My brother is a hidden profession... This reason, Qing Qingzi didn't know how to refute it.

I'm very proud, if I had a hidden career brother, I wouldn't have to struggle.

Qingqing Ziyun finally confiscated the holy horse badge, she felt that the time had not come, this is only the first day, at least let everyone see that she has worked hard, but she can't put it on a rotten, eat and wait for death, this is not her style.

"Next, let's go to the copy, there are two proposals, one is four people together, the explosion rate is reduced, but now the Zi Guan has a shield, the defense is enough, and if it is well coordinated, it is possible to pass in a wave." Sugar

Candy said, "I think... A wave is unlikely. "

It's better to have two and two teams, how about trying it first?" Jiang

Nianming actually felt that it was not appropriate, Yi Ming's defense was not enough, and she could only rely on the blood bottle to add blood, if she was with her team, then Qing Qing Zi Guan would be uncared for, although her defense was enough, but the attack power was too weak, the level was too low, and it would not last long to enter the copy.

In the end, it was decided that the four people entered the copy together, and it happened to brush the red name as well.

Buy potions and enter Jin Lingxiao.

"I am in front, the girl is behind me to see the opportunity to rush in, Sugar Candy can move freely, Zi Guan is on my side, and the front is on the shield. "

After the assignment, start killing monsters like crazy.

The first wave did not cooperate very well, mainly because the timing of the shield on Qingqing Zigen's side was not controlled, and the last few people fell into the hands of a bunch of level 47 monsters.

However, it is already farther than three people, and the red name was brushed clean very early, and it was only one level off.

After the offline cooking, the second wave begins.

The second wave still had mistakes, when killing the boss, Yiming was not in a good position and was stabbed for a second, and finally Qingqingzi was broken the shield there, and the old man died miserably, and Sugar Candy and Jiang Nian Ming did not struggle for long, and were sent back directly.

It was already approaching 12 p.m., and the four of them decided to make one last wave, just in time for tomorrow to refresh the number of copies again.

This time the brush time was 8 hours, and it was also the best cooperation, and the copy pass rate reached 88%, unfortunately, not to 90%, but it is undoubtedly much better than the previous two times.

"The speed slows down, the efficiency goes up. "Out of the copy, it's already seven fifty in the morning, several people are tired and can't stand it, against the panda eyes, yawning, directly went offline, as for how many fragments were made, wait until it goes online and count it, anyway, three waves down will not be less."

Slept until four o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Nianming got up to wash, Yi lemon and sugar candy are still sleeping, Jiang Nian Ming went out to buy two bags of quick-frozen dumplings, after the dumplings The two also woke up, washing did not affect the dry rice.

Yiming swiped her mobile phone, probably watching the game channel of the god world, after a while, she put down her chopsticks and patted her brother's arm: "Look, someone has awakened the Essence Spirit Seal!"

Jiang Nianming was curious and took Yiming's mobile phone and looked at it.

The screen screen is a man of about 25 years old, his profession is a swordsman, his level has just reached 30, and his ID is not hidden... Goose over the voice.

He was the first to awaken the Essence Spirit Seal, and revealed that this Spirit Seal had an attribute of [Gold], named [Golden Goose], and a rating of B.

Properties also burst out.

【Golden Goose】(Grade B Essence

Spirit Seal) Physical Attack: +480 Physical

Defense: +120

Penetration: +170

Armor Breaking: +7

% Restraint Element: Wood

Restrained Element: Fire

Addition: [Goose Travel] +9.9% Attack Speed Addition:

This Spirit Seal is an Essence Spirit Seal and cannot be upgraded.


"Any ideas?" asked Yiming.

Jiang Nianming returned the phone to her: "No idea, B-grade Origin Spirit Seal, garbage."

On the other side, Sugar Candy also nodded: "I think so."

"You didn't even look at

it, how do you know?" "B-grade Essence Spirit Seal, do you still need to read it?" Sugar Candy's rebuttal was sharp.


