God-level Punishment System

Chapter 779: Canglong out of water

As the black impurities fell, the body of the ink sword became mottled.

The blend of black and white makes the blade look very flowery and messy.

But a ray of spiritual power that was so strong that it was substantive came out of the white spots that appeared.

This scene not only surprised Ling Zhi himself, but all the enemies including Lu Kang looked at this side with puzzlement.

"Feng Lao, you have a lot of knowledge, that shape **** is obviously only a middle-grade shape pawn, what is the situation now?"

Lu Kang turned his head to ask Feng Lao who had come.

Feng Lao frowned his sparse eyebrows and shook his head.

"For so many years, I have never heard of any changes in shape soldiers, but his medium-grade shape soldiers are indeed a bit sharp and weird. Just now he attacked the old man, and with my physical body, he couldn't even hinder it."

There was a shock in Ling Zhi's hand, and finally some black impurities accelerated down, and a white trajectory like a dragon and a snake wrapped around the sword.

The black and white colors are half each, and the two colors are perfectly blended and intertwined. This extremely different color contrast makes the sword body look a bit twisted.

Spirit power is injected into the blade, the black part emits black light, and the white part emits white light.

"Although I don't know how much your power has been made by such changes, but so dazzling, it satisfies my expectations of watching sci-fi blockbusters over the years."

Ling Zhi was half joking and muttered to Mo Jian.

Om... When he said this, the ink sword hummed automatically, and its sound was clear and clear, spreading everywhere.

"Haha, you are not happy about you, that's okay, let me join you today to destroy all enemies, kill him seven in and seven out."

Lexus laughed wildly.

Suddenly left the Fallen Leaf Sect to help Ye Qingcheng complete the task, found the right person very smoothly, and smoothly inquired about what he wanted to know, and smoothly found the Maple Leaf King of Silver Needle, but found that he was betrayed, surrounded, and plunged into crisis. In a short period of time, after several twists and turns, the woman's benevolence was not rewarded with kindness, but with such consequences. Lexus' mentality gradually changed.

The road to the strong requires the heart of the strong.

After confirming that he would never retreat and go straight ahead, he finally had the heart of a strong man, although he was still very immature, but very tenacious.

The road is the direction, the heart is the power.


Ling Zhi yelled. Although there were countless enemies on the opposite side and two strong men, he was not afraid of it and took the lead.

The ink sword swayed, Lu Kang raised his sword to resist, and the long sword slid down, repeating the old technique, his body approached Lexus, Feng Lao waiting for the opportunity to move.



The two swords collided with a melodious metal crash.

Then, pieces of fine fragments suddenly popped from the sword in Lu Kang's hand. The fragments were very large, but driven by its sliding movement, the originally smooth blade seemed to have been gnawed away.

The part of the ink sword that showed the white body was so sharp.

In the past, Lexus found that the white spots on the tip of the ink sword were extremely sharp, so for the defense against the wild beasts, he mostly chose thorns, because he had the idea of ​​breaking the defense with the white spots.

Now it seems that these exposed white parts are actually the same material as the previous white spots.

In the creation of shape weapons, in addition to the lower-rank shape weapons which are purely based on the characteristics of the ore itself, the upper- and middle-rank shape weapons require the refiner to outline the formation when the body is formed, so as to strengthen the power of the shape soldiers, and to the spirit. The power of external release can greatly increase.

This is the essential difference between the upper and middle ranks. The same spiritual power is injected, but there are different power bursts. Naturally, it is more advantageous to hold the upper rank soldiers.

But in the same way, if the shape **** is damaged, there will be gaps in the magic circle, causing problems in the operation of the magic circle, and mistakes will occur in the circulation of the spiritual power that is originally in a circle with the holder.

With Lu Kang's identity and status, he is undoubtedly a top-grade soldier.

The shape soldier was destroyed, and the spiritual power that Lu Kang injected into the sword was naturally destroyed with the magic circle depicted on it, and could not form a cycle with the spiritual power in the body.

The spiritual power that was fully urged, suddenly erupted from the gap, causing it to be backlashed, his face turned red, and his blood pressure could not be suppressed.

But after all, he is a powerful person in the Ninth-level realm. This is the case. With the powerful physical power, he drives the sword against Ling Zhi, and still flies Ling Zhizhen back with a bang.

Feng Lao seized the opportunity, and the other hand held a weapon and stabbed.

Lexus shook his numb and painful arm quickly. There was no time to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, so he had to use his physical strength to block it with a sword.




Worthy of being a person who has fought for a lifetime, Feng Lao stabbed Mo Jianjian with a sword, and shook the Mo Jian against Ling Zhi's chest.

Instead of pulling back and changing strength to fight to destroy the enemy, the arm shook. Under the lead of the body, the long sword was within this distance, and it blew three times in a row.

Although every time his strength would become weak, it happened to break Lexus' anger, forcing him to hold the sword with all his strength and resist these three attacks.

If it hadn't been for the fire of the devouring spirit that hit the opponent by surprise and broke Feng Lao's arm, Ling Zhi had no doubt that if he really wanted to fight, Feng Lao might not be weaker than Lu Kang.

It's no wonder why Lu Kang respects Feng Lao so much.

The last sword shook Lexus' chest, and the arm was numb and unable to gather force under the continuous attack. This blow hit Lexus' chest through the sword.


The two bones on Ling Zhi's chest were directly broken.

The pain of broken bones instantly made Ling Zhi's face pale to the extreme, and the sweat caused by the severe pain spread all over his body in the blink of an eye.

Feng Lao finally exhausted his spare power and had to stop his pace and his attack.


However, Lexus, a 17 or 18-year-old boy, had tenacity in his heart, especially his stubbornness, far beyond his judgment.

No scruples about the broken bones, no inspection, no pause, the moment when the attack stopped, Lexus mobilized the spiritual power of his whole body, like a Canglong attack, holding the sword in both hands, and burying his head straight towards Feng Lao.

Long Lian Dafa, the first level and sixth form, Canglong out of water.

Long Lian Dafa is originally created by the real dragon, and every move has its own dragon-like dragon shape. That kind of supreme creatures, every movement has supreme power.

With a broken sternum, one-handed sword will inevitably pull the injury, resulting in uneven force. Lexus instantly thought of this posture that had been done thousands of times, holding the sword with both hands close to the chest, and was very decisive and attacked.

It can be seen from Lexus's ease of facing the enemy Fang Nan that there is not much difference between him and Feng Lao in the eighth level.

In addition, Feng Lao had just broken his arm and his strength was damaged. This unexpected attack exerted an extraordinary effect.

The Canglong came out of the water, broke out, and rushed straight into the sky, while the Shenlong waved its tail and resounded through Yu.

The movements recorded in this type of dragon practice Dafa cannot be better at this appropriate time.

The black sword pierced the blade directly with a white dot, and took all the sword body through it, piercing it straight into his.

Old Feng's eyes were wide, staring like a cow, looking at the long sword in his chest in disbelief, his face full of unwillingness.

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