God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2116: Power of time

These water rules are intertwined and entangled in the void, rushing towards the interlayer of the void.

That is not to rush to the nihility, nor in reality, intertwined between the two.

It is as if the current of water suddenly rushed into the advancing time rules, making those time rules and those time orders extremely heavy.

When it becomes heavy, time will naturally become extremely slow. When the slowness reaches the extreme, it will form a feeling of being fixed by time.

Just like when Lexus had three years of starry sky, it was actually only a few days in reality. Is time really still?


It's just that time has slowed down.

This time Ling Zhi and Ouyang Haotian shot at the same time, so Ouyang Haotian's actions, Ling Zhi felt most clearly and deeply.

When he noticed this, he finally solved the doubts in his heart, and really understood that no matter whether it was Ouyang Haotian or Shui Wuhen, there was actually no real thing. When he came into contact with the rules of time, he was more distant than him. Farther.

This kind of operation that slows time is just a technique. This technique is strange enough to be placed in the ancestral sacred technique, and it is not lost to anyone.

However, it is actually very difficult to understand the rules of approaching time through such exercises.

But they can't, but Lexus can.

Because Lexus is real, he came into contact with the rules of time, he first came into contact with the rules of time, and then in the rules of time, he realized the time traceability.

In fact, it means going back in time.

When the time went backwards and swept the area where the Demon Sage was located, Ling Zhi felt huge resistance. The power, cultivation base, and realm of the Demon Sage were all too strong, making him a little helpless.

It’s like you can push and hold a dead object, go against the long river of time, against the direction of the river, and swim upstream. Although tired, it’s not that difficult at all, but you didn’t walk along the river. It's brisk.

But when you are pushing and holding, it is a person, a person stronger than you, a person who will struggle, you desperately want to swim upstream, but he has to follow the direction of the river. Go downstream under the water.

At this time, you will be very difficult.

This is how Lexus really feels now, it's difficult.

But after Ouyang Haotian took the shot, when he understood the true meaning of Ouyang Haotian's technique, he found many other ways.

Ouyang Haotian made time rule, that is, slowed the river of time.

The flow of the river becomes slow, and the power gap between the upstream and downstream naturally becomes very small.

Even emptied a river lying flat.

Ling Zhi could clearly feel the river, more than the slight direction of some vortexes in the river, but the Demon Sage couldn't even feel the river.

Moreover, at this moment, the demon saint could not deal with Ling Zhi and Ouyang Haotian, all his power was used to resist the attack of the Phoenix.

If he drew out his strength at this moment to attack Lexus and Ouyang Haotian, Lexus and the two of them would have no spare energy to resist, even the ability to defend.

But he couldn't do this. Once he did, Phoenix's attack would break down his defenses and rush into his body.

Such a cohesive and powerful undead fire filled his body, even if it was the body of his ancestor, he could not hold it.

If this ruined his ancestral body, wouldn't his wisp of ancestor soul become the most seductive opportunity in this world?

How can the upper world let him go.

In this situation, the demon saint could only stand and watch Ling Zhi and Ouyang Haotian acting on him, but it was not a pure force attack, he could not even automatically counterattack and counter the shock.

But how could the demon saint know that at this moment, Lexus had fallen into an epiphany.

Yes, when Lexus really feels the long river of time and the rules of time around him, it is like he has been thinking about a question, trying to find the answer to a question, when he is puzzled. Suddenly a reference answer appeared before him.

With reference to the ideas given by the answers, only a small part is needed, and a small part will suddenly give him unlimited inspiration and unlimited problem-solving ideas.

This is true for Lexus, relying on himself instead of relying on time crystals, stepping into the river of time, wandering in it, wandering, and feeling.

In this kind of sentiment, Ling Zhi slowly raised his hand and pressed it down towards the Demon Saint through the void.

The Demon Sage was startled first, and looked at Ling Zhi some inexplicably. Even with his cultivation base and realm, it was a little unclear.

But immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt the strange changes in his body.

His body is actually getting younger.

This discovery made him burst into surprise in the first time.

He thought it was the effect brought by the blending of body and realm after entering the ancestor saint.

But what frightened him closely behind him was that his body did not stop changing, he was still getting younger.

He finally truly felt a kind of power, felt that he was being pushed by a kind of power, and walked back.

Even his cultivation base is descending rapidly, which means he is about to slip into the ancestral holy realm.

"This is..." The Demon Saint suddenly trembled, "Is this the power of time?"

All rules, space is king, time is respect.

The rules of time have always been countless martial artists, countless generations of wonderful geniuses, who wished and wanted to understand the power of the rules.

However, looking at the ancient, modern and future, in every note, only some geniuses have touched the fur of the time rules, and have some magical functions similar to Lexus's time tracking, and most of them are time crystals that they rely on.

Really, there are almost none that can confront the enemy with the power of time and leave a rich and colorful stroke.

On the one hand, it shows that the power of time rules is difficult to understand and is scarce. On the other hand, it also shows the awe of the power of time in everyone's hearts, and the power of time is truly powerful.

I feel detached from all the rules and overwhelming all the rules.

The Demon Sage never thought that the power acting on him, the power used by Lexus and the others, turned out to be the power of time.

After the panic, the Demon Sage’s face was deeply surprised, "Fighting against being injured by the Phoenix, and breaking the envelope of the power of time at this moment, I can stay in the Ancestral Holy Realm with such a physical state and a young posture. !"

He understood this in an instant.

As for the weakness of the body when he was young, as long as his realm is still there, as long as he has unlimited vitality and energy, what is the difficulty in making the physical body strong?

This is a thrill, but it is also a huge one. There are still two chapters in the evening of the chance against the sky, and it will be later, around seven or eight.

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