God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1286: Tall your grandma's legs


But I didn't want to. The three middle-aged people looked at Ling Zhi coldly, and hummed coldly without answering.

This is also the power of the guardian formation.

Tantaijing is now in the Fallen Leaf Sect, and thanks to the formation in Lexus' hands, she has already reached the level of an eighth-level spiritual formation master.

Although the cultivation base has just entered the middle stage of the artistic conception, it is not very powerful, but if she is allowed to expand the formation, it will be Lexus, I am afraid it will not be good.

This guardian formation was originally established by Luo Ya back then, and under Tantaijing's restoration, it was almost no less than the ninth-level spiritual formation.

Even if the powerhouses in the middle of the king stage attacked, they couldn't break through in a short time.

Coupled with a bunch of eighth-level puzzle formations and sleepy formations, Lexus and the others can clearly feel these forgiving auras, but they cannot feel the breath of Lexus.

Of course, the real power is to sit in the tower on the training ground.

The power of the tower is enough to protect the entire leaf sect, which is comparable to the large array of non-protecting sects.

When they saw a young man like Lexus coming out to ask questions, they naturally wouldn't answer.

It was a young man, dressed in black, and holding a black fan in his hand, and when he opened it gently, the wind burst on the fan.

The surrounding trees swayed.

"What are you, let your adults speak out."

Then, the young man glanced at the three middle-aged men. After getting the affirmation, he stepped forward and stood in front of the big formation.

"Open this broken formation to me, and see us coming, but don't open the door to greet you, how can you be so stupid."

Ling Zhi was about to speak, but Ling suddenly patted him on the shoulder and smiled at him.

Then he walked forward.


The young man raised his brows,

"Why, the big one has come out? That's right. Look at that, the hair is not all the same, so you dare to come out and ask questions, you don't know the life or death.

"Tell his parents, let him be optimistic, ignorant stuff."

The youth became more and more happy, Barabara said a bunch of words.

Ling's expression remained unchanged, just looking at each other quietly.

From the young man's point of view, Ling is just like a dumb man.

They felt it in Niu Yuanhang, but they felt it differently.

The fierce sword aura had already appeared in Ling's expression.

After swallowing the pill, Yi Ling has made the most progress. He has cultivated to the peak of his artistic conception in a land of thin spiritual power like the earth, and his aptitude is Ling Zhi, I am afraid that he can't compare.

If it hadn't come to the Reincarnation Star and be attacked by the Three Kings, he would definitely not be trapped in the Ice Prison, but the siege for several years has also made his sword cultivation heart sharper.

If it weren't for Lexus to be suitable for modifying the technique now, he really wanted to switch to kendo and sword, the king of a hundred soldiers.

Today's Ling is indeed a warrior on the second floor of the King Realm, and the fierce sword aura emanating from his cultivation base is Ling Zhi, who dare not say that he can take it.

In the competition, even Bushuang was not pushed back by him several times, one can imagine his current strength.

If the swordsmanship is not strong, the earth kings will not trap him, and they have repeatedly tried to use his cultivation techniques.

Ling squeezed out a smile, listened to the slurs from the young man's mouth, and shot.

He also refers to the sword. For Jian Xiu, the rule of sword in the body, Jian Xin, is the strongest weapon.

Facing the front, stabbed out.

Under Zhou Xuanqing's control, the guardian formation would naturally not stop Ling. Ling's attack came directly to the youth.


The youth snorted,

"Thinking about life and death.

You Xuanzhou didn’t even welcome the king...you still want to..."

"No, Sun Cang, retreat!"

A middle-aged man suddenly yelled and stepped on here.

But he only realized it now, how could his movements quickly pass Ling's sword energy? What's more, the young people are so arrogant that they come closer, they are so close.

Almost before they felt anything, Jian Qi had already hit Sun Cang's body.

Sun Cang didn't even have time to make any response, but he was blasted by the sword energy just as he mobilized his spiritual power.


At the moment of his death, the middle-aged man grabbed Sun Cang's body and pulled him to one side to avoid him.


A **** arm fell straight down, the notch was extremely sharp.

Before Sun Cang screamed, Ling flicked his fingers lightly, but the remaining sword energy did not chase, but turned his head and caught up with the arm.

Accompanied by the explosion of flesh and blood, this arm completely turned into bones and mud, sprayed on the trees outside and on the ground.

If Ling doesn't make a move, he will act as if he makes a move.

Directly cut off Sun Cang's chance to retrieve the broken arm.

Sun Cang abused Lexus in front of him. As a father, Ling Ling would be strange if he didn't respond.

If it weren't for the middle-aged man, Ling would definitely take his life.

The middle-aged man shouted angrily,

"court death!"

The palm overturned and slapped towards Ling.

Outside the palm of his hand, the weak space of Xuanzhou collapsed.

However, in the face of all this, not only Ling Yun was calm and gentle, but also Ling Zhi, also without the slightest expression fluctuation.

The guardian formation flashed light and directly forced the middle-aged man back.

The body shook, and all the power was shocked on the opponent's body. He forced the person back a few steps, his face flushed, which was obviously a loss.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but secretly face Tan Taijing and gave a thumbs up.

The power of this formation is quite powerful.

The middle-aged man's face was blue and white,

"Open the battle for me, otherwise you will die without a place to bury you when I enter."

"If there is a kind, hit it yourself, just shout for a fart!"

Niu Yuanhang blocked the other party's words back.


The middle-aged man pointed at Niu Yuanhang, his angry beard trembled. When did someone dare to talk to him like this.

"You, you, me, me, him, he, nothing..."

Niu Yuanhang has a simple face,

"There is a kind of you get closer and see if we don't beat you up."

A group of people were cursed by Niu Yuanhang pointing their noses, but no one came over.

A fool can see that this formation does not prevent the people inside from attacking the outside, but it does not allow people from outside to attack the inside. Before breaking the formation, they rush closer and can only stand and be beaten.

"Yeah, I don't dare to come here, arrogant ass."

Ouyang Hao snorted coldly.

Facing this group of Rao's innate arrogance, everyone did not catch a cold and looked very upset.

What about strong? Give them time and they will be stronger than each other.

Anyway, there is a tower for shelter, what can they do? Today's Fallen Leaf Sect is not the former Wang Family Jian Family, the Fallen Leaf Sect that can threaten!

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