God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1708: A lean camel is bigger than a horse

The storage ring contained all the things of the warrior.

Except for some families and sects, some wealth will be placed in places like Treasure Treasures. Most warriors will talk about all their valuables and carry them with them.

Therefore, even if it is looting, it is rare to rob the martial artist's storage ring.

This is tantamount to killing people.

This person obviously realized that Lexus didn't want to cause trouble, and thought that Lexus had a weak personality, so he came up with this idea.

"Yes, yes, listen. If you leave the ring, it's fine, otherwise, hum." The scared man was stunned, and he also deliberately radiated his soul power, trying to form a kind of spirituality to Ling Zhi Coercion.

This has been tried and tested before high-level warriors deal with low-priced warriors.

Ling Zhi's brows frowned again.

He has taken a step back.

But the facts have proved that in this world where the strong are respected, if you take a step back, you will only make others go further.

Sometimes, taking a step back and broadening the sky, this kind of talk is **** bullshit!

Ling Zhi's fingers arched slightly, he would rather die than he would suffer such humiliation.

"Brother Ling?"

Just as he was about to do something, a cry of surprise suddenly sounded from behind him.

Along with the light flickering of the teleportation array was a figure in plain clothes.

And... bald head.

If the average person cuts their bald head and kicks their hair, they will more or less look a bit hideous, domineering, and tyrannical, but this person's bald head will give people a whiter feeling.

It seems that at first glance, there is a kind of own hair that is really a cumbersome, and I can't wait to follow him and shave it as a monk.

Florida, Buddhism, Lu Chuan!

Ling Zhi once met him in the boundless sea and explored the six reincarnations together, and saw the real dragon and the extraordinary figure that resembled Zuo Jun.

Although this person believes in Buddhism, his nature is free and easy, and he has a trace of curiosity and morality that shouldn't exist in Buddhism disciples.

So he and Lexus are friends.

Today, his cultivation is progressing rapidly, and he has reached the early stage of the Saint King's second level, which is much stronger than the original Saint King's first level.

"Brother Lu." Ling Zhi showed a smile. It was natural to be happy to be able to suddenly meet someone he knew in this place.

Seeing Lu Chuan coming, the expressions of the two big men suddenly changed, and they shouted, "Hurry up and hand over the ring!"

With that said, the big scared man reached out his hand to grab Lingzhi, wanting to drag Lingzhi's ring away.

Feeling the actions of the other party, Ling Zhi's expression was not happy. When he saw the big man condensed his sword, in order to hurry away, he wanted to split his palm with a palm and grab the ring, his eyes finally showed a chill. .

He was indeed injured.

He really didn't want to waste his power.

But a slender camel is also bigger than a horse.

These two people are so ignorant of good or bad!


Ling Zhi's arm, which was hanging softly by his side, suddenly lifted up, grabbed his wrist, and grabbed the big man's wrist with a thundering force.

"Huh?" The scared man was taken aback, and he did not shrink back. Instead, he stepped forward towards Ling Zhi, raised his knees suddenly, and blasted towards Ling Zhi.

Ling Zhi frowned and instantly understood.

These two people should be mainly blackmailed on weekdays, but now they are only in a desperate situation, and they are eager to make a move.

But he didn't use spiritual power, just relying on the power of the physical body to want to take him, which showed that there were some rules in the city of Pill.

These rules more or less restrain them.

"Compete with the flesh..." The corner of Ling Zhi's mouth rose slightly, and he shook his head.

This shook his head, but it was shaking to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan, who was about to come directly, gave him a surprised look and stopped.

In his perception, Lexus's state is very bad, and his cultivation is also very low, he shouldn't be the opponent of two strong men at all.

But in other words, he has an inexplicable trust in Lexus.

"Go down." Facing the knee raised by the strong man, Ling Zhi uttered two words softly. Between the surrounding sky and the earth, powerful rules suddenly surged and scarred the big man.

Storm, fire and lightning, at this moment, it is not convenient to use, but the rule of force is not.


The scarred man sank, and he knelt down unexpectedly.

The raised knee hit the ground directly.

Just as he was about to smash this knee and the ground into a huge pit, Ling Zhi suddenly lifted his foot, and quickly touched it on his knee.

In the knee position, there is a piece of cartilage, this piece of cartilage cannot bear too much damage, otherwise a comminuted fracture will occur.

The consequence of a fracture is disability for mortals, and it is also very troublesome for warriors, and it is difficult to cure without the best elixir.


Lingzhi's shot was extremely precise and tricky. Before this person could react, he was kicked on both knees with two consecutive feet.

The strength of the whole person was suddenly weakened.

With a move in Ling Zhi's heart, the gravity on his body also dissipated.

It made outsiders see it as if a big scared man suddenly knelt down on Lexus in the street, and there was no fight.

The big man with Scar was down, but his wrists were still in Lingzhi's hands, so Lingzhi's thumbs on both hands rubbed lightly.

"After the next robbery, keep your dog's eyes open." Ling Zhi said, "In addition, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Shamelessly plundering others again and again, you will eventually harm yourself."

Ling Zhi's hand was very abrupt, and the man in the mouth of the scarred man couldn't react at all.

When he reacted and wanted to rush forward, Lu Chuan was already standing in front of him.

"Pancheng relies on Yao Wangfeng after all. Time delays, it is not a good thing, I will help you solve it." Lu Chuan spoke calmly, showing a smile at this person.

The smile is very kind.

The person who was laughing was taken aback, and even forgot to do it.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot." Lu Chuan also said a Buddha's horn in a deceptive manner, and then touched the big man's chest with his fingers glowing with faint gold.

The big man shook his body. He still didn't understand what happened. Lu Chuan and Ling Zhi had turned their heads and walked away.

His brother, because of his, kneeled on the ground with his hands and limbs, his limbs abolished, and he was seriously injured there.

But he was still in a daze.

"You Buddhist disciples, don't you pay attention to compassion."

From a distance, Ling Zhi asked.

"I'm saving him. There is a Buddha who saves demons with mercy, and I saves demons with compassion."

Lu Chuan said with a faint smile, he has a clear understanding of Buddhism.

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