Nianming was overjoyed.

Then he looked at his small vault, which was enough for twenty-six thousand gold coins.

"The surname Jiang... Oh no, brother, now the gold coin exchange rate has dropped a lot, you quickly exchange the gold coins in your hand for cash, two days later, I am afraid that it will lose to my grandmother's house.

Jiang Nianming didn't pay attention to this, and he clicked on the gold coin exchange to take a look.

Good guy, 1 gold coin for 7.2 cash, it turned out to be able to exchange 10, this is only a few days, fell into this bear.

I can't delay it, and then drag his mother to my grandmother's house.

Twenty-six thousand gold coins... Well, exchange a twenty-five, not very good, exchange twenty-four, leave two thousand as a principal, one-time exchange, to the account of 170,000 two, Jiang Nian Ming is excited, 170,000! This makes him feel that his fatigue in the past few days is worth it, and such a long time of effort has not been in vain.

Yi Ming's desire to build a studio can also be started quickly.

Just as the sugar coating was also there, Jiang Nianming took the liberty to send out an invitation: "Sisters, what do you think of my strength?" Yiming

glanced at him, probably guessing what he wanted to say, Brother Mo Ruomei.

Sugarcoat nodded: "It's okay, I haven't beaten, and it's not very clear."

Jiang Nianning continued: "That... If I said, "I built a game studio with my sister and invited you, would you join?"


Jiang Nianming is stupid.

He thought he had misheard.

"What did you say?" "

Well? I said yes.


"Uh-huh!" Jiang

Nianming really didn't expect it, he thought that he would have to fight with each other!

As a result, these sisters are so good at talking?

The brothers and sisters looked at each other, but things went more smoothly than expected.

At this moment, Sugarcoat asked another question: "Then you have to answer me, who do I look like your sister?" Jiang

Nianning trembled, only to feel murderous aura rushing to his face.

Damn! Damn it.

Jiang Nianming didn't know what to say for a while, this special, send the proposition!

At this critical juncture, Yiming stood up bravely, smiled and stretched out her hand to hold the sugar-coated arm: "Of course, the sugar-coated sister is good-looking, come, hug one."

Jiang Niannian gave a thumbs up: "Good! can flex and stretch

Jiang Yiming!" After the two hugged, Yiming turned around, smiled at Jiang Nianning, and smiled very brightly: "The surname Jiang, kneel on the keyboard tonight, if you don't kneel, I can cry to show you." Jiang

Nianming was like being struck by lightning and was split in half on the spot.

What a crime!......

"Where is the studio, show me the location first.

"This... We haven't decided yet, just the three of us now, I think we have to pull another priest over, but the Eternal City doesn't seem to have a powerful priest now.

Jiang Nianming looked at the rank ranking, the top fifty... None of them are priests.

"It's better to find a suitable studio address before hiring a pastor, otherwise there are excellent people who will not come, and there is also a matter of my salary."

"Don't worry, I play games for fun, you can see the salary give, don't be too low."

Jiang Nianming felt that this sister was easy to satisfy, and he also knew in his heart that such a high-ranking hidden profession as sugar-coated, as long as she was willing, stretched out her hand casually, and the major guilds could spend hundreds of thousands to grab their scalps to fight.

People are giving him face, as for where face comes from, as Yiming said, he is also a high-ranking hidden profession, no worse than sugar coating.

Moreover, the cooperation of the two can fully exert the effect of one plus one is greater than two.

Jiang Nianming gave the sugar coating an address: Linjiang City××..."

"It's a little far, I have to catch the train, and I'll go again tomorrow."

"Okay, no problem, I'll pick you up at the station with Yiming when I turn back."

"Well, that's it.

At this time, Jiang Nianning took out the Holy Horse Badge: "Actually, I have obtained a hidden class prop, and I can use this prop to open the Paladin's hidden class mission, that is, I am now a high-level hidden profession and cannot use it."

He looked at Yi Ming and asked, "Paladin, do you want it?

"Awesome. On the side, Sugarcoat sighed: "The good things are in your hands, I think the game company may be opened by your family." "

Good luck, good luck. "Jiang Nian Ming is very modest.

It's just that Yiming doesn't seem to be very satisfied with this profession.

"I still like gunguards, if there is a hidden profession of gunguards I want, this... Forget it.

Jiang Nianming said: "Paladins can also use guns, maybe they can also use healing magic, magic and martial arts double cultivation, how good!"


Helpless, Jiang Nianming can only ask Gao Ming for another.

If this hidden class item is sold, half a million gold coins....

It's still a little low, and Jiang Nianming feels that this hidden profession will never be weak.

This thing, you still have to find someone you can trust.

And take a look, don't be in a hurry.

Now that there are many treasures on hand, it is actually quite easy to recruit talents.

"What happened to the Spirit Seal copy?" Jiang Nianming put away the things and asked Yi Ming.

Yi Ming shook her head and said: "The situation is not good, you still have to come, and Sister Sugar, if the three of us team up, I think it is no problem to break through 70%."

"OK, wait for me, I'll go to the palace first to hand over a task, and then form a team to go to the Spirit Seal copy." "

Uh-huh, go ahead!"


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