God-level Punishment System

Chapter 774: Silver Needle Maple Leaf King

"Lexus Lingzhi, get out of here!"

The wine glass in Lingzhi's hand fell to the ground, his expression full of astonishment.

This voice... Ye Qingcheng! Cuichunlou Cuichunlou is a place to look for flowers and ask willows, but not a restaurant. How could she show up here? Snapped.

The door was directly pushed open by a wave of violence, and the brother who smashed it staggered to the ground.

"I asked you to check things out for me, but it's okay for you to come here."

Ye Qingcheng was still wearing that veil and black robe, looking around,

"What about those women, why did you hide them when you saw me?"

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry, there is no hiding, no hiding, the girls have not come yet."

The younger brother got up with difficulty and fawned on Ye Qingcheng Road.

While winking at Ling Zhi, he was actually asking for credit! Only the man surnamed Li's cheeks twitched, he lowered his head and said nothing, he didn't look anywhere, just as if he was asleep, as if he hadn't seen what happened.


Ling Zhi yelled violently, kicked him and kicked him out.

Your sister hasn't come yet, and I don't want to come.

Defamation of my image in front of a goddess like Ye Qingcheng, this can be tolerated.

"Senior Sister, listen to me, I come to this place..."

Ling Zhi hurriedly got up, sweating profusely and explained.

Ye Qingcheng ignored him, silently shut the door, then turned around.

"Aren't you telling me that I came to this place to check things for me? I was worried about your safety and followed you, but I saw you in such a place."

"And how do you call me Senior Sister now? Didn't you tell those people, Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law, it's cool for you to take advantage of this."

I have to, although Ye Qingcheng is beautiful and beautiful, but this character is very generous and straightforward, and he does not shy away from words.

Although in fact her face under the veil is already ruddy, but she is just as rich as she pretends to be a face-saving goddess.

"If it's true, it must be pretty cool."

Ling Zhi thought to himself, of course, he didn't dare to do that. He looked at the thin man who was silent on the side and kicked him up.

"What are you doing stupidly standing here, why don't you explain to me as soon as possible! Otherwise, I will abolish you now."

The man surnamed Li wiped his sweat, and quickly said yes, but he was holding a smile in secret. When he came with Lexus, he felt that Lexus had come to this kind of partner for the first time. Originally, it was nothing, but the other's teacher. 'S person actually broke in, she was still a woman... how could there be such a coincidence.

After the explanation of the man surnamed Li, Ye Qingcheng half-trusted Lexus.

"Humph, but if you are willing to come, you must be dishonest in your heart.

Let me tell you that there are many problems in these places. If you come back in the future, I will abolish you first, and I will lose the face of my Luo Yezong. "

Listening to Ye Qingcheng's pretentious commentaries, the words are full of loopholes. Ling Zhi and the man surnamed Li looked at each other, and they were about to twitch with a smile.

The man surnamed Li is also simply, not as strong as a man, so he simply tells everything and everything, hoping to climb the big tree of Deciduous Sect and seek self-protection.

Outside of Maple City, there is a maple leaf forest, which is also the origin of the name of Maple City. This maple leaf forest is different from other places. Its trunk is black and iron, but the maple leaf is silvery white.

Moreover, the maple leaf is extremely sharp, almost as sharp as a blade, and the shape is extremely narrow at the top, hence the name Silver Needle Maple Tree.

This silver needle maple leaf has the effect of tempering the body. Although it can't compare with the Jian's blood boosting effect, it is also very extraordinary. In terms of enhancing physical strength, it is even better.

At this time of the year, it is when the Silver Needle Maple Leaf matures, that is, when Maple City pays tribute to the Fallen Leaf Sect.

In fact, the Fallen Leaf Sect will not only protect Fengcheng, but will also issue some medicinal pills to Fengcheng these forces every time, which is also a matter of mutual benefit.

After all, there are not many alchemists in Fengcheng, and the pill that is refined is not enough for Fengcheng martial artists to use, it is this grade, and it is completely incomparable with the alchemists of the Fallen Leaf Sect.

But this year is different, or this year and the previous hundred years are different. The reason for the formation of Silver Needle Maple Leaf has always been unknown, but Fengcheng has always been rumored.

In the Silver Needle Maple Leaf Forest, there is a Silver Needle Maple Leaf King. It was here that it landed and took root. Later, this maple leaf forest was formed.

As for whether it is true or not, the age is too old to be verified.

However, the King of Maple Leaf with Silver Needle appears in records every hundred years or so. Someone once obtained its leaves by chance, and the effect is more than a hundred times better than that of ordinary Maple Leaf with Silver Needle.

The person who got it at the beginning, just relying on these few leaves, hardly tempered his physique to an astonishing level, creating a lifetime of glory in Maple City.

And this year, it was the Fang family who was responsible for picking the silver needle maple leaves to pay tribute to the Fallen Leaf Sect, but it has not been delivered. Other forces in the city naturally have some speculations, but not only the Fang family is the maple city except the city lord’s mansion, the most powerful family is its clan. The ancestors who didn't know the life and death for many years were the city lord who was very jealous.

That's why this matter has only been delayed, and it wasn't until the Fang family steward came to him today that he knew that the death of the Luo Yezong disciple some time ago was actually caused by the Fang family.

The other party asked him to cooperate. When the Wang family came, he sent his subordinates to hand over the Silver Needle Maple Leaf King to the opponent.

Cooperation means death.

"Silver Needle Maple Leaf King?"

Ling Zhi and Ye Qingcheng glanced at each other, and their eyes became hot. Originally, this matter was just a sect mission. It only became serious when it involved Linzi's death, but they were only doing business, finding out the facts, and being able to deal with it. Just take revenge, if you can't handle it, report to the sect.

But the King of Silver Needle Maple Leaf touched them.

The battle for towers is about to begin, and every increase in strength is very necessary.

Especially for Lexus, although he defeated one, it was also the basis for the other party not to explode all spiritual power, otherwise it would be a fierce battle.

Although Ye Qingcheng had never exposed his strength, in Lexus' perception, he was probably much stronger than one.

Even he has not been able to determine whether Ye Qingcheng is on the seventh floor or has broken through to the eighth floor.

The two discussed briefly, and it was a hit, and immediately decided to go to the Maple Leaf Forest to see if there was a chance to get the Silver Needle Maple Leaf King.

Bang bang.

"Master Li, the girls carefully selected for you are brought here."

A soft and gentle sound came from outside the door.

"Junior Brother, should I go first? I can't disturb you, a gentleman of good deeds."

Ye Qingcheng teased.

Ling Zhi glared at the man surnamed Li.

"Senior Sister, don't want to make fun of me anymore. How can these remnants of flowers compare with the stunning beauty of Senior Sister."

"What do you mean? You compare me to them?"

Ye Qingcheng's tone dropped sharply.


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