God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1093: Three years of hardening

"To, borrow for three years!"

Shui Wuhen left this overbearing sentence to the extreme, and disappeared into the black hole Zheng. When his body was completely plunged into the black hole, the black hole suddenly and completely calmed down.

Ling Zhi stared at everything in front of him, the situation happened too suddenly and too fast, and he couldn't react quickly.

He turned his head to look at the front of the hall, where there were three empty thrones, on which the three kings, and the three heroes who fought to the last moment for the Owtail clan, all disappeared.

Yesterday, the senior who was still solving his doubts and carefully guiding him in the direction. For him, his eyebrows split, exhausting the last trace of strength, and throwing his remains into the black hole Zheng. All this is just to allow him to change The stronger, so that he can go further on his own way!

"Senior, for you, used the power of this secret realm, not hesitating to hurt the foundation of the secret realm, and even dissipating to the ground without even keeping the remains of the body.

The woman in the veil looked at Lexus with complicated eyes.

"Go in, that's three years that Senior has worked hard for you."

"There, time is forbidden. You have enough time for three years to temper yourself, to lay the foundation to the most solid state, and to polish the foundation to unprecedented levels.

In order to enter the artistic conception to perfection, to see the road, to understand the power of rules, prepare the most perfect background. "

"These three years will be the foundation for you to go further and longer in this life."

After leaving a few words, the veiled woman turned pale and disappeared from the cluster. The previous scene also shocked her.

Ling Zhi scanned his surroundings, the three empty thrones, looked up at the stopped black hole, and the remnant body and soul. After all this, there was no trace of the water that disappeared.

Ling Zhi took a full thirty breaths, then he got up and glanced at Gulu and Ouyang Hao, without saying anything, just nodding slightly.

Ouyang Hao's eyes were complicated and he stared at the black hole blankly. He had always been casual, and tears flashed away from the corner of his mouth.

"This is the last time I wasted 30 breaths of the three years."

Ling Zhi was fierce and rushed to the sky, towards the black hole, without looking back.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling Zhi didn't even think about it. When he reached the black hole, he made a fist and rushed into the black hole Zheng. This is real, race against time! As soon as I stepped into the black hole, I felt a sense of weightlessness.

Ling Zhi quickly controlled his physical state, so that he stabilized his figure and plunged into the black hole.

After the black hole, everything is like nothingness.

It is the black of nothingness and the light of nothingness.

No spiritual power? Could it be true that in the void, Shui Wuhen tore the space open and imprisoned a void? Lexus said to himself.

Behind this black hole, he couldn't feel the slightest spiritual power.

He doesn’t know anything about the black hole in front of him. The only thing he knows is that time is forbidden in this black hole. He has three years to do everything. After three years, when he walks out of the black hole, Samsara Star , Still that time! This is Shui Wuhen, a generation of peerless King Realm kings who took the power of the entire Owl Tail Mystery Realm, plus the bodies of two king realm powerhouses, plus his own remnant body and soul, and regained it for him.

After these three years, Ling Zhi couldn't hold back his excitement.

Since his cultivation, he has always known that time waits for no one, time waits for no one, he must grow fast and grow fast.

So many times, he didn't really polish, to perfect, then break through.

Now, he has such an opportunity.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from the void.

The wind is majestic, and the sound is gentle.

But when he approached Lingzhi's body, Lingzhi's body also felt a burst of pain.

"Is this the temper of the void?"

Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, and he could feel that as he stood here for longer, the wind was gradually getting stronger! Ling Zhi stood in the void like this, quietly feeling the wind stroked over his body, clenching his fists with both hands, without moving.

The clothes broke first.

Next is the outermost skin of the body.

Then there is the outer flesh and blood.

Every moment, every breath, thousands of knives were cutting every inch of his body's skin. The pain caused by this wind was tolerable, because it was just a skin trauma.

But the kind that it brings is like countless ants crawling on the body, chewing on the body, and the secret itching, which is unbearable! Lexus clenched his fists tightly. In order to achieve the most perfect tempering effect, he controlled himself, not allowed to move, not to struggle, even for a moment.

This situation lasted for a full month.

There are very few Lexus, so there is so much time to really temper himself.

One month later, Ling Zhi opened his eyes and began to absorb the spiritual power in the spirit stone to supplement his own consumption and maintain the vitality of his body.

Strangely, when he replenished his spiritual power, the wind suddenly stopped by itself.

When the spiritual power was replenished, Ling Zhi threw away the empty spiritual stone and stood up.

Huh! The wind, come again, it is so intense, so fierce, so crazy.

In the previous month, the injuries Lexus suffered could not keep up with the recovery speed of his body, so he just itchy, extremely itchy.

But now, Lexus is in pain, extremely painful.

A finger-big piece of flesh was blown away from his arm, and then another piece of flesh was blown away from his, followed by the thighs, legs, feet, back, neck... everything was not hurried, But uninterrupted.

He will not die, will not be unconscious, but the wind will not stop.

Until the end of this month, a piece of flesh and blood was blown from Ling Zhi's face.

His aftermath swept a piece of meat, flew from his right cheek, floated out with blood, and then was chopped into pieces by the wind, and the pieces disappeared.

Witnessing all this happening, but Ling Zhi's eyes did not tremble.

It's as if this is being shattered, not his own body.

The next month, the wind blew more fiercely, but it didn't hurt his skin or his flesh and blood, but cut his meridians.

Yes, the most important meridian of the warrior, the wind destroys Ling Zhi's body, every meridian.

He watched his meridians disconnect, and watched the spiritual power running inflexibly until the spiritual power no longer worked in the body.

Ling Zhi was watching, he just watched quietly.

Every time, he would go from gritted teeth to calm, from calm to indifferent, from indifferent to ignoring.

This situation will continue until the next year... Thank you readers for your support and rewarding 5688 Shudou, which is exciting and even more exciting

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