God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1918: Unexpected (2)

"What's the point?"

When the man who rushed out of the void said these words, Ling Zhi's body was also directly blocked by another figure.

He flees so resolutely and madly before, but it has no effect on the figure in front of him.

The other party directly shuttled out of the void, but it was as if he had rushed into other people's realm.

"Does it make sense?" Compared with the figure standing in front of the Shennong clan, there was no difference in appearance or breath between this figure.

However, after seeing the transformation of the figure, Ling Zhi knew that this was only condensed by the strength of the opponent's body.

It's just that the aura on this figure is too familiar, so this method not only didn't make him feel any shock, but it made him feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"If you encounter a life-threatening crisis, and you don't even have the courage to escape, it is truly meaningless." He looked at the man in front of him and said firmly.

"When you encounter danger, you naturally want to escape. You can't even escape. Isn't it a fool, but if you know that there is no point in running away, you still have to run, wouldn't it be worse than a fool?" The man stood in front of him. He has a self-confidence and demeanor that he has controlled Lexus in his hands. Not only did he not rush to do anything with Lexus, but he talked with Lexus with great interest.

"If you don't move, I won't move either."

At this moment, the figure in front of the Shennong clan said so.

"Your appearance surprised me. After all, I am not the main body, and I cannot infer who you are, but you only have this kind of soul body left, and the aging breath is everywhere, so no matter what you are Who is it, there must be no way to deal with me easily now, and even in the fight against me, it will accidentally worsen your situation and make you die faster."

"You should understand that for a strong person like Ontology, some powers like me are far less simple than the young man thought, and they can't be condensed easily. It will cost some money. Even if the cost is minimal, But for the people of the world, it is also the top priority."

"I don't have any hatred against you. Maybe after knowing your identity, we will have hatred, but for this point of uncertainty, it is meaningless to waste power."

The man whispered a few words to Shennong, but then stepped back, his eyes fell on Ling Zhi.

It's just that Shennong Clan knew very well that the other party's perception had been locked in him. As long as he made any actions, he would definitely attack him directly.

Although there are some means in his heart, it takes dozens of breaths to think that even to get rid of this man.

And these times, for that figure in the distance, can kill Lexus countless times.

So for a while, Shennong really dropped his hands without any movement.

If a person like him deliberately concealed his killing intent and motives, then no one would be aware of it.


"I was really surprised that I would meet you again in such a place and under such circumstances." Ling Zhi looked at the figure of the man in front of him, and a look of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

When he was exploring the secret realm left by the Sky-Stealing Rat, he chased a time spar, and it was then that he attracted the attention of He An Bai, who was quietly cultivating soul power in the void.

At that time, I didn't know how far away there was from An Bai and swept a spirit power towards him, which had been chasing out the secret realm and hitting him.

But it caused the rebellion of the reincarnation star, which is the power of causality in West Florida. The power of faith he accumulated in Xuanzhou, the heavenly alliance, and even the sleepy valley, there is a force that appeared, was stimulated, and directly broke through the sky. Coming, hit the opponent's spirit power.

Only then did the other party's spirit power be wiped out because he traveled through the void.

But only the remaining, afraid that it was less than 1% of the soul power, still caused him to be seriously injured.

Now he was in this unknown star field, but the other party keenly caught his breath, and shot out two powers from the emptiness, one stopped the Shennong family, and the other appeared in front of him.

Without the suppression of the aspirations of sentient beings, even Lexus felt a little helpless and aggrieved in the face of this force that was almost beyond imagination.

This is a completely two-level battle.

This strong man, and An Bai, must be the realm of the legend!

"Unfortunately, I didn't have the slightest surprise. Your spirit power aura traverses between the star fields so unscrupulously. Although it is because of some strange power that covers a lot of your aura, it is impossible to escape mine. Perception."

The man opened his mouth, his eyes shone like the most dazzling spar, amidst the dim stars, with Ye Ye's brilliant luster.

"I couldn't kill you that day, but it was the first time I missed after I became such a realm." He An Bai's face showed some arrogance, "You may not understand, for a person like me, such a miss. Although there are many reasons and reasons, for example, we are too far apart from each other, we were not prepared before, and the planet you are on is extremely special, and the aspirations of sentient beings are so dense."

"But a miss is a miss. This is enough to make me really take it seriously. You will let me miss for the first time. Maybe in the future, it is really possible to'lose an arm' and cause me to be injured?"

"Thinking of that result, I actually couldn't sleep through the night, but you were sent to me by yourself. If you don't kill you, my sleep in the future will become very bad when I think about it."

The man is like a folk emperor, and the princes will spit out to those close to him, because I think you will affect me. Although it is just some small thoughts, I think it is better to kill you in advance.

He Anbai was in such a psychology, and he said very calmly, it seems that this reason is very tenable, it is a real, impeccably legitimate reason.

This should seem very funny in itself, but Ling Zhi felt the sincere to sincere look on the other party's face, and looked at his uncontrollably frowning brows when he mentioned the word sleep, the chill in his heart grew thicker.

Such a person is really terrifying to the extreme.

Especially, the other party was clearly in some unprepared mood, but his Weeping Blood Sword buzzed in his body several times, but he never rushed out.

In his eyes, He Anbai's body was not flawed, but when he was about to pierce the sword, he felt that there was no flaw in the opponent's body.

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