God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1016: Everything has cause and effect

This thunder sounded very suddenly. Suddenly Gulu, who was immersed in his own world playing, trembled, screamed, and rushed to Ling Zhihuai, and Zheng stretched out his hand to touch Gulu. Seeing that it is now obviously capable, but still With such a child's disposition, Ling Zhi couldn't help but laugh.

However, he soon discovered that Ouyang Hao, who was standing in front of him, had a slightly wrong expression.

Moreover, Chen Liang and others frowned and looked into the distance with hesitation and uncertainty on their faces.

The atmosphere in this yard suddenly became dull.


Ling Zhi touched his nose.

"Why, is there something wrong?"

"Not sure yet,"

Ouyang Hao shook his head.

"Lexus, can I stay here with you first? I have to stay a little longer."

"If you can't ask for it, it doesn't matter."

Ling Zhi and Ouyang Hao were not acquainted with each other, and there was not much polite remarks between them, and they were revealed in a few words.

It's the day, in the evening, there are still ten days to go before Weicheng University.

Suddenly a hurricane blew up on Yanwei Island.

The wind comes from the sea, the boundless sea, and Yanwei Island is surrounded by the sea. Except for the direction deep into the boundless sea, there is no wind, and there are violent winds in the other three directions.

The wind speed is fast and the wind volume is big. Just as soon as I landed on Yanwei Island, I uprooted several trees.

It wasn't until he got close to the city wall that he was finally blocked, but it was obviously not a long-term solution.

Chen Liang and Rao's expressions were even more ugly.

A famous artistic conception warrior left one after another, and did not wait to have a good relationship with Lexus, and hurried to his family sect.

For them, the hurricane outside the city wall does not need to worry.

Although the wind is strong, it has not yet reached the point where it can threaten a powerful warrior.

"Chen Liang, what is it that makes you so worried?"

Ling Zhi frowned.

The island encounters strong winds and bad air, in his opinion, it should not be uncommon, and for so many warriors on the island, although this storm is very alarming, it is not enough to cause a fatal threat to them.

It may be a disaster for mortals, but not for them.

And with the help of so many warriors, it should be easy to get through.

Chen Liang shook his head.

"There is nothing to hide, but we are not sure about it ourselves, so we didn't mention it to you."

Ouyang Hao, Bai Jingyu and others are also here. It was Chen Liang and Chen Liang who were discussing with each other before.

"Do you know how many sea beasts there are in the surrounding seas?"

Ouyang Hao asked suddenly.

Ling Zhi shook his head, don't he is not familiar with this piece of sea, even with Yuanwei Island.

"There are countless sea beasts, spirit beast level, at least more than twice the artistic conception warrior on Yanwei Island."

Ouyang Hao's rare face became more serious.

Although he is still wearing loose clothes and leaning there casually, it can be seen that he is really worried about something.


Lexus asked.

"Approximately every ten years, the sea beasts will collectively attack Yanwei Island, compete for resources, and kill the warriors.

If I remember correctly, at this time five years ago, they had already attacked once, but the movement this time was very similar to that time. "

Ouyang Hao doubted.

After these words, Chen Liang and Bai Jingyu's expressions became more worried.

Obviously, the sea beast attacking the island is by no means a simple matter that can be solved.

"Most of the sea beasts can only move in the sea, should it be considered a minority that can move on the shore?"

Ling Zhi asked a very natural question.

Most of the sea animals live in the sea, not every amphibians, such as the black shark, can not come to shore.

Ouyang Hao did not answer, Chen Liang took over.

"There are indeed not many sea beasts that can come ashore to attack, and only about one-tenth of the entire group of sea beasts."


Chen Liang solemnly said,

"The entire sea beasts, excluding the spirit beasts, the number of sea beasts of rank 1 to 9 below the spirit level is hundreds of times more than the number of warriors in the entire Yanwei Island!"

Yuanwei Island is indeed big enough, but compared with the vast sea area around it, it is like the moon and the sun, which is a thousand times different.

The number of sea beasts bred from the ocean is one-tenth, one-hundredth, and far exceeds the number of warriors on Yanwei Island.

Therefore, every attack by a sea beast is a disaster for Yanwei Island.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as being utterly charcoal.

It is also under this kind of encouragement and threat that the strength and number of warriors on Yanwei Island are so many, so exaggerated, and Lexus is surprised.

In the Ding family alone, there are several nine-level martial artists, and the Ding family is only a medium-sized family in Erwei City.

On the entire Yanwei Island, it is really nothing.

"Then why does the sea beast attack Yanwei Island every ten years?"

Ling Zhi said curiously.

Although the attack of the sea beasts will cause damage to the island, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses themselves. The sea beasts may not have much intelligence, but those who have reached the level of the spirit beasts cannot see this clearly.

Without their command, these sea beasts would not have reached such a climate and scale.

But is it necessary for such a losing-lose game? The living environments and lifestyles of warriors and sea beasts are very different, which has led to the fact that there should not be too many disputes and conflicts of interests between the two.

Xia Xixi is all profitable.

Under the hustle and bustle, all for profit.

In this case, such a thing seems very weird.

Everything happens, there must be a reason.

"it's actually really easy,"

Bai Jingyu explained,

"Brother Ling, you don't live here. You don't know many things here. This is normal."

"You should be aware of the abundance of spiritual power in the ocean? Although it seems that the aura on Ouwei Island is more abundant, it is actually not worth the same as the aura content under the ocean as you go deeper. mention."

Under Bai Jingyu's narration, Ling Zhi only understood.

The boundless sea area is vast, and the spiritual power in the depths of the ocean is extremely abundant. Under such circumstances, countless elixir, countless treasures, countless treasures of material and land are naturally born.

Under such circumstances, the seabed is simply a treasure house.

The temptation for warriors is natural.

People die for money, and birds die for food. Countless warriors rushed into the sea to search for treasure.

This in itself destroys the ecological environment of the ocean, destroys a lot of things, and even inevitably fights wildly with sea beasts, kills them, and fights for treasures.

As far as human cooperation, treacherous, and tactics are concerned, even if the sea beast has the advantage of the ocean, it is not easy to come by.

Over time, those spirit beast leaders naturally couldn't stand it anymore.

In order to warn the human warriors, there are more complicated reasons, so they adopted this approach.

Periodically, we will attack Yanwei Island and warn humans. Every update has never been interrupted. This chapter should have been updated on the evening of August 22, but there were zero problems with the book flag, so there was no synchronization. It was not that I did not update. Oh, those who chase the watch should know that I have been breaking out.

Forgive me.

There is also the 23rd. I updated six chapters on the 23rd. The Book Banner app is also not updated here, and the details are not convenient.

Forgive me, I am urging the website to solve the problem, and I will compensate you even more.

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