God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1892: puppet


With a loud noise, Lexus's steps stopped, and the black shadow in front of him, but the enlarged Weeping Blood Sword, fluttered out like a door.


Smashed heavily on the ground, sinking into the mud.

This black shadow was made of iron, and the place where it was slapped by the Weeping Blood Sword was recessed into a layer, as much as several inches.

He lay quietly in the pothole, motionless.

However, looking at the gear in his hand that was exactly the same as the previous black shadow, Ling Zhi knew that if he hadn't adjusted the attack method of the Weeping Blood Sword in time, and still wanted a sword to break the opponent's vitals, even the Weeping Blood Sword. You can leave a wound on the opponent's body smoothly, but he must be injured again as before.

These two shadows are like immortal creatures, they are really weird to the extreme.

However, Lexus could sense the breath of the soul from their bodies, and even when the black shadows moved their hands, they also had spiritual power. If they were just dead objects, how could there be such a mystery.

He was lost in thought.

However, just when he wanted to calculate along with everything he found, Ling Zhi suddenly woke up.

No matter what this shadow is, it must be a brand new attack method, which shows that they have encountered new enemies and come into contact with new races.

The universe is so vast, no matter how weird it is, it is normal.

What Ling Zhi woke up now was not that he understood what these creatures were, but that he understood, no matter what these creatures were.

Since the opponent moved his hand first, it is the enemy. If you fight the enemy first, you will understand.

Therefore, the Weeping Blood Sword in his hand maintained the state of this big entry board, and walked towards the dark shadow below.


From behind him, silently, another black shadow appeared.

Lexus subconsciously slapped the Weeping Blood Sword, the black shadow and the Weeping Blood Sword had a solid collision, and Lexus' palm shook, and the Weeping Blood Sword was almost thrown out of the shock and flew out.

The power of the shadow in front of him suddenly increased a lot.

Let him unexpectedly.

"No matter what kind of ghost you are, since it provokes my head, it won't be that simple!" Ling Zhi gritted his teeth fiercely. In this short period of time, he was injured several times because of accidents.

And so far, he hasn't even been able to see thoroughly what this shadow is.

Lexus in a rage is terrible.

For things that cannot be damaged by pure power, there is naturally another choice.

The spirit-devouring fire within Lexus turned into a streamer, rushing up to the Weeping Blood Sword, making the already huge Weeping Blood Sword once again huge.

Being caught by Lexus is really like grabbing the door panel of an ordinary citizen.

This door was pitch-black, but there was a blood line bursting out even more intensely under the light of the fire.


A heavy, unexpected gasp sounded from all around for the first time.

Ling Zhi frowned, and his eyes calmly swept across the thirteenth tomb in the front left.

There was a cold glow in his eyes, but there was no differentiation in his expression, but he still angered and shot the Weeping Blood Sword towards the black shadow at his feet.

The Spirit Devouring Fire was still on the way, and it dripped down into meteor-like flames.

These flames fell on the black shadow, and there was a burst of whistling sound. After the black shadow's body came into contact with the spirit-devouring fire, it turned out to be corroded by strong acid and began to decay.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow was melted for more than a half, and from the melted things, it exuded a pungent and unpleasant smell.

However, everyone is sure that this shadow is definitely not a human being, nor a creature, but a unique artifact.


This word immediately emerged from Ling Zhi's heart.

Someone manipulates the dark shadow and is worried about the dark shadow. The dark shadow is naturally that person's thing.

Similar to a human form, it can advance and retreat as normal as a human, but it is not a flesh and blood body. This is not a puppet, what is it?

The Weeping Blood Sword was wrapped in spirit-devouring fire, burning this puppet persistently, but Ling Zhi's mind gradually calmed down.

The wound on his left shoulder has stopped bleeding under the power of the powerful physical body, and the flesh and blood are slowly recovering, but it will not take too long.

At this moment, Lexus' perception reached unprecedented concentration.

His soul power quietly passed to the place he had previously sensed under the cover of the power of space.

And spread to the surroundings.

Sure enough, just as his spirit power was about to reach the position where the opponent was, a figure suddenly rose from a tomb and rushed towards the center.

Only at the moment he rushed up, Lexus, who was already prepared, had already madly irrigated his soul power.

The spirit power of Lexus in the middle stage of the Saint King's third stage realm is much more vigorous than the ordinary warriors of the later stage of the Saint King third stage realm.

At this moment, he was so desperate, he concentrated his soul power with a fierce force, and patted the back of an enemy who was about to flee.

This is almost the first time.

However, the precise route, the right time, the incredible grasp of the timing, and the incomparably powerful power, seem to have done countless dress rehearsals in advance, perfect to make people unable to fault.


The figure that had just leaped up didn't have time to react, so it twitched and plunged forward.

This place is still a few miles away from the location of the tomb. This person appears here, obviously defending and guarding.

Now he eagerly wants to leave, which is precisely to inform him, but he does not want to. Ling Zhi has already seen his position and has enough ability to keep him.

Ling Zhi stepped on the void and leaped towards the other side.

But at the same time he rushed away, he frowned, and the spirit power that had been overwhelmed on the opponent's body before it could be recovered, suddenly don't force him to gather.

Such a strong use of soul power made Ling Zhi let out a muffled grunt, his face was a little pale, and a few drops of virtual sweat appeared on his forehead.

This is a manifestation of soul power overdraft.

The spirit power that had been forcibly condensed by him slammed down and hit the person's brain, causing his head to be tilted, and his spirit power was shocked again, and he fainted.

And Lexus's condition was not good either, he almost walked to the opponent step by step with difficulty.

He stretched out his hand to move the opponent's body over, pointed at the position of the person's left cheek, and a jet of black blood flew out.

This blood arrow fell on the surrounding withered grass, just as the spirit-devouring fire fell on the opponent's puppet, making the sound of strong acid corroding and melting objects, and the scene was almost the same.

This blood arrow actually contained such a strong toxin.

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