Marble Ghost Wind.

Today, Jiang Nian Ming was about to destroy the Demon Swordsman, but the three people who entered the copy all had slightly solemn faces.

"What are your hands shaking?" Jiang Nianming glanced at the girl, her hand holding the spear looked nervous.

Yi Ming: "I'm so excited, huh? You still say that I, don't you shake badly?"

"Are you two sure you're not afraid?"

said the floating goose sinking fish on the side.

Jiang Nianming immediately said: "I'm not afraid, because the first person the demon swordsman wants to kill when he comes out is definitely not me."

"Your uncle!"

scolded the floating goose sunken fish very unladylikely.

The footsteps of the three are advancing, the surroundings are quiet, there are some monsters refreshing, or the assassins who hid in the shadows before, but for Jiang Nianning now, these monsters are small problems, and they can't break his defenses at all.

After randomly killing some approaching assassins, the extinguished candle alerted the three that the Demon Swordsman was about to appear.

The floating goose sunken fish had already felt the fixing talisman, feeling that it was suddenly cooled behind her, and she did not hesitate to turn around and punch the talisman straight.

The talisman was attached to the pitch-black figure, and the demon swordsman who was ready to start was directly fixed in place.

"Kill!" The

system prompts that the Demon Swordsman is fixed for 3 seconds, and this high-level talisman plays a big role, and the maximum time is only 3.5 seconds, which is not short.

Jiang Nianming now held the blade in both hands, and there was no way to release the light thorn, but his double-bladed attack appeared to be more rapid, and the knife hit the opponent directly.







Yi Ming's hand did not stop, the blazing spear stormed, and it could also take away the blood of the demon swordsman in the early 500s at a time, the floating goose sinking fish was about to attack, but Jiang Nianning shouted: "If you don't want to die, retreat into the corner, don't let him get close to you!" The floating goose sinking fish

nodded, and immediately ran to the flat road in front, with her current magic attack, 3 seconds actually can't do much damage to the magic swordsman.

Jiang Nian Ming and Yi Ming attacked quickly, and the output was not low, and in just 3 seconds, the Demon Swordsman's HP was reduced by nearly 10,000 points.

However, the Demon Swordsman's health bar is only a third less.

As those outside said, his level has increased again, and his health has increased by 5,000.

But it didn't matter, as soon as the time came, Jiang Nianning immediately threw out the Burning Heaven Talisman.


fire turned into a large array and directly wrapped the body of the demon swordsman, at this moment in the large array he tried to escape, but it was useless, trapped inside, must wait for the end of time, 6 seconds, 1000 health per second! 10 seconds before and after, the demon swordsman's

health has been reduced by half!

The first to attack is Yiming, because you take Jiang Nian Ming's defense, her defense is lower, and the floating goose sinking fish stands too far away and does not become the first target of his attack.

"Use the strong talisman hoop, quick!" Just as the

Demon Swordsman's attack was about to fall, Jiang Nianming shouted from behind, and at this time, a cold aura of light also exploded on the Demon Swordsman's feet, taking only 159 HP with him, and... The control failed, and the floating goose sunken fish is now too low in level to pose any threat to the Demon Swordsman.

Yi Ming immediately used a strong talisman and added 1,000 physical defenses, even if he resisted the attack of the demon swordsman, he couldn't die at all, but what neither of them expected was that the demon swordsman changed the trajectory of the attack in just 0.2 seconds... Or rather, the goal.

He disappeared!

There seemed to be a gloomy smile in his eyes, his figure disappeared out of thin air, Yi Ming was stunned for a moment, and Jiang Nian Ming also realized that something was wrong after a short hesitation.

As soon as he turned around, he saw that the Demon Swordsman had appeared behind the Floating Goose Sinking Fish.

Skills are released continuously, and the connection is quite perfect.

Shadow + backstab! The

long sword suddenly pierced the body of the floating goose sinking fish, and the heart was cold, and the heart flew.

Critical hit.


The floating goose did not react until it died, and it cooled too quickly.

Unlike entering the quest before, being killed now is a direct return to the city, so now the floating goose sunken fish should be in the resurrection spring water of the Eternal City.

It is estimated that he is scolding the mother.

No way, the demon swordsman only looks for the one with low defense, originally Jiang Nianming thought that it would be safe as long as he opened the distance, but it turned out that he thought too much, the demon swordsman was very smart, gave them a false impression of attacking Yiming, in fact, it was the floating goose sinking fish to kill.

As soon as the floating goose died, the demon swordsman laughed coldly, he did not speak, but quickly ran forward, his speed was very fast, Jiang Nianming and Yiming also rushed towards him, when the double blade and spear attacked, but found that the figure of the demon swordsman and the darkness were integrated.


of their attacks were dodged.

Check the system prompt and find that the magic swordsman is using the skill Night Walking!

