God-level Punishment System

Chapter 824: Lost money

In the room, Ling Zhi was sitting upright, and a half-person high pill furnace was sitting firmly in the open space in front of him.

A strain of elixir was laid out by Lexus in accordance with the requirements of the pill prescription and arranged in a line.

The one-and-a-half inch rhizomes of hydrangea, the top of a section of five-spice zhi, etc. are all prepared in strict accordance with the requirements of the prescription.

What Ling Zhi wanted to refine was the First Grade Hui Ling Pill, a pill he had exchanged in the Luoye Contribution Hall that day.

The spirit-devouring fire emerged from the palm of his hand. With a light flick, Lexus directly threw it to the bottom of the Li furnace to place the flame.

The hollow under the pill furnace is where the flame is placed and heated. The only difference is that under the pill furnace in front of Lexus, there are dozens of low-grade spirit stones.

As soon as the Spirit Devouring Fire came into contact with the low-grade Lingshipu, it instantly became much hotter.

"Just treat it as alchemy and feed the Spirit Devourer. Maybe that one will evolve."

Ling Zhi glanced at the spirit stones in a painful way, and comforted himself.

As the temperature of the pill furnace rose, Ling Zhi pinched time and began to pour various prepared elixir materials into it.

The action is smooth and flowing, it looks like that.

The refining of the first-level spirit pill does not test the extraction of the elixir and the control of the flame. It just needs to roughly blend the various elixir together, just waiting for the pill at every time and amount.

The time passed by one minute and one second. Because of the scattered arrangement of the spirit stones, the fire of spirit devouring was not burning intensely, just reaching the temperature for refining a first-grade pill.

After half an hour, some slight scents floated out of the pill furnace, Ling Zhi's eyes lit up, and he was about to step forward to uncover the lid of the pill furnace.


A soft sound suddenly spread from the bottom of the pill furnace.

The scorching sound filled the nose instantly.

Depressed, he cleaned up a pool of ashes in the pill furnace, Ling Zhi frowned and thought for a moment, then opened the furnace for refining.




"Second, what's the matter with your inn? Why does it keep shaking and scaring me to death."

Downstairs, in an inferior guest room, someone poked his head and shouted into the lobby.

"Go, go and see."

The shopkeeper did not lift his head, waved his hand, and ordered.

The shop two was thrown out by Lexus last time, and he was picked up by the person and fell again. He still has gauze on his face. He glanced downstairs after hearing the words, and his body trembled without moving.


The shopkeeper's sight left from the ledger, and looked towards Store Two.

"Why, I can't tell you anymore, right?"

"You can move, you can move, it's just the shopkeeper, look, look at that direction."

The second shop gestured.

The inn is not big, there are three upper rooms in total, and now there is only one upper-class room in this inn, which is the Lexus.

The shopkeeper's complexion tangled for a moment,

"It doesn't matter, if anyone else can't stand the sound, let them go up and find it by themselves."

Now the inn has just such a few housing deals, and it still lives on the big head of Lexus. What's more, the other party is so decisive. Now that his fellow is still covered with gauze, the fool is going to get rid of it.


The door of Ling Zhi's room suddenly opened, and a middle-grade spirit stone was dropped in the air.

"Excuse me, this spirit stone is just like I invite you to drink and apologize."

Lexus's voice spread far away.

The shopkeeper looked overjoyed and took the Lingshi one by one, overjoyed.

At least this piece of spirit stone had dozens of excellent wines and dishes, no matter how he counted it, he made money.

In the room, Ling Zhi's brows were tightly furrowed, and a strong burnt smell made people breathless in the room.

A pool of black ash, piled on one side.

"Really, isn't it because the first-rank pill has no skills? This is not to refine the third-rank pill. It is necessary to control the flame to extract the elixir, and to refine the fourth-rank pill. There must be a matching method and use the soul power to control the elixir to fuse into the pill.

It's just a mere pill! "

Lexus complained that not only did he not put away the alchemy furnace and gave up the idea of ​​alchemy, but on the contrary, he showed firmness. He immersed himself in holding books, alchemy prescriptions, and elixir, comparing them one by one, and pondering them one by one.

Don't hit the south wall, swear not to look back.

If you hit the south wall, then hit it and move on! If this is seen by any alchemist, it will be speechless. Although the first grade pill has no skills at all, it can be regarded as a test for the introduction of alchemy at best, a practice.

Profits are also very low, and only a little bit more after the second grade pill.

But if alchemy can be made by someone who immerses himself in it for a while, there will not be so few alchemists in this world, and their status will not be so noble.

Accurate to the smallest elixir ratio, temperature control, time control, which is not a threshold.

This thing is also particular about one, and the master leads it in.

Although the practice depends on the individual, you must first lead you in.

But just like practice, Ling Zhi didn't believe in this evil anymore. The first person to practice was definitely not taught, and the first person to practice alchemy must have figured it out by himself.

He began to try again and again, summing up his experience over and over again, the smell in the house became stronger and stronger, and the banging sound became less and less.

Until the evening, Lexus's eyes were red and bloodshot in his eyes. He looked terrible, but his expression became more calm.

The first-grade Huiling Pill can be refined by any alchemist, that is, those apprentices in the Yuan Pavilion who can refine the second-grade pill are called apprentices.

This is just a transitional period, just like the warriors everywhere in the early stage of the physical realm, the status of the alchemist who can only refine the first-grade Huiling Pill is naturally nothing.

After that, no one, like Lexus, spent a whole time refining this kind of pill.

He bought thousands of first-level spirit pills of a thousand spirit stones in one go, and after matching it, he could refine at least five hundred Hui spirit pills.

But until now, with the exception of a few poor-quality Huiling Pills that were occasionally refined, Lexus has been failing continuously.

But with the advent of night, Lexus' movements became more and more proficient. He no longer looked at the elixir at all, and placed the position of the elixir to prevent himself from forgetting. Everything became a habit.

Looking up at the pill furnace, observing the temperature of the pill furnace, occasionally adjust the burning degree of the spirit-devouring fire, without looking at the elixir, grabbing the elixir, and throwing them into the pill furnace one by one.

From the moon to mid-air, it was in the middle of the night when Ling Zhi was sitting in the house, with moonlight shining on him through the window and on his face.

He opened a pair of bloodshot eyes and smiled suddenly.

In the cold moonlight, it looks strange.

He stood up, patted the furnace lid lightly, and patted the furnace body twice. A series of six rounded elixir flew out of the pill furnace and dropped into his hand precisely. Not scattered, just condensed on the surface of the medicine.

Definitely regarded as the top grade Hui Ling Pill.

And six in a row, it is the highest amount of pill for a pot of rejuvenating spirits. It is for a third-level alchemist to refine it. It is best to spend less time, but it is impossible to make the pill more and better. Up.

Satisfied with putting the Hui Ling Pill into the medicine bottle, Ling Zhi finally stopped.

Turning his head and looking into the room, he probably counted the number of Lingzhi Pills. After calculating his own cost with his fingers, Lexus had a bitter expression and fell straight back.

"Damn, isn't it the most profitable alchemist? How come I have lost money!"

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