Jiang Nianming rushed in the group of monsters, the war knife wielded, every time can take away the golden spirit beast 500+ HP, but unfortunately the evil is useless for these monsters, otherwise each double damage is cooler, the left hand light thorn released, an attack is at least 1200 HP, the super high physics bonus makes Sugarcoat can't help but praise: "Awesome, look at me!"

This is the second time Jiang Nianming has seen the sugar coating strike, her body is very free, the cloak is spread, the soft figure is swept out, above the long sword, there is a holy light floating, sweeping towards the three golden spirit beasts in front.





The damage is not low, to say the level, she is 3 levels lower than Jiang Nianning, and it is only 25 at present, but this damage is enough.

"How many strength do you have to add points?" Jiang Nianming asked curiously, and the sugar-coated smiled and groaned: "7 strength, giving 1 point of physical strength and 2 points of mental power."

"2 points of

spiritual power?" "That's right, the Light Ranger can use healing magic, and it will add more blood to a little spiritual power, and the dodge rate is higher. The

golden spirit beast held the combat knife and slashed down her upper body, seeing that she was about to hit, but saw that she took half a step back, and the other party directly slashed backward, and the backhand long sword slashed repeatedly, taking away more than a thousand of her health points again.

The most violent should be Yi Ming, who has a 10-point strength bonus, her level is the same as Jiang Nianming, but the output is more fierce, and she can hit more than 640 damage at a time.

"It's still 10 strength plus a little comfortable. "


The three people worked together, and the pressure to kill monsters was obviously not so great, and the speed increased, and a golden spirit beast could be solved in less than 5 seconds.

The level 25 golden spirit beast only provided Jiang Nianning with 880 experience points, which was not enough to see, and after solving the five golden spirit beasts, two golden fragments burst out.

Jiang Niannian picked up the two fragments.

[Jinge Fragments]: 100 fragments can be cast into a spirit seal [Jinge].

However, it did not show the effect, and it was necessary to wait for the casting to know what the spirit seal really did.

Jiang Nian Ming gave the two Jinge fragments to the sugar coating: "First follow you, and after your fusion is successful, then get the wood attribute spirit seal of Yi Ming."


course I'm the last one, and I also want to see what this spirit seal does, hey, if the metal spirit seal suits me, then I'll get Jinge first, if the wood attribute spirit seal suits me, I'll go to Xuanmu Yin first, or if neither of them suits me, then I'll get the others first." "

A good calculation. "

Haha, let's go, continue!" After

the death of the five level 25 golden spirit beasts, the eight level 27 golden spirit beasts appeared again, the attributes were a little stronger than before, but under the strong output of the three, they didn't last too long, this time luckily, they exploded four fragments, and the same let the sugar coating put away.

Moving on, the level of the third wave of monsters has reached thirty, and the number is sixteen, which is directly double the previous one.


Yes, so it is very difficult, under normal circumstances, now sixteen level 30 golden spirit beasts with a single brush are at risk of being destroyed.

"Of course, hidden classes are not among them, and ordinary professional players will die quickly.

Yi Ming waved his gun and pointed at the monster in front of him: "Divide the battlefield, each person to deal with 10, see who kills fast, how?"

"It's too dangerous, let's kill together." Jiang

Nianming's words just fell, the girl has rushed out, she is very confident in her strength, moreover, there is a fire attribute in her skills, the restraint of the golden spirit beast is very large, the damage of a shot is close to 1000 points, although Jiang Nianming's light thorn is also good, but after all, the number of times it is used is less, and the cooldown time is slightly longer.

The fastest attack speed is naturally sugar-coated, the first two waves of monsters appeared, Jiang Nian Ming did not see her use skills, this time she paid extra attention, the words of ten golden spirit beasts... It is also a threat to her.

Sure enough, when Jiang Nianming was fighting with the golden spirit beast, the sugar coating held the sword in one hand, but saw a sharp light flash on the sword, and then she stepped out, her body turned into a line and rushed out, and in less than a second, she had already penetrated the body of the three-headed golden spirit beast.

