God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1248: Ancestral monument

It seems that because of Lexus's attitude, which is different from the people she imagined, the girl rarely relaxed and tried to introduce Lexus seriously.

"Ancestral Star City is the first city built on the Ancestral Star of All Souls. One of the four great demon ancestors, the Dragon and Lion, sits here all year round.

The Dragon Lion Demon Ancestor is the second demon ancestor of the Demon Emperor, and he is powerful.

But because the dragon lion demon ancestor seemed to have cooperated with humans in the early years, and the relationship was good, the ancestral star city was also the most harmonious city of the two races of humans and monsters. "

"The Ancestral Star Monument was built here before Jianli of the Ancestral Star City. The ancestors built the Ancestral Star City with the Ancestral Star Monument as the center."

At this point, the girl seemed to think it was a bit bad to just stand like this. She stepped forward and turned her head to take a look. Only then did she find that there was nothing else in the room except a bed. She squeezed her face and said,

"My lord, you sit down first, and the slave family will have a good time with you."

Seeing Ling Zhi hesitating, the girl's expression turned dark.

"This room belongs to me. I have changed everything. No other man has come in. It is very clean."

Ling Zhi knew that the girl had misunderstood, so he didn't bother to explain, he laughed, and went straight to sit on the bed.

The girl obediently walked to the bed and gently took off her shoes, revealing her two delicate feet, which were different from what she gave Rao, but these two feet looked very cute.

The girl gently gathered her clothes, got on the bed, walked behind Lingzhi, half-kneeled on the bed, stretched out her hand, gently put her on Lingzhi's shoulder, and got up.

Every move was perfect, Ling Zhi couldn't help but relax and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The girl's ingenious technique actually gave him a blessing of relaxation and Lexus did not object, and continued to listen to the girl.

"The Ancestral Star Tablet is fantastic. Every generation of the Demon Ancestor will bring talents from his own clan or jurisdiction to stay here.

Right and right, keep his name on the ancestor star monument, verify his qualifications, present potential, compete for ranking, and win. "

"The Ancestral Star Monument will rank the warriors according to their future potential, their own comprehensive strength, combat power, and a series of factors.

The talents of other tribes can also come here to leave their names and compete for positions.

Only the top 1,000 aptitudes are allowed to be left on the monument. Those with insufficient strength will be automatically cleared of their names. "

"Since the ages, only a thousand people have been left?"

Ling Zhi was surprised. Thousands of people sounded a lot, but what if it is millions of years, or even tens of millions of years? There are dozens or hundreds of epochs, even if there are only a few people in each epoch, there are thousands of people.

Cost-effectively, in each age, in the king's ten thousand years of life, it is very likely that no one will be able to leave a name.

The girl nodded, her eyes had the meaning of worship and yearning,

"Those who can keep their names are people who are destined to become the strongest. So although the demon ancestors often bring people here, few people can actually leave their names. The four great demon ancestors are just the bottom of the existence. .

Like the fourth-ranked wolf ancestor and the third-ranked eagle ancestor, they have not even left their names. "

The wolf ancestor's body strength may have reached the late king stage, even if it is insufficient, it is at the peak of the middle king stage, the strength of the sixth layer of the king stage.

Can't even leave a name? In Ling Zhi's eyebrows, a little war spirit suddenly appeared. He is not good for fame and fortune, let alone arrogant and ignorant, but Wu Wudi, no one wants to subdue to others! He was very curious, if he was himself, what sort of ranking would he achieve?

"The slave family still hears that if you can leave a name on the ancestral star monument, you will get no talk benefits. The higher the name, the more benefits you will get."

The girl added that her delicate face quietly leaned on Ling Zhi's shoulder.

The soft body was leaning against Lexus, his teeth biting his lips, a little nervous.

She didn't think that anyone could resist the temptation of the fox girl, especially she, who was the best among them, the master, was also very happy when she saw her.

Bang, bang.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.

"Damn it, I haven't heard any sound for so long, my old lady has been with you a long time ago, you must let go, let go.

I spent so much money on buying you, but I didn’t let you be a ‘woodman’! "

A shrill voice came in, and the girl behind Ling Zhi trembled, her face suddenly pale.

"Sorry, I forgot that every sister's first time, the master's house would secretly wait and see.

It has been so long, and the master’s house has not heard a sound, and he must have thought that I had not taken care of it well and had broken his sign! "

"What to do, what to do, the master will kill me."

"Buy it?"

Ling Zhi grasped the word keenly, frowned and asked.

The girl was taken aback, her expression changed,

"If there were no accidents, who would be willing to do this kind of business, without dignity.

Our fox clan is rare in recent years, and many of our sisters have been forced to become slaves.

I was bought here, hehe, but I also have a pitiful little freedom, but..."

Is there such a dirty back deal where it really is? Ling Zhi was a little irritable for no reason.

This kind of thing, in his opinion, is just a transaction, you pay, she pays out the body.

But when the origins of these girls changed from voluntary to forced, the taste changed.

After hesitating, even though he didn't want to be in the limelight and was spotted by the wolf ancestor, Ling Zhi still said directly.

"Should I take you away?"

He is not the savior, but since he happened to see him, if he can help, he is willing.

"it is good."

The girl reflexed a good voice, but then her eyes dimmed.

"No, it takes a lot of money to redeem me from the master's house."


Ling Zhi sneered. The money used by Wan Ling Ancestral Star was something called God's Spirit Coins, similar to the sword coins used by China Qin Shi. Yan Shi had given him a lot, and he had accepted some for convenience.

But... bang.

Hearing that there was no sound in the house, the door was kicked open. A fat woman had a large black acne on her left face. On the acne, a long hair stretched out and her face was extremely greasy. , It makes people sick.

She pinched the waist of the bucket that couldn't be pinched, pointed at the girl hiding behind Lingzhi, and scolded.

"You want to die, don't you?"


Ling Zhi stood up and blocked her finger.

"Why? Really treat yourself as a terrible guest? Let me tell you, those who can come to this place are poor ghosts. They leave money and get out quickly. They want to learn from the masters of the Red Chamber and pretend to be an uncle? Pretend to be a grandfather, go home and pretend to your dead old lady."

The obese woman opened her mouth and cursed, spitting stars flying around.

Ling Zhi's eyes changed from calm to killing intent!

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