God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1890: Savior King Sang

This is the fourth realm.

Be free.

Ling Zhi isolated himself from this space.

I detached myself from these biological chains.

So he became a separate individual.

Has become a completely unfettered individual.

At this moment, he naturally passed the early stage and middle stage of the Saint King's third stage realm.

His cultivation base rose by three points.

It was only the last step before Yun easily waited for others.

Just the last step, Lexus stood at the pinnacle of the Saint King Realm, and would be the same as those top powerhouses, a long bottleneck period.

Until the real accumulation is enough, until you successfully enter the ancestral holy realm and become a dragon-like existence among people.

Ling Zhi fell and walked to Shu Feiyao's side, "Should I congratulate you?"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Shu Feiyao obediently lowered her head without answering.

Bai Yi interrupted them, and said at this moment, "Do you know the origin of this Heavenly Dao Monument?"

"I don't know." Ling Zhi shook his head. "I only know that they were controlled by the four holy spirits before they came into my hands."

"Do you move forward from this position to go to Shicheng?" Bai Yi nodded and asked again.

Ling Zhi nodded and was silent to reply.

Bai Yi stopped talking, turned around to signal Shu Feiyao to be with her, and walked to the side.

The scene fell silent again, and everyone only waited for Li Bai to wake up and set off again.

Yin Meng and Shui Wuxun naturally got what they wanted, and there was some excitement in their romance.

"Ling Zhi, do you know who she is? Feiyao is really fine with following her?" Yin Meng came to Ling Zhi quietly and asked.

Ling Zhi shook his head, "She should have left this opportunity, but I really don't know her identity, but since Feiyao thinks it's okay, there should be no problem."

But Ling Zhi knew that he was so sure, in fact, mainly because of Xinghai.

Xinghai can truly understand and understand people's hearts. If the other party really has some malice, Xinghai will not be so calm.

In addition, just like Shu Feiyao's feelings, when he first saw Bai Yi, he really felt the free and easy and detached nature of her. There were some things that he couldn't pretend.

Li Bai's retreat this time only lasted a short period of two days.

Two days later, Lexus and the others set off.

Bai Yi has already left, leaving Shu Feiyao alone.

She was just a mental idea that stayed here, and naturally it was impossible to leave this place with Ling Zhi and them.

"Master asked me to use the law she taught me before exiting the pseudo-world. Then she will naturally find a way to come and lead me." Shu Feiyao stayed behind and deliberately approached Lexus. Whispered.

"Are you leaving again?" Ling Zhi muttered to himself, but shook his head quickly, "I hope I will see you next time and I won't be separated again."

When he said this, he didn't read Feiyao, but his eyes fell into the distance, as if penetrating the void, he didn't know what he saw or thought.

But these are very few. Ling Zhi said this, almost equivalent to words of love.

So Shu Feiyao's face suddenly turned red into a ripe apple. She and Ling Zhi first met in Xuanzhou, when she was less than twenty.

Now that a few years have passed, it is really like a green apple, and it has grown into a ripe apple, exuding a unique fragrance and moving.

Shu Feiyao's figure is somewhat different from Yin Meng and others, and it is far less exaggerated, but its temperament and face have its own tranquility.

What's more, these eyes alone are enough to cover the heavens.

Looking at the girl with her head down, feeling the hot breath from Shu Feiyao's body, Ling Zhi couldn't help turning her head, stretched out her hand and gently wrapped some hair behind her crystal ears, and then leaned over. .

Lips lightly fell on Shu Feiyao's ears, with some warmth and softness.

Shu Feiyao turned her head in panic, trying to look at Lexus.

Ling Zhi took advantage of the trend and printed his lips on her lips.

Some are tender, it can really make people sink in.

Ling Zhi was only a sudden pity in his heart, but at the moment when his lips were printed, he actually had an urge to control it.

Fortunately, there are Shui Wuxun Li Bai and others here, and Yin Meng is in front, he is still sober.

In Shu Feiyao's blurred eyes, he left her lips with difficulty.

Only then did Shu Feiyao breathe a sigh of relief, no longer so nervous.

Seeing her look like this, Ling Zhi raised his mouth slightly, suddenly stuck out his tongue and pressed his lips.

Then he turned and walked forward.

Shu Feiyao was struck by lightning, standing still, unable to speak for a long time.

"Ling, Ling him..." She thought in her mind that Ling Zhi had touched her lips, and her heart was full of boundless shyness.

Yin Meng saw Ling Zhi coming up. She obviously didn't look back at anything, but she seemed to know what Ling Zhi did. She looked at Ling Zhi with big eyes jokingly, with great interest.

She is a true natural fascination, so if she is really in front of her beloved man, every move will be full of real charm.

Ling Zhi touched his nose, feeling overwhelmed.


After crossing the plain, the scene he saw was finally familiar to Lexus.

It was exactly where he used the coffin to appear in the pseudo-world.

Tombs stand in the distance, where Fang Xiang's sojourn resides.

Thinking of getting the first coffin of fate in that big tomb, Ling Zhi was suddenly thankful that he didn't kill the Fangxiang king.

According to the spirit of the Thirty-Three Days, Fang Xiangshi can suppress and attract ghosts, and it will play a very important role in the return of those fighting spirits.

However, when Lexus really set foot in this area, his expression suddenly changed.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The surrounding tombs had all cracked holes, and no Fang Xiangshi was seen.

Here, something happened!

Ling Zhi forcibly suppressed his irritable mood, cautiously paid attention to his surroundings, and walked forward.

He ignored the fact that the pseudo-world didn't know how many powerhouses, the Fang Xiangshi king was so peculiar here, how could it not attract the attention of others.

As for whether there are too many graves and worry about disturbing the dead, no, this kind of thing is most unlikely to happen among the warriors.

"Ling, don't worry, I can feel that the beast breath that pervades these graves here still exists and has not completely disappeared. There is a very powerful breath in it, right there." Feiyao listened to Xinghai's words and told Lingzhi.

And what she was referring to was exactly where the tomb was.

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