Nianming said: "If I want to awaken, I have to be an SS-level spirit seal, it's really not good, it's okay


"To be a person, you still have to have ideals. Sugar

Candy said: "It seems that this one player has awakened the Essence Spirit Seal, is there a condition for breaking the news to awaken?" Yi

Ming chewed dumplings in his mouth, his small hand kept turning the mobile phone screen, and shook his head after reading it: "No, it may also be a sudden awakening, he himself doesn't know what's going on." Sugar

Candy asked her for a mobile phone, Yi Ming handed her the mobile phone, and after looking at it for a while, Sugar Candy smiled and said: "It's already a little eyebrows."

Jiang Nianning felt strange: "Talk about it." Sugar

Candy immediately expressed his opinion: "Look at that page, the spirit seals of the five attributes have all been inlayed.

"What do you mean..." Jiang Nianming also realized: "We want to gather the five attribute spirit seals, and then cause the essence spirit seals to awaken?"

"Moreover, I suspect that the stronger the attributes of the five spirit seals, the stronger the awakened Essence Spirit Seal attributes and the higher the rating.

"Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any other possibility."

After observing it carefully, Yi Ming said: "It seems to make sense, this player called Yan Guo Liusheng has the weakest five spirit seals, and the level is not high, so he awakened the B-level Essence Spirit Seal, I suspect that the energy is not enough!"

In this way, it is only necessary to collect the most nb spirit seal first, and then promote it to stimulate the power of the original spirit seal, so that it is possible to awaken the SS-level essence spirit seal, moreover, the essence spirit seal cannot be upgraded, its attributes are fixed, and the awakened nature is the stronger the better, otherwise it will open a gap on this.

There is a long way to go....

Jiang Nianming originally felt that the intermediate metal spirit seal was already very good, but in the end, it was still not enough, according to his requirements, he must awaken the best.

He believes that the same is what Lemon and Sugar Candy think.

"If we can think of this, other players can definitely think of it, so let's hurry!" reminded Yi Ming.

Jiang Nianming said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's one thing to think about, it's another thing to do it, even if you know it, the fragments of the high-grade spirit seal are not so easy to collect."

"Still, acceleration is always right. "

After cooking, go directly online, Qingqing Ziyun is already online, it is estimated that in one person to kill monsters, yesterday brushed a few copies, her level has reached 31, can be described as fast!

Send a message to call her over, and the four people began to sum up yesterday's harvest.

"There are 301 [Jinge] Spirit Seal fragments, 108 [Gui Hong] fragments, and only 11 [Annihilation] fragments. "

Too much junior, too few intermediate and advanced. "This efficiency is not high, Jiang Nianning is not very satisfied.

"Zi Guan, do you have a primary spirit seal now?"

Jiang Nianning said: "[Gui Hong] Spirit Seal fragments are enough, give sugar candy, and then sugar candy gives its own [Jinge] to Zi Guan, how about it?"


Qingzi didn't have any opinions, and received the Jinge Ling Seal of Sugar Candy.

"In order to improve efficiency, I will give all 301 jingo fragments to my sister, her output is the most fierce, and the speed of killing monsters is also fast, how is it?" "

No opinion!" "No opinion..."


the primary spirit seal and the intermediate spirit seal are only transitions, in order to awaken the powerful essence spirit seal first.


, continue to brush!" Yi

Ming said: "If we are just to collect high-level spirit seals, then there is no need to brush the monsters in front, you can hide and hide, directly brush the back, this can also improve efficiency, now the spirit seal has no decomposition function, Jinge and Gui Hong are more useless."

"Can you dodge, those monsters will not be good if they chase us all the way." Sugar

Candy said: "It should be possible, try it first, if it works, let's brush the back directly, if it really doesn't work, we will pass the customs all the way." "


The plan was set, go back to buy the potion, and start brushing.

It turns out that Yi Ming's idea is very correct, the monsters of the previous twenty levels are no longer necessary to brush, just skip over, if the distance is far enough, they will not chase all the way to the end.

As a result, this time, it only took more than three hours to brush the Annihilation Spirit Seal to be brushed... Cough, in fact, I encountered a level 55 big boss, and four people were destroyed by the group.

There is no way to use the return to the city scroll to break away from the copy, you can only die back, fortunately, Jiang Nian Lemon brushes enough monsters, upgraded one level, died once, not counting the drop level, and then the required annihilation fragments collected 25, four round-trips is enough.


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