God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1833: The only painting can be born

"Thirty-three days, one step is for one day, and thirty-three days is for detachment."

"However, the transcendence has always been not a panacea, so you can't let you all transcend in thirty-three days. Therefore, there are only two ways to walk in the sky this time."

"One road, you all failed, sprinkled blood for thirty-three days, and paved the steps of the sky with flesh and blood, paving the way for the latecomers."

"On the other way, you are super talented and gifted, but there must be someone first and someone second. Therefore, you are divided into 33 murals. Only the person with one painting can step on the last step, then the rest will automatically Lost the qualifications to climb, all died!"

Sentence after sentence came to everyone's ears.

Some people were sluggish in the field, and occasionally their eyes fell on Yun easy, Chu Da and others, a strong sense of despair spontaneously emerged.

The rules are already very clear, if any one of the thirty-three murals separated from the mountain peak, then all the other thirty-two murals will die.

In other words, in any case, among the group of people they are present, only a small group of people will eventually survive.

The rest will die.

In the face of this unknown existence and the existence of coughing up blood that could easily beat Chu Da, they didn't think that they could resist and resist the other party's rules.


I don't know who shouted such a sentence, which drove a group of people behind and rushed toward the first step.


When they stepped on the first stone steps, their bodies were shaken, but they were not directly shot down.

As for the pupils of all the other people who have not yet climbed, it is a few of these people who have stepped directly up and stepped on the second step.

Moreover, the strength of these people is not the strongest. Among that group of people, they are just ordinary and ordinary.

"The climbing of this step is not judged by the cultivation level?" Shui Wuxun frowned and saw the clue for the first time. "This means that everyone here, no matter who they cultivate, will be all from now on. Become our enemy?"

Unlike Shui Wuxun who were thinking about the steps, Ling Zhi was looking around, looking for something.

It wasn't until all of them were scanned, that Ji Fanchen was not found, and he was deeply relieved when he found the figure of Zhuang Yi and other acquaintances.

If Zhuang Yiji Fanchen and others were in other places, then he really couldn't imagine, even if he could really lead, whether he could take that last step, step on their bodies, and become the only one who survived.

"It seems that it should have not had time to enter, or some other accident occurred." Ling Zhi muttered to himself and raised his head. "Wen Cang and talked about them. They entered the formation with us. How could they be alone with us? Separated?"

"The group of people over there is a group of people from Wantong Bank, but it seems that they don't have any acquaintances, and I am afraid it will be in vain. If possible, try to save their lives." Ling Zhi sighed in his heart.

In this place, in the face of the power of the suspected ancestral sacred realm, he can only try to keep himself and the people around him safe, and can't be too distracted to take care of others.

In the contemplation of Ling Zhi, Shui Wuxun and others, in other places, groups of people have also begun to climb upward.

Just like Shui Wuxun's speculation, what this step is testing is not the realm of martial artist's strength, etc., but is entirely based on another thing.

When Lexus and the others stepped onto the steps, they had already understood.

Before their eyes, there was a rule of order.

These rules of order have a unified name, force.

It is the rule of power.

This was something that Ling Zhi didn't expect, and it surprised him a bit.

In these thirty-three days, it turned out that on every step, the rules of power from simple to difficult were laid out for them to understand.

If the enlightenment is fast, you can naturally climb up quickly, and if the enlightenment is slow, you can only slowly climb up.

Those who were able to reach the second step from the beginning obviously had some insights and some understanding of the rules of force before, so they were so fast.

In the beginning, everyone's movements were very fast, almost just a short period of time. Several people have already taken five or six steps, stepped up five or six steps.

The fastest is Lu Ya, this person is now standing on the seventh step, frowning and thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yi Chu Da and others.

In addition, there are three or four new faces that Lexus has never seen before. Because of the thirty-three days, there are some who cannot infer their strength, but can be roughly calculated. Their strength is average and their realm is not high. But along with the rules of insight, there is an extraordinary talent.

Time passed bit by bit. Compared with the urgency of Shui Wuxun and others around him, Ling Zhi was rather comfortable.

He has entered the pseudo-world first, and by chance, he has comprehended some of the rules of force and realized the word "folding". The force can continuously attack, and a special force is gravity. .

So for him, the steps ahead are actually just like a junior high school student going to read a primary school student's Chinese books, it is a kind of review, a kind of review, and there is no difficulty at all.

But this is the foundation, which is very important to him and to anyone.

It's just because time is tight, everyone is catching up with each other, and there is life and death pressure, so everyone will not want to lay a good foundation at this time.

Except for him, except for Lexus.

At this moment, Yin Meng and Shui Wuxun are stepping on the fifth step, and Li Bai is taking the lead, about to step on the seventh step and catch up with Lu Ya.

Looking at the entire thirty-three mural, there is only Lexus standing on the first step, with his brows stretched and sometimes locked, but his feet are motionless and he has never taken a step forward.

In addition to him, even the worst, dozens of people stood on the second step.

So his figure is very different.

"Hey, I know this person. This is not Elder Ling from Yao Wangfeng, that alchemy genius. From now on, it seems that the alchemist is really not good at martial arts practice. He rarely fights with people on weekdays, and he has too little grasp and understanding of strength. After that, naturally there is no way to comprehend anything."

Someone could not comprehend anything alive, so they simply turned their heads and looked around. When they saw Lexus, they couldn't help but sneer.

Because there is only a team of people to live, so the fear and respect of the past, at this moment, they don't need to care.

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