God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1057: Group of heroes gather fishing village

The long arrow was pulled out of the ground, and it was more than half of the ground.

The body of the arrow is more than two meters long, and the thickness of the Lexus is slightly slender in the hand.

The arrow body is black, even the arrow, as if the whole body is submerged in the darkness, in the void.

Ling Zhi shook the arrow lightly, and his spiritual power poured into the arrow body.

Only after simply scouring the weapon with spiritual power as a whole, can the weapon exert its power.

Although Lexus's ink sword is made of sword stone, it can only be regarded as a sword embryo because there is no spiritual formation on it.

To this day, Lexus has not experienced the power of weapons that truly portray the spirit formation.

The weapon used by the martial artist of the physical state is called the xing weapon, and the weapon of the martial artist of the artistic state is the Horcrux, also called the soul weapon.

The power of the triad, that is, the weapon of the power of the king, the world calls it, the king of soldiers.

There is no doubt that the long arrow in Lexus's hand is the real Wang Bing, although it is only an arrow of the Wang Bing, and there is no matching long bow.

But it is powerful, beyond doubt.

Spirit power poured into the arrow, before it had time to rush to the arrow, a black mist rushed from the arrow.

Ling Zhi frowned, and he reacted on the spot. He slid his hand behind the long arrow and cut a distance from the black mist first.

He recognized the black mist the first time it appeared, because he was so impressed by this black mist.

This is clearly the kind of black mist in Guru's body, which can devour spiritual power like the fire of devouring spirits! In order to simply help Guru block the black mist infestation, Lexus almost threw his life into it and spent a lot of energy.

With the help of nine drops of Seven-Colored Soul-Nourishing Lotus juice, he almost fainted because of excessive consumption of soul power.

He has always been full of fear for this black mist, and has always wanted to help Guru completely resolve the black mist in his body.

It's just that I haven't been very sure about it, so I haven't taken any action.

The black mist diffused out from above the arrow, and rushed straight towards Ling Zhi, as if being stimulated by spiritual power, like a hungry poisonous snake.

Lexus was in a mess, rubbing his fingers gently, and the fire of devouring spirits emerged.

Black mist suddenly stopped attacking, floating in the same place, facing away from the fire of the devouring spirit.

Ling Zhi was shocked by this weird power once again. It was clear that he wanted to attack him, coveting the spiritual power in his body, but felt the emergence of the spirit-devouring fire, felt dangerous, and was in a dilemma.

But this is clearly just an attack, a force, how can there be such a reaction? It's really magical! Without giving the black mist too much time to react, Lexus flicked his fingers, and wisps of spirit-devouring fire emerged, and he urged the spiritual power in his body to directly rush into the vicinity of the spirit-devouring fire.

The Spirit Devouring Fire was supplied with spiritual power, and it became several times larger with a bang, and rushed into the black mist.

The black mist retreated back, but how could this black mist resist the spirit-devouring fire that Lexus spurred by spiritual power, but he fled a few meters back and was swallowed by the spirit-devouring fire.

The black mist struggled in the Spirit Devouring Fire, and within a short time, there was no sign of dissipating.

Is it higher than the black mist emitted from Gulu's body at that time? Ling Zhi frowned.

He suddenly understood that this black mist was like the fire of spirit devouring. It had levels and levels. Although the black mist in front of him was not much, it was of high grade. His own fire of spirit devouring, for a time It couldn't be eliminated.

Ling Zhi exhaled deeply, thanking that he did not rush to help Gulu, the black mist floating out of Gulu's body at that time was only extremely shallow.

It was incomparable to the black mist that gathered together in Guru's body.

He thought it was just a result of too much black fog, condensed together.

Looking at it now, it was clearly a higher-level black mist, several points higher than the black mist in front of him.

Spirit Devouring Fire has not evolved, and it must not be tried rashly.

Ling Zhi frowned, watching the Spirit Devouring Fire burning the black mist with difficulty, and realizing that he had to promote the evolution of the Spirit Devouring Fire on the agenda.

Thinking of the Nine Changes of Spirit Devouring, the Spirit Devouring Fire swallowed so many spirit stones along the way, and swallowed the most spirit stones each time during alchemy, and even before the first change, Lexus was very big.

It took a stick of incense time before the black mist completely dissipated.

Lexus held a long arrow in his hand, lightly urging his spiritual power.


A black light suddenly burst out from above the long arrow.

The speed is extremely fast.

As soon as Lexus moved his wrist, he suddenly waved a long arrow as a spear and started to dance.

Spiritual power is poured into the long arrow, and the arrow grows from the arrow to the long arrow. The cluster looks like a piece of ruin, but in fact, which building is not refined and cast from high-grade ore.

But when Ling Zhi held the long arrow in his hand, everything changed.

These buildings, in front of him, are like ordinary brick and earthen houses, which can be easily broken and broken.

That kind of refreshment made Ling Zhi intoxicated.

The spirit array on the arrow is complex and the level is very advanced.

The spirit array mainly has two additional effects, one is the speed of breaking through the air, and the second is the cohesion of the power, which condenses all the power to the arrow and superimposes them.

This is the first time that Ling Zhi has used a weapon with a complete spiritual formation, and it is the king of the gods from the beginning. The refreshing feeling is beyond words. With this long arrow in hand, Ling Zhi dares to fight the water beast alone! With a long arrow standing on the ground, Lexus's momentum suddenly fell in a hurry! After hesitating, Ling Zhi did not rush forward. The blood left by the strong can hurt him. If this long arrow is not bound by the power of the rules, the leaked power may directly tear him apart.

Especially, he faintly felt that the power of the black mist would never be the only one. Once the amount of this black mist is large enough, the spiritual power cannot fight it, and the fire of the devouring spirit cannot compete, it will be a big trouble. .

This has just been less than twenty meters deep! Familiar with Long Arrows, evolving the fire of devouring spirits, and even breaking into the artistic conception, this is the most important thing for Lexus at present, anyway, this owl's tail cave has been here for thousands of years, and it will not suddenly disappear.

Just do it, even knowing that there are endless opportunities in front of you, Lexus still cut it off, and resolutely chose to step back.

When Ling Zhi was in the cluster, in front of the boundless sea teleportation formation, the sea beasts and humans finally reached a consensus. The two sides selected a group of strong men and began to use the teleportation formation.

High-grade spirit stones are rare, but there are countless strong clusters, and three or five strong ones can send together to collect a high-grade spirit stone, which is not a problem.

It's just that, those who can use the teleportation array are at least the powerhouses of the third-tier artistic conception, and the third-tier spirit beast and above.

Without too much delay, this group of powerful men just appeared here and headed for the nearest island.

That direction is exactly where the fishing village is.

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