God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2167: The blue and yellow springs rise without boundaries

When the planet of Reincarnation, ushered in these years, the first ancestor.

There is also a storm brewing on the boundless sea.

But the source of the brewing started when Ling Zhi and Shi Huang broke away from that sea area.

In that special blood-colored sea, something that was hard to find, after coming out, it became so easy.

"It's no wonder that the beast ancestors must have done something in that sea area, which has blinded the perception of all creatures. Only in this way will the ancestors be willing to stay in it for countless years." Ling Zhi said, at this moment, he In front of him, the Weeping Blood Sword made the sound of water flowing.

In Ling Zhi's perception, the body of the Weeping Blood Sword was still hollow, and the blue and yellow spring water inside it was violently flowing back and forth at this moment, making the sound of spring water flowing.

And this back and forth flow is flying in the air with the Weeping Blood Sword, pointing precisely to the front.

Under the guidance of the Weeping Blood Sword, a faint yellow ripple gradually emerged from the depths of the boundless sea.

The yellow ripples are very inconspicuous, even if they are nearby, they are likely to be ignored.

It's just that when the tip of the Weeping Blood Sword is pointed in this direction, even if it is no longer conspicuous, Lexus and the others can naturally see it.

Suppressing the excitement in their hearts, Ling Zhi and Shi Huang walked towards the place where the yellow ripples spread.

After approaching the yellow ripples, the Weeping Blood Sword swished, and it was inserted straight into it, and then the sword was lifted up like a dragon sucking water.

A yellow water column spit out from the bottom of the boundless sea with a bang.

Like a whale spraying water, the column of water rushed straight to the sky a hundred meters high, with an extremely magnificent momentum.

Bang, bang, bang...

Just as if something had been triggered, this sea area suddenly burst into yellow water columns one after another, which were very conspicuous in the gray boundless sea.

For a time, the shouts of the human ancestors, the roars of the beast ancestors, and the screams resounded across the boundless sea instantly.

This is Wuyahai's only change since then. These ancestors at almost the same time, let go of the suppression of their souls, and soberly dominated their bodies.

In an instant, one ancestor after another returned, one after another ancestors rose to the sky, looking around.

The number is staggering.

Even though among these people, almost no one can still exert the strength of the ancestor saint level, but so many auras that only ancestor saints have, at the same time, they are still magnificent.

"I'm afraid it's not less than tens, or even more than a hundred." Ling Zhi was surprised, this amount, even if accumulated over countless years, is still a bit scary.

Because Wuyahai can accumulate so many ancestors, what about the upper realm?

Because there must be a battle between the upper and lower bounds, Lexus will habitually substitute the upper and lower bounds into it before thinking about problems, especially the comparison of strengths.

Besides, Ling Zhifa’s mother, He Qilu, is still trapped in the upper realm.

Even if there was no connection between the upper and lower bounds, Lexus had to find a way, but the upper bound rescued He Qilu and reunited the family.

It was absolutely impossible for him to leave He Qilu alone in the upper realm and separate him from his father Ling Tian.

Ling Zhi grew up, Ling Tian couldn't get any hands in. After Zhou Xuanqing left, Ling Tian's personality became more dull, sometimes for a long time, he would not say a word.

It's just that one person often looks at the sky in a daze, the lonely figure, coupled with the hard heart of his sword repair, and the body of sword energy, makes people feel a little lonely.

Ling Zhi knew very clearly that Ling Tian was thinking of He Qilu.

Ling Tian has always been ashamed, ashamed of not being able to protect Lingzhi's mother.

Although He Qilu was actually much better than him back then, in the eyes of men, improper protection of their own women is naturally their own problem. This cannot be persuaded.

The yellow water column violently followed one after another, and the figures of Ling Zhi and Shi Huang began to shuttle between these water columns, paying attention to the changes in them, hoping to find Wuya Fruit quickly, even if not, at least you can find Leaving Wuya The way of the sea.

After searching the sea for a while, Ling Zhi and Shi Huang said. After the two separated, he himself was holding the Weeping Blood Sword, and a fierce man plunged into the surface of the boundless sea and quickly dived toward the seabed.

He randomly found a yellow water column and walked towards the bottom of the sea in the direction of the water column, trying to find the eruption point of the water column.

This yellow water column is flowing with the water from the nine days of blue and yellow springs.

As long as you can find the branch of the Biluohuangquan flowing into the boundless sea, Lexus can use the branch to find the source of the Biluohuangquan and leave here.

It's just that the seabed of the endless sea is also endless, exactly the same as the sea surface of the endless sea, as if there is a depth that never stops.

So there are no people who would do this like Lexus.

The main reason was also because no one except him and Shi Huang really knew what the yellow water column rushed out had to do with Wuyaguo and Wuyahai.

Those ancestors who regained consciousness thought that this was just Wuyahai's abnormal movement, and Wuyahai had long been deeply rooted and boundless in their consciousness. With so many water columns, they naturally couldn't remember it. To search down.

As it deepened, the surrounding light also completely dissipated, and a faint spiritual wave appeared in Ling Zhi's eyes, and the sword glow of the Weeping Blood Sword spit out, illuminating his surroundings.

In just a short while, he has gone deep into more than a thousand feet, I am afraid it is a full thousand feet deep.

This is a terrifying distance. Under such terrifying depth and the special boundless sea, Ling Zhi actually felt a sense of pressure.

This sense of pressure comes from the weight of the sea water pressing on him.

Wuyahai is different from those ordinary water currents in the outside world, this kind of pressure is countless times higher than the outside world.

On the surface of Lexus's body skin, drops of blood were spilled out of his pores. With every drop of blood, Lexus would feel the pressure in his body relieved.

But this kind of ease is replacing it with his life.

After another attempt to advance for nearly ten thousand feet, Lexus took out the ancestral armor form in the face of a geometrically increased sense of pressure. With the infusion of his spiritual power, this extraordinary form armor from Zuo Jun quickly fits On him.

The upper body of the ancestor-shaped armor instantly relieved the pressure.

After hesitating, Ling Zhi took out the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons again, trying to relieve the pressure on his soul through the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons.

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