God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1177: Local tyrant money


Ling Zhi glanced at Tan Taijing unexpectedly, not knowing what she was going to do.

Tantaijing squeezed a smile at him.

This is already a very difficult and rare expression for her who had always been expressionless before.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but took a few more glances, and then he withdrew his gaze from Ye Qingcheng's gaze.

"Since the conditions have been set, it is better to ask the Tie Family to do you a favor."

Tantai Jing said so.

Ling Zhi hesitated for a moment, and reacted.

"Are you, let them help me refine something like that?"


Tantai nodded quietly.

"I'm afraid they won't."

Ling Zhi sneered and said.

"No, we do, we do."

Tie Chao rushed to Tie Wenzhuo, supported him, and hurriedly spoke.

He knew that this would be the last opportunity for the Tie Family to make friends with Lingzhi and ease the relationship.

He guessed and even understood that Ling Zhi thought so too, otherwise Tielin would not be lying on the ground at this moment, but a dead body! Tie Wenzhuo naturally saw it more clearly and nodded when facing Lexus's gaze.

For such a huge family, there are no permanent enemies. If they can relax the relationship with Lexus, or even become friends, the unpleasantness before, for them, what can hook Lexus’s thigh, I don’t know it is Xuan The pursuit of many forces in the state.

"Well, if that's the case, it's time to work."

Ling Zhi said casually, took out something from the ring and threw it to Tie Chao.

It is the tortoise shell of Wannian Aogui.

Tie Chao took it smoothly, and didn't pay much attention to it. He just wanted to do it himself and fulfill this requirement of Lexus to a better one.

But when things started, relying on years of groping for various refining objects, just the feel of the hand, almost made him throw it out.

He has never been in contact with such a grade of refining material.

Tie Wen's eyes shined with golden light, staring at the thing in Tie Chao's hand, and said,

"This, but Ao turtle shell?"

Ao turtle shell, the best material for refining defense armor.

Tie Wenzhuo's eyes were a little uncertain, and he reached out and took it, groping on Ao Turtle's shell with his fingers. Such a huge Ao Turtle's shell made him a little bit unbelievable.

"Things left by Wannian Aogui."

Ling Zhi nodded.

"I don't know what grade can be refined?"

When the word Wannian came out, the audience was shocked.

This is the Tie Family. Most of these people have been dealing with refining tools for a lifetime. They naturally know what such a piece of material represents.

One by one, his eyes gleamed, staring enviously at the turtle shell.

Just as Jian Leyu wanted to refine a seven-rank spirit pill, being able to refine such materials by hand was what they expected and was a lifetime goal.

It is impossible to succeed in any profession without true love, and it is impossible to persevere.

Tie Wenzhuo frowned and thought for a moment.

"Such materials can at least be refined into the level of high-grade Horcruxes."


He looked a little embarrassed.

Tie Chao stepped forward and said for Tie Wen,

"But although the ancestors had the ability to refine high-grade Horcruxes, they did not have the ability to portray sixth-grade spirit formations."

"The ancestor has even set foot in and can refine Wang Bing, but Xuanzhou does not have a high-level spiritual formation master, and the communication with Xinzong, wanting to cooperate with that spiritual formation, Tantaijing, was also rejected by Xinzong. ."


Ling Zhi was shocked, then looked back at Tantaijing.

It seemed that people like the Tie Family didn't know her.

Tantai shook his head quietly,

"I don't know what Master's plan is, and I don't know this kind of thing, this kind of hands-on experience, and actual combat experience. If I knew it, I wouldn't miss it."

"No wonder you think about it,"

Ling Zhi laughed,

"Don't worry, you rescued Ye Qingcheng for me, and naturally I will not regret what I promised you."

"Coincidentally, the person next to me is Tantaijing, but she may not belong to Xinzong anymore.

Now that you can refine, she will solve the spiritual formation. "

Lexus spoke.

... The audience suddenly fell silent.

The atmosphere is a bit weird.

Who didn't know that Xinzong attacked Luoye, was beaten up, and his ancestors were dead. Now Tantaijing is standing behind Lingzhi, how can it not be weird.

"The hero is a boy.

The old man is still old. "

Tie Wenzhuo sighed in a strange tone.

Perhaps what he thinks is that beauty loves heroes, and people are not in vain...

"I don't know what level of spiritual formation can be portrayed by Sister Tantai?"

Tie Wenzhuo looked at Tantaijing and asked.

During this time, Tie Fei kept staring at Lexus, his expression a little lonely.

It was the son of Tie Lin, who was in front of the tower that day and was able to compete with Ling Zhi, but now, he can only look up to Ling Zhi, feeling a moment of emotion in his heart.

Some people are destined to be different. He will far surpass his peers, his opponents, and his eyes have already been cast into the distant and far future.

Tan Taijing hesitated for a moment.

"It depends on what grade of weapons you can refine."

As soon as this sentence came out, Tie Wen was flabbergasted, and immediately burst into laughter. This was the pride of his refining life.

"Okay, okay, if the old man doesn't show some real skills, he will really be subordinated to Xuanzhou, look!"

"Ancestor, how can your body refine the weapon yourself!"

Tie Chao said anxiously.

"To be able to refine such materials and refine the highest-grade weapons in the expiration date, what else do I want? Death without regrets!"

Tie Wenzhuo let out a big laugh, took Ao turtle shell, and Tan Taijing, and headed towards the Tie Family.

There, it is the quintessence of the fire of the earth veins.

Ling Zhi didn't have much, so he agreed with Tan Taijing where he would meet, turned around and walked out with Ye Qingcheng.

"Oh, yes, send people to various places where the monsters are sealed, and I will go there in a few days. If you can't see people, your Tie Family... there is no need for it."

Ling Zhi paused, and after leaving a sentence, he went straight out.

The capital of Qin, east of the city.

The economy here is the best place besides Qindu Center.

The sales here, Yi's income, accounted for more than half of Qindu.

At all times, the spirit stone, elixir, and weapon that circulated from here, and the total inflow, accounted for one-third of Xuanzhou City.

It is very possible that just a certain person with authority here, who is in charge of Lingshi, has reached tens of millions, exceeding the reserves of a common first-class sect's treasury.

Here is the economic center of Xuanzhou.

It is the base of the four great masters, the Qian family! The Qian family is the only family in this ranking with money, among the four great families with one palace, two families!


Ling Zhi chuckled and stood on this land.

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