This also shows that he is now just one with the darkness and has not really disappeared away.

Suddenly, Jiang Nian Ming was stabbed in the back, fortunately there was no damage from the Lunar God Yar, although it was also a critical attack, but it would not be killed in seconds, the amount of blood plummeted 1446

! +234!

Raise the hand of the miracle light, another blood vial, a total of 534, the blood vial also has a cooldown time, but it is very short, the first entrance, the second is ready.

This knife didn't hit critically, and the HP dropped 532, which is no less.

This demon swordsman was still a little fierce, and he stunned Jiang Nianming in two strokes.

"Grass!" Jiang Nian Ming filled the blood bottle again.


!" "Wait until the moment when he strikes, immediately fight back and let him drop a piece of meat too!"

But this time, the demon swordsman became smart again, did not attack for a full 10 seconds, Yi Ming's strong effect has almost disappeared, Jiang Nianming replenished the blood bottle again, reminding her to be careful, it is very likely that the target of the demon swordsman's attack will be changed.

Sure enough, as soon as the 15 seconds passed, the Demon Swordsman suddenly attacked, and Yi Ming raised his hand and stabbed back, and at the same time hit the Demon Swordsman's sword.

Jiang Nianning also waved his double blade, and neither side got any benefit.







"Don't add blood to me, I can't carry it, if he makes a critical attack, I will be seconded." "

Yi Ming has already come to an enlightenment.

Jiang Nianning held the barrier-breaking talisman in his hand, he really wanted to beat this talisman out, but the speed of the demon swordsman was too fast, and he had not yet found the right time.

"Sister, do you want to sacrifice it?" "

Huh?" Yi

Ming was stunned, not understanding.

Jiang Nianming took out the talisman basket: "As long as I beat it out, we can win, provided that it is accurate." How

clever Yiming was, she immediately thought that the old brother was going to let her be used as bait, and she nodded: "Yes, but if I am gone... Well, you killed the Demon Swordsman, and you have to divide some equipment items among me. "

No problem, it's up to you, girl

!" "Hmm!" Yi

Ming was ready to sacrifice, she ran to the end of the hall where she had killed the headless horseman before, Jiang Nianming also followed the past, this place is quite narrow, the demon swordsman can't raid behind his back, the reaction time left for him is not so fast, Jiang Nian Ming has every chance to hit the barrier breaking charm.

Two seconds later, a cold wind hit, and the shadow approached the wall and swept from the left.

The demon swordsman held the long sword in his hand and killed again.

The long sword was sent into Yiming's body, and the critical attack was directly glorious.

"Brother, it's up to you. Jiang

Nianming grabbed the Demon Swordsman's left arm with one hand, and with the other hand, he directly pinched the Barrier Breaking Talisman and covered the Demon Swordsman's face.

Let Nima's arrogance!

Double blade continuous assault.

The Demon Swordsman's talent and Brave Fearlessness skills are now obsolete.






The demon swordsman turned into a shadow and disappeared, and Jiang Nianning immediately raised his vigilance.

The next moment, he was stabbed in the back, there was no critical hit, only more than 500 HP, not fatal, biting the blood bottle, adding blood.

Back and forth for a knife, Jiang Nianming did not encourage him at all, as long as the demon swordsman dared to swing the second sword, he dared to send the third

sword! Perhaps realizing that the critical attack did not work, the demon swordsman did not hide, but continuously used skill output, disillusioned a sword fell on Jiang Nianning, the 165% damage bonus directly took away his 877 HP, at the same time, the magic swordsman increased the dodge by 15%, but the dodge was suppressed by the barrier, so it did not work.

Jiang Nianning kept slashing with two blades in his hand.

Once again, he took away nearly 2,500 HP from the Demon Swordsman.

In fact, Jiang Nianning can use the Divine Guard Talisman, and as soon as this talisman comes out, he is 100% sure that he can win this battle, but... Well, there is no need, the magic swordsman is almost dead.

This talisman can be saved, but the lucky talisman cannot be saved, he wants to let this boss have a big explosion!

Above the hall, the sword light and shadow, the demon swordsman's health is forced to 2000, then 1000, then 164.

Jiang Nianning continued to drink the blood bottle, and the blood bar remained above 80%, ensuring that he would still survive even if the other party made a critical attack.

The demon swordsman swung his sword again, Jiang Nianming's face showed joy, and the lucky talisman was shot out in front of him, and the golden light flashed, blending into the demon swordsman's body.

System prompt: +200% explosion rate after death of the Magic Swordsman!



Boom, the demon swordsman's body trembled, and a moment later, a big explosion, full of gold coins and items!

System prompt: You killed the demon swordsman (special boss), gained 300,000 experience points, obtained 40 skill points, and obtained the title [Swordsman Killer].


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