God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1887: Inexplicable chain

At first glance at the mountains and the water, he felt that seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water is because of his own understanding of the nature of things.

This is the first realm. Look at mountains as mountains and look at water as water.

Later, he stared at the mountains and waters for a long time, and then he had doubts about all these things.

He felt that this mountain is not a mountain, and this water is not water.

This is the second realm. Looking at mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water.

At this moment, even his bones were broken, and the rocks behind him were only splashed with stones, but they have not broken yet.

These streams flowed into his body, and they were real and tangible, causing him great pain.

He suddenly felt relieved again, feeling that this mountain is still that mountain, this water is still that water, this person is still that person, and this world is still that world.

This is the third state, whether you look at mountains or mountains, and water or water.

Just when Lexus entered the third stage, Li Bai fluctuated, and there was almost no difference, and he entered the third stage.

It's just that unlike Lexus's soberness, Li Bai felt as if he had touched something wonderful for the first time, and for the first time an overwhelming surprise appeared on his face.

He didn't say a word, and sat down directly on the top of the mountain, motionless.

In his body, there was some faint suction faintly coming out.

It's just that what the suction absorbs is very strange, and Ling Zhi can't see those powers, what powers are, but vaguely feel very familiar.

"Oh?" The woman raised her eyebrows for the first time and glanced at Li Bai in surprise. She had never thought that Li Bai would use this opportunity to get a glimpse of the true meaning of the ancestral holy realm.

Thinking of the landscape that she left behind can actually make a person realize the true meaning of the ancestors, even if it is only a trace, the woman's heart is also a little more proud.

Even for women, this is enough to be proud of.

It's just that in relative terms, she expected a bigger Lexus, but she didn't seem to react too much.

It's just that the cultivation base was completely consolidated at the peak of the early stage of the Saint King's first stage, and the difference was only a few cents from the middle.

Although such progress has been tremendous within a few days, just a stronger baby, can it make giants feel jealous?

Not really.


Ling Zhi stood in the void, not falling, standing on the mountain.

After he and Li Bai stepped into the triple realm, the woman had stopped, and those light and water attacks had naturally disappeared.

With a strong body, the injuries on his body are, and he is recovering rapidly.

His gaze at the moment, although still falling on this mountain and this water, but only he knows that what he is looking at is not this rock or flowing water.

But the creatures on this mountain, the creatures in the water.

When I saw the stream for the first time, he exclaimed that there were creatures and water plants in the water.

You know, hundreds of miles in this plain are all withered grass.

Moreover, Ling Zhi knew better that even if he left this plain, he still saw withered grass and signs of withered.

Therefore, in addition to a special place like Shicheng, this place is afraid of the entire pseudo-world, and it is a rare place with a complete biological chain.

Ling Zhi inevitably felt a little emotional in his heart. What a huge difference and a problem that cannot be ignored.

But because of the inertia of some thoughts, before Shu Feiyao spoke to remind them, none of them discovered the problem.

Looking at the stream, he saw the plants rooting in the silt, absorbing the nutrients of the silt. But he saw some tiny microorganisms, some tiny fishes and shrimps entangled in the water plants. The corpses of these creatures slipped from the water weeds, fell into the mud, and turned into nutrients for the mud.

These nutrients, in turn, nourish the aquatic plants to grow denser and stronger.

He looked at the mountain below.

The trees rooted in this mountain absorb the nutrients from the soil and the mountain, but they purify the air and decorate the forest, lest the soil face the sun and turn into dry rocks.

All this was something that Lexus had never noticed or discovered before.

But these things clearly existed beside Lexus, things that have been seen countless times, and things that will never be forgotten.

Looking at these individual individuals, they have their own cycles.

Ling Zhi suddenly realized something from it.



Just when Ling Zhi realized something, countless chains suddenly rushed out of the void around him.

These chains interlocked with each other, with a sense of incomparable solidity, crossing out from the surrounding void, and then passing through Ling Zhi's body to lock Ling Zhi.

A chain passed through him, rushed out from the back, and then wrapped around his hands and feet.

There are chains passing through his shoulder blades, making him just breathe slightly, and there is a violent pain.

With just a few breaths of effort, Lexus was locked in the space between the world and the earth by the sudden appearance of the chain, hanging in the air, and it was not easy for a long time.

"This is!" The woman couldn't help but let out an exclamation, she couldn't help stepping forward, straddling the void, and walking over.

Seeing even her exclaiming like this, Shu Feiyao's worried eyes became more panic.

Because she knew that even the woman exclaimed, it explained that Lexus' current changes were beyond her expectations and had nothing to do with her.

But under the stream, Yin Meng slowly regained consciousness. When she saw Ling Zhi become like this, her body, which had been completely relaxed, suddenly became tight, and then rushed to the sky, "Ling ,what happened to you?"

She cried out nervously.

At this moment, Shui Wuxun stopped his moves.

Seeing his fingers moved slightly, the waterfall in front of him suddenly stopped.

No spiritual power, no soul power.

So this is the real power of rules, the power of Dao Law.

He only realized the first stage, and what he realized was only the first stage.

But this is a chance to see people, his first weight, may not lose to Lexus and their third weight.

What suits you is the strongest.

Yin Meng has realized the second level, and the Tao she has realized actually has the third level, but I don't know why, she feels that she just can't realize it and can't touch it.

It is like the third realm, which is intentionally repelling oneself, and there is also a kind of power in oneself, repelling the other side.

She knows that this is nothing but contentment.

At this moment, everyone, except for Li Bai, who was caught in deep enlightenment, all rushed to Ling Zhi's side, worried and panicked, unable to understand.

"Senior, I don't know how Ling was locked, and where did this lock come from?" Shu Feiyao bowed her head respectfully and sincerely, and asked the woman next to her.

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