Bang bang!

The three golden spirit beasts exploded, and a damage value of more than 650 appeared, this is not over, the sugar coating is facing away from the last golden spirit beast at this time, she holds the sword in both hands, backhand and slash again, tearing the back of the golden spirit beast at once.


The long sword is swung and does not give the opponent a chance to attack at all.





"Xiu'er. Jiang

Nianning was not to be outdone, although he was not equipped with gun weapons and could not use the Ascending Moon and Shen Yue, the combat knife was still quite cool, and between the big openings and closings, he was harvesting the lives of golden spirit beasts.

Of course, he did not forget Yi Ming's side, the gun guard did not have a recovery skill, although Yi Ming was violent, but it was not light to be beaten by monsters, and he had to drink a blood bottle once in tens of seconds, at this time, the miracle light had an effect, and he could add blood to her remotely, and although Sugar Coating also had blood return skills, it could only be used for himself, and could not return blood for teammates.

Under a fierce battle.

Jiang Nianming spent more than 11 minutes to clean up all the ten monsters, and Yiming took about 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and the sugar coating was beaten and blood returned, and it took 11 minutes before and after.

The fastest is Yi Ming, but she is not complacent, because she knows very well in her heart... If it weren't for the fact that the old brother was worried about her side and constantly adding blood to her, it would definitely take her longer to kill all the monsters.

The three of them tacitly did not mention who was fast and who was slow, and Sugarcoat said: "There are 4 jingo fragments on my side." Yi

Ming: "There are 3 on my side, too few..." "

Then it seems that my results are not bad." He spread out his palms, and the two of them looked at it, there were a total of 7 fragments.

"You this... What luck?" Sugarcoat looked at the 7 lying jingo fragments, the beauty of the eyes was not without surprise, this explosion rate, very terrible, 7 out of 10 monsters, usually dare not think about it.

Jiang Nianming said: "This is the benefit of high luck value.

How lucky are you worth?"

"Dilo, it's so high, I'm only 7 o'clock."

On the side, Yiming cried with a sad face: "You are all so tall, I am only 2 o'clock." At

this time, Jiang Nianniing asked Sugarcoat: "I saw that the skill you used just now is quite cool, what is your name?"


held the sword with one hand, stepped slightly, and made a dash state: "This, called [Light through], 1 second through a column of three monsters, the damage bonus is 145%..."

Then she put away the step she took and changed from holding the sword with one hand to holding the sword with both hands: "This, called [Light Slash], the damage bonus is 10% more than the light through, in fact, it is not much."

"It's good, my skills are rubbish." "

Cut, the knife in the left hand must also have at least a 200% damage bonus.

Jiang Nianning: "210%, you said less." "


!" "Rush Rush!" Yi Ming couldn't wait.

In the copy of Jin Lingxiao, the three people kill happily, in addition to ordinary monsters, there are also strengthening monsters, after killing four waves of ordinary monsters, the strengthening monsters will appear, and it is ten, many expert players will die here without teaming, of course, even if they form a team, it will be cool if they do not cooperate well.

But Jiang Nianming and they did not have much risk of death, it was nothing more than that the speed of killing monsters had slowed down.

Ten ordinary monsters, if the cooperation is good, solve in a few minutes, ten strengthened monsters, this time may be three or five times.

Bang bang!

As the body of a head of enhanced monsters exploded, Yi Ming and Sugarcoat each rose by 1 level.

Jiang Nianming went to pick up the fragments on the ground, and the strengthening monster gave many Jinge fragment thieves, giving 25 pieces, and some even directly exploded 4 pieces, this explosion rate is extremely amazing.

"It seems that the monster killer will bring you in the future, so there will be more explosive things, and it will be better!"

Sugarcoat stretched out his palm, and three regular diamond-shaped fragments lay quietly in his hand, the three fragments had a more intense golden light, and the corners of the fragments were sharper.

There is no doubt that this is [Gui Hong].


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