God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1930: my choice

Of course, Lexus knew that there were so many of these people, and that the general gave such an order naturally after careful consideration, and there must be his own reasons.

But this does not mean that Lexus can accept that a group of people who don't know will give their lives for their own lives.

But he was indifferent.

This is not his character.

So he struggled to stand up, walked on the bull with twelve steps against the dragon, and hit his strongest blow, blasting the second wave of power.

The bones of his whole body rattled and smashed directly into the bull like a cannonball, and was steadily caught by the people below.

However, even though he retreated, the remaining power hit the bull, but was divided evenly, and someone was seriously injured and dying.

But he was not dead after all.

This time, no one died.

The person who looked like a general did not issue a single question or doubt, he just looked at all the surrounding environment, and then issued one command after another in response to these.

The second wave of attacks failed to blast through the bulls that were condensed by this formation, so it was doomed, and time was not enough for them to make another attack.

These people just took Lexus and rushed into Shicheng.

Then they took a palm shot, but it fell on their own Dantian.

The power in the dantian was forced out so vigorously by them, mixing their thoughts and soul power into the shape of a bull.

When the martial artist in the rear wanted to rush in along the city gate, the bull rushed out like a mad cow.

The bull of hundreds of meters just rushed straight out, not knowing how many people were trampled to death, and how many people were knocked into flight.

It took a long time to stop outside.

The city gate has long been closed.

Except for the general, everyone slumped directly on the ground, unable to move their fingers.

This is a real overdraft.

However, there is a huge difference between this place and the outside world. How much spiritual power is expended in the outside world, and how much spiritual power is spent in the outside world. If you want to recover again, you can only absorb the power of the spiritual stone by taking the elixir.

But inside Shicheng, it was completely different from the rest of the Puppet World.

Here, countless elixir, demi-magic medicine, and even the aftertaste of magic medicine, are all in this enclosed space, and I don’t know how long it has been brewing.

Just lying here, I can feel that an unimaginable rich spiritual power is pouring into my body, in the dantian, in the dry meridian.

The air is even more mixed with the power of countless kinds of elixir, entering the body while breathing, quickly repairing everyone's injuries.

Every inch of space and every piece of land in Shicheng exceeds the so-called holy land among many sects outside.

So when he felt this change in his body, even the general showed a look of surprise.

He took a deep breath, thinking that in such a situation, as long as this city gate can resist the warriors from outside for a while, at least these people under his men will be able to recover, and once again have the strength of a battle, feel a little at ease. He walked towards Ling Zhi.

"I can feel it. I can't open this city gate and enter this city alone, but you can. And you can obviously escape directly into this stone city before, relying on your strength to harvest wildly and search for opportunities. When those people enter here, they will no longer run so hard to target you. With your strength, they will naturally get the most benefits and leave."

He said solemnly, "So, you know what this city represents, and you know, Shicheng, can't be lost?"

"Yes." Ling Zhi nodded while adjusting his breath, "I know, but I really didn't expect that you are actually the people who are on the side of us."

"Although the war was fierce back then, there were always some people who would be sent out by the strong in the clan, or sent to other life planets, or drifting in the starry sky. After a long time, no one knows where we are. Who it is, but only we know that we are from the earth." The general was silent for a moment, and directly spoke about their origins.

"But the matter of Shicheng is the ancestral training passed down by our ancestors, so when the pseudo-world opened, we knew about it and rushed over quickly."

"You are very strong," the general briefly introduced himself, but said, "I understand very well that with my strength, I can only protect the stone city for a while, but it is impossible to really survive it. But you can, I think you can."

"So, I asked them to protect you just now, why are you taking risks? Don't you know what the consequences will be if you die unexpectedly?"

The general suddenly lowered his head and looked directly into the eyes of Lexus. In his words, there was an uncontrollable anger, "Don't tell me, you don't bear it, I can't bear it, I can't accept such an explanation. They are my people, as long as Able to protect the stone city, the ancestors' heroic souls may return, and the shame of the year, the blood and blood vengeance may be repaid. Compared with this incident, neither them nor my life is nothing!"

Ling Zhi sat cross-legged on the ground, the reincarnation exercise was running at a high speed, sucking the surrounding spiritual power into his body, turning it into fairy spiritual power, and gradually regaining his strength.

He looked at the general in front of him calmly, and he understood what the general said.

Just like the Shen family, just like the Fang Xiang clan, they all dedicated the heroes of the entire family for something they insisted on.

But Lexus is not.

In his opinion, he can sacrifice himself for his perseverance, but he cannot let his relatives fall into it.

But this is their own choice, there is no right or wrong.

So he just looked at the general calmly and said softly, "This is my own choice."

After that, he closed his eyes and began to recover his strength wholeheartedly. He didn't know Shicheng's defensive ability, so he had to become more urgent.

The general was stunned, as if he didn't expect Ling Zhi to respond to him like this.

Only after a while, he suddenly laughed.

"If you are like me, why should I place my hopes on you?" He suddenly laughed at himself and stopped thinking about anything. He picked up the piles of spirit pills that Lexus placed in front of him, one by one. Sent to the hands of his men.

The noise from the outside world was endless, but Shicheng did not tremble at all, and even the city gate did not tremble for a moment.

At this moment, this seemingly ordinary city gate showed them a kind of strength and rigidity.

Shicheng, the real name, should be Taishangcheng.

It is a majestic city that has existed since ancient times, spanning the ages, and will never fall.

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