God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1317: Three Plagues, Nine Tribulations and Second Plague

According to the description of Xuebai Big Beast, the spirit-devouring fire possessed by the beast clan back then should be at this level.

Ninth-order Spirit Devourer.

Even if they were, they couldn't cultivate the ultimate holy rank spirit devourer.

And the power of the 9th-order Spirit Devourer... Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, his palm lightly waved, a flame suddenly appeared in his hand, and he went straight to several king realm demons.

The Spirit Devouring Fire is extremely fast, as long as there is spiritual power in the ground, then they can burn.

But now the earth is full of rich spiritual power.

Under the urging of Lexus, the spirit-devouring fire flew out like a fire-breathing fire, burning a flame channel in the air, and pressing against several king realm demons.

And in the process of flying, even if there is a star point flame splashing on those ordinary demons, it is enough to make them disappear.

"The Nine Changes of Spirit Devouring is already the limit of the spirit fire. According to reason, even some middle-grade king soldiers can be destroyed directly, and even the high-grade king soldiers cannot withstand the long burning of the nine changes of Spirit Devouring Fire ."

Ling Zhi probably calculated it in his heart, and even rushed over as the spirit devouring fire enveloped the evil spirits.

Xuanyuanjian turned into a huge one hundred meters, was held in his hand, still tens of meters away, and slashed towards it.



One sword went down and almost enveloped more than half of the king realm demons. With a loud noise, there were two demons that protruded the flames.

Still in the air, it turned into a black blood mist, and black flesh and blood flew.

Slay two demons with one sword! In the flames of Xuanyuan Sword, Ling Zhi did not retract, but swept sideways to the right.

With a crisp bang, it was blocked.

Ling Zhi frowned slightly. Just as he wanted to increase his strength, he suddenly realized that the strength that resisted him had disappeared.

A sword passed, but no blood was spilled.

Only two pieces of dry body fell off.

After several swords were swung out, when the spirit-devouring fire gradually gradually returned to Lexus's body, where was the figure of the evil demon in the air? Even the demons in the fourth-level realm were burned by the fire of devouring spirits and turned into humans.

When Ling Zhi was at war with him, his whole body was alive. As soon as the power of the black mist radiated out, he was turned into fly ash by the fire of devouring spirits.

With his body, letting Lexus chop with Xuanyuan sword, naturally there is only one dead end.

The audience was silent and silent.

Because in this huge open space, there are less than a few thousand of the invincible demons remaining, and they are being chased and killed by Da Qin cavalry at this moment.

The army of demons that seemed to be able to destroy Qin Du in one face-to-face meeting, was dissipated because of Lexus's Spirit Devouring Fire.

Everything seems a bit dreamy, so dreamy that many people can't react to it.


"Haha, haha!"

Zhen's cheers, shouts, and applause came from Qin Du's direction.

With all the demons wiped out, the black mist in the air was completely burned by the fire of devouring spirits, and Ling Zhi and the others returned to Qindu.

As soon as Da Qin Tieqi entered the city, he was cried out in surprise.

When Ling Zhi, Lin Canghen and their figures appeared in Qindu, some people were ashamed, such as those who blocked the gates from opening the city, and those who dared not rush out.

Some people are excited, crying, and crying.

The former accounted for 90%, and the latter accounted for only 10%.

Therefore, Lexus did not agree to these shouts and cheers, nor did he show a slight smile.

In his eyes, these people are so hypocritical and disgusting.

He knew that if they were unable to resist the evil spirits, when they were about to retreat to the capital of Qin, none of these people, these cheering people, would open the gates and formations for them.

Those who really wanted to fight against evil spirits had already gone out with him just now.

They may be the weak among human beings, but are there no weak ones among the demons? Soldiers against soldiers, will against generals.

Just like just now, if Ling Zhi didn't have the fire of devouring spirits, then everyone including Ling Zhiling, Lin Canghen, etc. would be trapped in endless battles with ordinary demons. At this time, who would resist the demons of the king realm? Even if the demons of the king realm wouldn't attack Qindu at this time, how could they fight the demons of the king realm when they had less than half of their spiritual power left to kill? The final fate can be imagined.

In this battle, what Lexus saw was the real heart! Such a human heart makes him chill! If it weren't for the existence of an unknown person like the old man, he would never come to Qindu! Perhaps it was because he felt Ling Zhi's mood, Lin Canghen's expression was also a bit ugly, and he scanned the surrounding circle, there was not much, and he lined up with Ling Zhi and others and walked towards the palace.

In just a few steps, Ling Zhi might have seen a familiar figure.

Liancheng! Xuanzhou used to be the first family of computer arithmetic, and the last descendant of the Lian family! Ling Zhi's heart trembled, a faint chill on his back, and he greeted him a few steps.


Lexus respect.

Some of the restraints in Liancheng's eyes gradually dissipated, and there was a strong sense of appreciation in his eyes looking at Ling Zhi.

"You are already a former King Realm, how can I still be cheeky and let you call Senior?"

"If it weren't for your guidance, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to get through those crises.

And you have never asked me to do anything for you so far. How can I forget Lexus such kindness. "

Ling Zhi's tone was sincere, and when he reached his strength and realm, being able to speak such words would naturally be of great importance.


At this moment, Wuming suddenly screamed in surprise and walked over.

Wuming was full of energy and blood at this moment. This was the last bit of his life span. No one knew how long he could last, one, one month, or perhaps the next moment, the next breath.

"Hey, your old thing is not dead yet?"

Lian Cheng didn't seem to expect the other party to come, and he glanced in surprise, showing a bit of joy.

These two people actually knew each other.

"I'm not dead yet, it's just that I happened to bump into this Taoist change, but you, after so many years, your vitality has hardly changed."

Wuming gave Liancheng a weird look.

"I'm curious, how many years have you lived for this old thing?"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent.

The artistic conception can live for thousands of years.

The physical state is no more than a hundred years of life.

And Liancheng's cultivation base is impressively physical.

What can be described by the nameless in many years... how can it be thirty or fifty years? Lian Chenggan laughed twice and changed the subject.

"Why are you paying attention to my old thing? I have another matter."

"Ling Zhi, your second calamity, a total of three calamities, is in this evil battle Zheng"

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