God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1113: Your woman?

The swallowing of the Dragon Blood Pill is not for nothing.

As a figure at the pinnacle of artistic conception, Muze must protect the dragon blood pill in the ring when he encounters a crisis, he naturally understands its preciousness.

This is exactly the protective effect of Dragon Blood Pill for soul power.

The red light shattered at the sound, but he won a little time for Ling Zhi and let him regain his spirit power.

"Huh? It's a bit of a way.

No wonder dare to be so arrogant. "

The master of that spirit power gave a startled suspicion.

Then, from the southeast, a group of figures and a tyrannical aura rushed up.

"One, two, three... ten... so many strong people, haven't all gone to the Luoye Sect, why are there so many left?"

Niu Yuanhang felt this breath, sweating like a bean.

He suddenly understood how lucky he was to break in before and only attracted a few people from Zhang.

If you really rushed into this city lord's mansion, I'm afraid you will definitely not be able to go, so don't go outside the city.

"Another one, who is here to make the allure."

A man stepped out from the main house in the southeast.

The man was about the same age as Niu Yuanhang, and he was also the strength of the second-tier Yijing. His strength was hidden in his body, and his eyes were shocked.

"Master Xuanzhou, Hansheng?"

Tantai looked at this person quietly and spoke in surprise.


Han Sheng turned his head and looked at Tantaijing with a look of surprise.

"Xinzong, the direct disciple of Senior Shangguan, Tantaijing?"

"The seniors from the Xinzong family, together with the seniors from the Wang family and the Jian family, have already left here. I don't know how Tantai Junior Sister appeared here at this time, and still mixed with these idle people."

Xinsheng spoke, showing doubts.

Tantaijing's strength is slightly lower than that of him, so he can be called a junior, just like Ling Zhi before calling Ye Qingcheng, it is not necessarily a relationship within the sect.

Compared with Tan Tai Jing, Xi Sheng's identity is somewhat different.

The son of Xuanzhou, this is the name he spelled out in the center of Xuanzhou, and he is the leading figure among the contemporary young generation.

But if compared with a behemoth like Xinzong, he knew that his own background was still a bit worse.

If there is any close relationship between Ling Zhi and Tan Taijing, then he must be more cautious.

"I will go to meet the people from the sect, he,"

Tan Taijing glanced at Lexus, hesitated, and said,

"I don't know him."


Xi Sheng replied noncommittal.

Ling Zhi glanced at Tantaijing, quite surprised.

The other party didn't know him, and he was already surprised. According to the truth, with the current relationship between the two parties, the other party was revealing his identity here, and it was all right to put him in the army.

"Since I don't know each other, please wait a while for Junior Sister Tantai. I will take this person down first, and we will talk."

Han Sheng's eyes flickered, and the spear pointed at Lexus.

"Since the news that Qingcheng was here, I don't know how many self-righteous people came to save her. For this..."

"I can only, you are really looking for death by yourself."

"Is the woman I was born with, you dare to get involved? What's more, a beauty like Qingcheng is you worthy of?"

Han Sheng said arrogantly.

"Your woman?"

Ling Zhi said lightly.

"Yes, exactly."

Han Sheng did not flinch.

"Whose, did Ye Qingcheng agree?"

"My, is the final conclusion!"

Han Sheng's expression changed a bit, and his words were arrogant.


Ling Zhi sneered and looked at him disdainfully.

"Are you going, or are you going to be on your dog's legs?"

He glanced around, these dozens of artistic conception martial artists didn't care.

Xinzong, Wang's, and Jian's have already left, and since the people with strong artistic conception who came after hearing the news have moved into the City Lord's Mansion, they don't need to say much, they know they are enemies and not friends.

Since it is an enemy, then only see blood, until one party dies!

"To deal with you, why do you need friends."

Li Sheng clasped his fists to salute the surrounding martial artists, taunting.

Niu Yuanhang was immediately angry,

"To deal with you, you don't need Ling... I don't need him to act, I can shoot you to death!"


Xin Sheng frowned,

"Well, it turned out to be the second-tier strength of Yijing, and it is in the same realm as me.

Not bad, pretty good! It seems that you are also someone with a chance.

But you have to know that some people are invincible in the same realm. "

"Especially someone like me."

He added.

It seems that Niu Yuanhang, like him, can achieve the artistic conception in his youth, which is a thing worthy of his appreciation.

The tone of He Niu Yuanhang's words is not at all the same generation, but condescending.

Ling Zhi's mouth twitched.

"Who is it and what kind of place is it that fuels your arrogance?"

"Presumptuous, what kind of thing do you dare to talk to the son like this."

There was a warrior with the first level of artistic conception on the side, and roared, this was to flatter Han Sheng.

"I'll go and startle me."

Ling Zhi patted his chest pretentiously, but his spirit power twisted slightly beside him.

A great spiritual power emerged from the front of this warrior and grabbed the past indiscriminately.

"Are you from Xuanzhou Center too? So good at flattering?"

Ling Zhi said with disdain.

Then this spiritual force clenched fiercely.

Then, with a bang.

The blood stained the big hand, the spiritual power, and the eyes of the public.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't expect you to be so arrogant, but your body is so fragile, so you can't help but pinch."

Ling Zhi touched his nose and said innocently.

And that warrior, already dead, can't die anymore.

Xinsheng's complexion changed, his pupils contracted, and he glanced at Ling Zhi with fear.

The light from the corner of his eye could not stop scanning the place where the warrior died.

This kind of crushing is difficult for him.

He felt that he had encountered a great burden

"Pretending to be a fool, without showing your real face, who are you, don't you know where this is? You are blatantly provoking the dignity of this coalition force!"

Li Sheng pulls tiger skins and pretends to be a wolf with a big tail.

The corners of Lexus's mouth rose,

"Pretending to be a ghost? I'm afraid that I will show my real face and scare you, especially I am afraid that it will hit you. A ‘cai’ who is in his twenties and has cultivated to the second level of artistic conception, his tail is about to rise."

"Hit me? A joke!"

Han Sheng glanced back at the room behind him, as if he had been greatly insulted, his face turned blue in anger.

"Why, are you afraid of being ashamed in front of Ye Qingcheng?"

Ling Zhi sneered.

It's just that his gaze shifted to Zheng in the same room. He knew that, in all likelihood, the person he always thought of was there.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt anxious.

So, he doesn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

So, he did it.

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